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Everything posted by BWG

  1. I shipped it off last year for the tune, but I didn't claim to still own the Mustang, just said it was slower , so someday you'll see me posting a car if Ford ever figures out what S650 Mustang will have to offer (an incentive to keep all the Mustang stuff I own for decoration). Otherwise, I'm going Panamera Turbo or S5 Supercharged.
  2. Matt Barrington with Jackal Motorsports. They blow away JHM. 380 to the crank and 328 at the wheels quattro. Not too bad, but slow compared to the Mustang.
  3. I'm tuned, but I just shipped off the ECU because I just don't have the time for it anymore.
  4. Banned for lining corsairs pockets with fat stacks of cash for no reason other than ocd!
  5. I mean, they make bluetooth ear pieces now, but he just has to have his wittwe chaiw.
  6. All of the new multipliers are loaded as of now, so we can now see how these are going to go over the next day and a half to give us an idea how we stack up. Damric's multiplier went way down, so he shouldn't run away from all of us this time.
  7. Averages being used for August 1st are being loaded today now. All O/S Average is the field we will be basing the 1st month adjustments on. 1 GEFORCE RTX 3090 GA102 [GeForce RTX 3090] 5,350,108 6,269,739 5,350,108 Nvidia GA102 2 GEFORCE RTX 3080 TI GA102 [GeForce RTX 3080 Ti] 5,180,087 5,180,087 Nvidia GA102 3 GEFORCE RTX 3080 10GB / 20GB GA102 [GeForce RTX 3080 10GB / 20GB] 4,826,135 5,776,545 4,826,135 Nvidia GA102 4 GEFORCE RTX 3080 GA102 [GeForce RTX 3080] 4,371,707 4,371,707 Nvidia GA102 5 TITAN RTX TU102 [TITAN RTX] 16310 4,355,675 4,355,675 Nvidia TU102 6 RADEON RX 6900 XT Navi 21 [Radeon RX 6900 XT] 4,110,766 4,110,766 AMD NAVI 21 7 GEFORCE RTX 2080 TI REV. A TU102 [GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Rev. A] M 13448 3,806,426 4,642,448 3,430,908 Nvidia TU102 8 QUADRO RTX 6000/8000 TU102GL [Quadro RTX 6000/8000] 3,763,503 3,763,503 Nvidia TU102GL 9 TESLA V100 SXM2 16GB GV100GL [Tesla V100 SXM2 16GB] M 14899 3,696,367 3,696,367 Nvidia GV100GL 10 GEFORCE RTX 3070 TI GA104 [GeForce RTX 3070 Ti] 3,229,471 3,635,002 3,032,467 Nvidia GA104 11 GEFORCE RTX 2080 TI TU102 [GeForce RTX 2080 Ti] M 13448 3,209,345 3,786,268 2,813,502 Nvidia TU102 12 GEFORCE RTX 2070 SUPER TU104 [GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER] 8218 2,633,708 2,833,858 2,633,708 Nvidia TU104 13 GEFORCE RTX 3070 GA104 [GeForce RTX 3070] 2,629,577 3,999,475 2,629,577 Nvidia GA104 14 TITAN XP GP102 [TITAN Xp] 12150 2,627,099 2,305,743 2,640,764 Nvidia GP102 15 GEFORCE RTX 2080 SUPER MOBILE / MAX-Q TU104M [GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER