Hi everyone,
@BWG asked me to check in and give you guys an update on the new stats site. Been working on it for a few weeks now and think it's in a good state to see how it works with real Folders (and not just @BWG and @Bastiaan_NL ?).
So for those of you who don't know, the old TC stats site was built about a decade ago, with most of the logic written in PHP. But it meant that UI, back-end and DB logic all kind of sat in the one place, making it difficult to change/maintain. I'll be honest, I didn't expect it to still be running 10 years later, so props to the guys for building/maintaining it over the years. ?
But since it's "the future", and we had a few new features we wanted implemented, we thought we'd try to rebuild it to make it a bit more flexible and manageable. I won't go into a lot of technical details here (though I can follow up later in another post if people are interested). The main goal was to replicate what we already had (retrieving stats for a user + passkey, creating teams of those users, comparing users within categories), while also adding some flexibility (adding multipliers based on the hardware being used, hourly updates, better distinction between front-end/back-end/DB, portability).
The status right now is that the following is implemented:
REST APIs to add hardware, TC users, and TC teams
Users can Fold for any Stanford team (so open to EHW, OCN and anyone else who wants to join I guess)
Hourly updates
A multiplier (based on hardware from the LARS PPD database and OS)
WU count in addition to points
Overall TC stats, and daily stats per user
Ranking of teams and users
There's no UI yet, but everything is available through a REST API in JSON. Here's a little roadmap of features I'm still working on, including:
'Retiring' users from a team, while still keeping their stats for the team
Daily/monthly stats for teams
Ranking users across a category
Points comparison to leading team/user
Build a small PoC UI to make things look less... text-y for you guys
Look into a monitoring tool for metrics/statistics on the system
Documentation/architecture diagrams and some more back-end improvements, try and make this more maintainable in future
We're starting to run with 3 or so teams for the moment, and you can see the outputs here (not as nice as the main site, but we can make it look pretty later):
Stats Page
All the source code is available on github too, so if anyone wants to keep an eye on changes or wants to see the source, send me a PM.