Not many tweaks to do, but you will want to adjust the number of cores threads per CPU slot. You can do that using FAHControl. There are a few things that GROMACS (the program that is used behind the scenes for CPU folding) doesn't play nicely with. Primarily this is any thread count above 32 and also any thread count that is a prime > 7 or has a large prime factor. Also, it is best to set up multiple CPU slots, so that you will get the most work. What can happen if you have too high of a thread count is that you will get assigned work that does not use all of the available threads. I have found that the best max number of threads for each slot is 24. Any higher (up to 32) and you can still get work, but sometimes the WUs will be less than 32 threads.
Not sure how many GPUs you have in the system, but each NVIDIA GPU will need to be given at least 1 thread (I recommend 2 (one whole core)). Here is how I would set up a 32 core processor with two GPUs.
First CPU slot - 16
Second CPU slot - 16
Third CPU slot - 16
Fourth CPU slot - 10
That leaves a few cores to feed the GPUs and a core for general overhead.
To set the number of cores per slot go to Configure -> Slots
Highlight your CPU slot and then click edit
The default is -1, and that will just set it to fold on all threads -1.
Set that to 16 then click OK.
Now click on add
Select CPU and set it to 16
Do the same thing again until you have added all the slots you want and then click Save
That should be it, and you should start to pick up work for each slot
Also for anyone else that is folding on their CPU, all of the new tasks, which are a_7 type work units, do use AVX instructions. This means you are going to see quite a bit more heat and power usage.
The old version of FAHBench is compiled with an older type of CPU task that does not use AVX instructions.