Mobile / Max-Q] 2,420,902 2,420,902 Nvidia TU104M 16 GEFORCE RTX 2070 SUPER TU104 [GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER] 2,412,148 2,412,148 Nvidia TU104 17 GEFORCE RTX 2080 REV. A TU104 [GeForce RTX 2080 Rev. A] 10068 2,277,351 2,842,678 2,277,351 Nvidia TU104 18 GEFORCE RTX 2060 TU104 [GeForce RTX 2060] 2,265,579 2,361,217 1,568,565 Nvidia TU104 19 GEFORCE RTX 3060 TI LITE HASH RATE GA104 [GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Lite Hash Rate] 2,214,119 2,214,119 Nvidia GA104 20 RTX A4000 GA104GL [RTX A4000] 2,213,285 2,213,285 GA104GL 21 RADEON RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT Navi 21 [Radeon RX 6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT] 2,204,575 4,235,741 2,204,575 AMD NAVI 21 22 GEFORCE RTX 2080 SUPER TU104 [GeForce RTX 2080 Super] 2,195,180 3,594,170 2,195,180 Nvidia TU104 23 GEFORCE RTX 3060 TI GA104 [GeForce RTX 3060 Ti] 2,188,834 2,842,644 2,188,834 Nvidia GA104 24 GEFORCE GTX 1080 TI GP102 [GeForce GTX 1080 Ti] 11380 2,160,325 2,306,017 1,901,302 Nvidia GP102 25 GEFORCE RTX 2070 REV. A TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070 Rev. A] M 7465 2,103,002 2,138,928 2,453,200 Nvidia TU106 26 GEFORCE RTX 2080 TU104 [GeForce RTX 2080] 2,053,821 2,053,821 Nvidia TU104 27 RADEON VII Vega 20 [Radeon VII] 2,008,233 2,006,820 AMD VEGA 20 28 GEFORCE RTX 2060 SUPER TU106 [GeForce RTX 2060 Super] 1,925,197 2,169,908 1,925,197 Nvidia TU106 29 GEFORCE RTX 3070 MOBILE / MAX-Q GA104M [GeForce RTX 3070 Mobile / Max-Q] 1,920,304 1,920,304 Nvidia GA104M 30 GEFORCE RTX 3060 LAPTOP GPU GA106M [GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU] 1,874,913 1,874,913 Nvidia GA106M 31 RADEON RX 6700/6700 XT / 6800M Navi 22 [Radeon RX 6700/6700 XT / 6800M] 1,848,120 1,848,120 AMD NAVI 22 32 GEFORCE RTX 3060 GA106 [GeForce RTX 3060] 1,762,014 2,015,786 1,762,014 Nvidia GA106 33 GEFORCE RTX 2070 MOBILE TU106BM [GeForce RTX 2070 Mobile] 6636 1,757,420 1,757,420 Nvidia TU106BM 34 GEFORCE RTX 2080 SUPER MOBILE / MAX-Q TU104BM [GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER Mobile / Max-Q] 1,746,532 1,746,532 Nvidia TU104BM 35 GEFORCE RTX 2070 TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070] M 6497 1,731,189 2,012,329 1,768,635 Nvidia TU106 36 TESLA P100 16GB GP100GL [Tesla P100 16GB] 9526 1,717,484 1,717,484 Nvidia GP100GL 37 TESLA P40 GP102GL [Tesla P40] 11760 1,696,300 1,696,300 Nvidia GP102GL 38 GEFORCE RTX 2060 KO TU106-200A [GeForce RTX 2060] 1,620,208 1,780,442 1,308,587 Nvidia TU106-200A 39 GEFORCE RTX 3060 LITE HASH RATE GA106 [GeForce RTX 3060 Lite Hash Rate] 1,575,997 1,575,997 Nvidia GA106 40 GEFORCE RTX 3070 MOBILE / MAX-Q 8GB/16GB GA104M [GeForce RTX 3070 Mobile / Max-Q 8GB/16GB] 1,473,876 1,473,876 Nvidia GA104M 41 GEFORCE RTX 2060 TU106 [Geforce RTX 2060] 1,468,915 1,593,210 1,468,915 Nvidia TU106 42 RADEON VII Vega 20 [Radeon VII] 13,284 1,406,245 1,852,945 1,406,245 AMD VEGA 20 43 GEFORCE RTX 3060 MOBILE / MAX-Q GA106M [GeForce RTX 3060 Mobile / Max-Q] 1,403,983 1,403,983 Nvidia GA106M 44 GEFORCE GTX TITAN X GM200 [GeForce GTX Titan X] 6144 1,331,736 1,428,810 1,331,736 Nvidia GM200 45 GEFORCE RTX 2060 MOBILE TU106M [GeForce RTX 2060 Mobile] 4608 1,292,503 1,292,503 Nvidia TU106M 46 RADEON RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT/5700/5700 XT Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT/5700/5700 XT] 1,270,343 1,350,234 1,270,343 AMD NAVI 10 47 GEFORCE GTX 1070 TI GP104 [GeForce GTX 1070 Ti] 8186 1,230,311 1,242,865 1,214,390 Nvidia GP104 48 GEFORCE RTX 2060 MOBILE TU106M [GeForce RTX 2060 Mobile] 1,217,112 1,217,112 Nvidia TU106M 49 QUADRO RTX 4000 TU104GL [Quadro RTX 4000] 1,190,769 1,190,769 Nvidia TU104GL 50 GEFORCE GTX 980 TI GM200 [GeForce GTX 980 Ti] 5632 1,183,860 1,183,860 Nvidia GM200 51 GEFORCE RTX 2060 MOBILE / MAX-Q TU106M [GeForce RTX 2060 Mobile / Max-Q] 4550 1,120,663 1,120,663 Nvidia TU106M 52 GEFORCE GTX 1070 GP104 [GeForce GTX 1070] 6463 1,075,392 1,160,822 853,274 Nvidia GP104 53 TESLA T4 TU104GL [Tesla T4] 8141 1,066,648 1,066,648 Nvidia TU104GL 54 GEFORCE GTX 1660 TI TU116 [GeForce GTX 1660 Ti] 1,006,734 1,161,765 1,006,734 Nvidia TU116 55 TESLA M40 GM200GL [Tesla M40] 6844 1,006,428 917,238 1,006,428 Nvidia GM200GL 56 RADEON RX VEGA 56/64 Vega 10 XL/XT [Radeon RX Vega 56/64] 995,671 674,211 995,671 AMD VEGA 10 XL/XT 57 GEFORCE GTX 1660 SUPER TU116 [GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER] 966,701 1,101,433 833,230 Nvidia TU116 58 GEFORCE GTX 1660 MOBILE TU116M [GeForce GTX 1660 Mobile] 937,115 937,115 Nvidia TU116M 59 GEFORCE GTX 1070 MOBILE GP104M [GeForce GTX 1070 Mobile] 908,115 908,115 Nvidia GP104M 60 GEFORCE GTX 1080 GP104 [GeForce GTX 1080] 8873 905,629 1,529,211 824,959 Nvidia GP104 61 GEFORCE GTX 1080 MOBILE GP104M [GeForce GTX 1080 Mobile] 901,192 898,268 Nvidia GP104M 62 RADEON RX 5600/5600 XT - 5700/5700 XT Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5700 XT] 894,631 75,051 894,631 AMD NAVI 10 63 GEFORCE GTX 1660 TU116 [GeForce GTX 1660] 869,338 711,737 868,784 Nvidia TU116 64 GEFORCE RTX 3050 TI MOBILE GA107M [GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Mobile] 713,243 713,243 Nvidia GA107M 65 QUADRO P4200 MOBILE GP104GLM [Quadro P4200 Mobile] 710,181 710,181 Nvidia GP104GLM 66 RADEON VEGA FRONTIER EDITION Vega 10 XTX [Radeon Vega Frontier Edition] 704,690 704,690 AMD VEGA 10 XTX 67 GEFORCE GTX 980 GM204 [GeForce GTX 980] 4612 639,940 809,015 639,940 Nvidia GM204 68 GEFORCE GTX 1070 GP104 [GeForce GTX 1070] 634,848 634,848 Nvidia GP104 69 GEFORCE GTX 1650 SUPER TU116 [GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER] 617,755 624,669 617,755 Nvidia TU116 70 GEFORCE GTX 1060 6GB GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB] 4372 584,980 844,399 577,301 Nvidia GP106 71 GEFORCE GTX 1650 TU117 [GeForce GTX 1650] 3091 561,948 561,948 Nvidia TU117 72 GEFORCE GTX 1060 3GB GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 3GB] 3935 529,581 611,821 529,581 Nvidia GP106 73 GEFORCE GTX 780 TI GK110 [GeForce GTX 780 Ti] 5046 511,416 511,416 Nvidia GK110 74 GEFORCE GTX 1650 TI MOBILE TU116M [GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Mobile] 510,896 615,208 510,896 Nvidia TU116M 75 QUADRO P5000 GP104GL [Quadro P5000] 507,198 475,078 Nvidia GP104GL 76 GEFORCE GTX 970 GM204 [GeForce GTX 970] 3494 482,668 623,820 482,668 Nvidia GM204 77 RADEON R9 FURY X Fiji XT [Radeon R9 Fury X] 477,108 290,401 491,636 AMD FIJI XT 78 QUADRO P2200 GP106GL [Quadro P2200] 473,082 473,082 Nvidia GP106GL 79 QUADRO T2000 MOBILE / MAX-Q TU117GLM [Quadro T2000 Mobile / Max-Q] 452,838 452,838 Nvidia TU117GLM 80 RADEON RX 5500/5500M / PRO 5500M Navi 14 [Radeon RX 5500/5500M / Pro 5500M] 447,365 508,925 447,269 AMD NAVI 14 81 TESLA P4 GP104GL [Tesla P4] 5704 435,029 435,029 Nvidia GP104GL 82 GEFORCE GTX 1650 TU116 [GeForce GTX 1650] 2984 434,976 496,638 434,976 Nvidia TU116 83 RADEON RX 470/480/570/580/590 Ellesmere XT [Radeon RX 470/480/570/580/590] 428,948 407,253 475,029 AMD ELLESMERE XT 84 P104-100 GP104 [P104-100] 423,526 423,526 1,018,205 Nvidia GP104 85 RADEON PRO VEGA 48 Vega 10 Pro [Radeon Pro Vega 48] 417,624 417,624 AMD VEGA 10 PRO 86 RADEON R9 200/300 SERIES Hawaii [Radeon R9 200/300 Series] 411,218 242,233 411,218 AMD HAWAII 87 RADEON R9 200/300X SERIES Hawaii [Radeon R9 200/300X Series] 410,621 410,621 AMD HAWAII 88 GEFORCE GTX 1650 TI MOBILE TU117M [GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Mobile] 391,962 391,962 Nvidia TU117M 89 GEFORCE GTX 1060 MOBILE GP106M [GeForce GTX 1060 Mobile] 391,750 391,750 Nvidia GP106M 90 QUADRO T1000 MOBILE TU117GLM [Quadro T1000 Mobile] 379,614 379,614 Nvidia TU117GLM 91 TESLA K20M GK110 [Tesla K20M] 3524 357,303 357,303 Nvidia GK110 92 GEFORCE GTX 1050 TI GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti] 2138 355,786 355,786 Nvidia GP107 93 GEFORCE GTX 1650 MOBILE / MAX-Q TU117M [GeForce GTX 1650 Mobile / Max-Q] 353,336 509,230 353,336 Nvidia TU117M 94 P106-100 GP106 [P106-100] 341,164 341,164 754,006 Nvidia GP106 95 GEFORCE GTX 780 GK110 [GeForce GTX 780] 3977 338,642 338,642 Nvidia GK110 96 QUADRO M4000 GM204GL [Quadro M4000] 303,766 303,766 Nvidia GM204GL 97 RADEON R9 280/HD 7900/8950 Tahiti PRO [Radeon R9 280/HD 7900/8950] 295,417 113,279 295,417 AMD TAHITI PRO 98 GEFORCE GTX 1650 TU117 [GeForce GTX 1650] 292,498 338,978 288,532 Nvidia TU117 99 QUADRO M2200 GM206 [Quadro M2200] 279,296 279,296 Nvidia GM206 100 P106-090 GP106 [P106-090] 277,123 258,203 277,123 Nvidia GP106 101 GEFORCE GTX 1050 LP GP107 [GeForce GTX 1050 LP] 1862 264,266 319,012 264,266 Nvidia GP107 102 GEFORCE GTX 950 GM206 [GeForce GTX 950] 1572 263,070 263,070 Nvidia GM206 103 GEFORCE GTX 1050 MOBILE GP107M [GeForce GTX 1050 Mobile] 258,015 258,015 Nvidia GP107M 104 GEFORCE GTX 1050 TI MOBILE GP107M [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Mobile] 257,754 257,754 Nvidia GP107M 105 GEFORCE GTX 670/GTX 760TI OEM GK104 [GeForce GTX 670/GTX 760Ti OEM] 2634 239,466 222,156 251,006 Nvidia GK104 106 GEFORCE GTX 680 GK104 [GeForce GTX 680] 3250 226,182 226,182 Nvidia GK104 107 RADEON RX VEGA M XL [Radeon RX Vega M XL] 212,177 193,789 212,177 AMD VEGA 108 GEFORCE GTX 660 TI GK104 [GeForce GTX 660 Ti] 2634 209,325 193,164 209,325 Nvidia GK104 109 RADEON R9 200/300 SERIES Tonga [Radeon R9 200/300 Series] 201,998 201,998 AMD TONGA 110 RADEON R9 M295X Amethyst XT [Radeon R9 M295X] 199,446 189,273 AMD AMETHYST XT 111 GEFORCE GTX 690 GK104 [GeForce GTX 690] 3130 199,409 199,409 Nvidia GK104 112 GEFORCE GTX 850M GM107 [GeForce GTX 850M] 1155 199,132 209,119 87,615 Nvidia GM107 113 QUADRO M1200 GM107GLM [Quadro M1200] 1399 187,891 187,891 Nvidia GM107GLM 114 GRID M40 GM107GL [GRID M40] 184,161 184,161 Nvidia GM107GL 115 GEFORCE GTX 960 GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] 2308 181,847 311,946 109,824 Nvidia GM206 116 GEFORCE GTX 965M/950 GM206M [GeForce GTX 965M/950] 175,328 175,328 Nvidia GM206M 117 RADEON R9 200 SERIES Hawaii [Radeon R9 200 Series] 152,925 152,925 AMD HAWAII 118 GEFORCE GTX 770 GK104 [GeForce GTX 770] 3213 149,152 247,138 134,944 Nvidia GK104 119 QUADRO P1000 MOBILE GP107GLM [Quadro P1000 Mobile] 145,040 145,040 Nvidia GP107GLM 120 QUADRO K2200 GM107GL [Quadro K2200] 136,035 136,035 Nvidia GM107GL 121 GEFORCE GTX 750 TI GM107 [GeForce GTX 750 Ti] 1389 134,079 251,129 134,079 Nvidia GM107 122 GEFORCE GTX 760 GK104 [GeForce GTX 760] 2258 130,452 158,023 119,525 Nvidia GK104 123 RADEON HD 7800 Pitcairn [Radeon HD 7800] 125,965 125,965 AMD PITCAIRN 124 GEFORCE 940MX GM108M [GeForce 940MX] 125,546 125,546 Nvidia GM108M 125 GEFORCE GTX 660 GK106 [GeForce GTX 660] 124,811 124,811 Nvidia GK106 126 QUADRO P1000 GP107GL [Quadro P1000] 124,485 260,778 124,485 Nvidia GP107GL 127 QUADRO P620 GP107GL [Quadro P620] 121,661 92,893 125,792 Nvidia GP107GL 128 GEFORCE MX230 GP108M [GeForce MX230] 119,970 119,970 Nvidia GP108M 129 GEFORCE MX150 GP108 [GeForce MX150] 119,297 119,297 Nvidia GP108 130 QUADRO M2000M GM107GLM [Quadro M2000M] 118,372 118,372 Nvidia GM107GLM 131 GEFORCE GTX 775M GK104 [GeForce GTX 775M] 115,952 115,952 Nvidia GK104 132 GEFORCE GTX 670MX GK106 [GeForce GTX 670MX] 114,100 114,100 Nvidia GK106 133 GTX 650 TI BOOST GK106 [GTX 650 Ti Boost] 113,810 113,810 Nvidia GK106 134 RADEON HD 7790 Bonaire XT [Radeon HD 7790] 111,573 111,573 AMD BONAIRE XT 135 RADEON RX 460 Baffin XT [Radeon RX 460] 107,351 107,351 AMD BAFFIN XT 136 QUADRO K4200 GK104 [Quadro K4200] 104,722 104,722 Nvidia GK104 137 GEFORCE GTX 750 GM107 [GeForce GTX 750] 1111 103,000 103,000 Nvidia GM107 138 POLARIS11 Baffin [Polaris11] 102,066 95,359 129,421 AMD BAFFIN 139 RADEON RX 270/370 Curacao Pro [Radeon Rx 270/370] 99,586 99,586 AMD CURACAO PRO 140 GEFORCE GTX 960M GM107 [GeForce GTX 960M] 1439 96,295 96,295 Nvidia GM107 141 RADEON R7 200 SERIES Hawaii [Radeon R7 200 Series] 95,033 95,033 AMD HAWAII 142 RADEON HD 7800 SERIES Pitcairn PRO [Radeon HD 7800 Series] 94,584 94,584 AMD PITCAIRN PRO 143 QUADRO K1200 GM107GL [Quadro K1200] 87,994 87,994 Nvidia GM107GL 144 QUADRO K4000 GK104 [Quadro K4000] 87,898 87,898 Nvidia GK104 145 QUADRO K5100M GK104 [Quadro K5100M] 81,932 81,932 Nvidia GK104 146 GEFORCE GTX 750 TI GM107 [GeForce GTX 750 Ti] 1306 81,018 85,504 Nvidia GM107 147 RADEON RX VEGA GFX902 raven [Radeon RX Vega gfx902] 77,910 77,910 AMD RAVEN 148 GEFORCE GT 1030 GP108 [GeForce GT 1030] 1127 77,497 148,318 77,497 Nvidia GP108 149 GEFORCE GT 1030 GP108 [GeForce GT 1030] 75,591 75,591 Nvidia GP108 150 GEFORCE GTX 950M GM107 [GeForce GTX 950M] 1439 71,171 58,071 Nvidia GM107 151 RADEON RX 550 SERIES AMD/ATI [Radeon RX 550 Series] 70,892 70,892 AMD AMD/ATI 152 NVS 310 GF119 [NVS 310] 100 67,277 67,277 GF119 153 RADEON R7/R6 360 SERIES Bonaire [Radeon R7/R6 360 Series] 64,397 64,397 AMD BONAIRE 154 GEFORCE MX250 GP108M [GeForce MX250] 62,333 62,333 Nvidia GP108M 155 RADEON R7 250X/HD 7700/8760 R575A [Radeon R7 250X/HD 7700/8760] 59,465 59,465 AMD R575A 156 QUADRO K620 GM107GL [Quadro K620] 58,097 54,735 58,141 Nvidia GM107GL 157 IRIS(R) XE GRAPHICS TGL GT2 [Iris(R) Xe Graphics] 57,269 57,269 TGL GT2 158 RYZEN 4900HS MOBILE Renoir [Ryzen 4900HS mobile] 51,665 52,096 AMD RENOIR 159 GEFORCE MX130 GM108M [GeForce MX130] 51,499 51,499 Nvidia GM108M 160 VENUS R9 M275X HD 8800M series/[Venus R9 M275X] 1184 48,882 48,882 AMD HD 8800M SERIES/ 161 GEFORCE GT 840M GM108 [GeForce GT 840M] 47,643 47,643 Nvidia GM108 162 GEFORCE GTX 470 GF100 [GeForce GTX 470] 1088 47,427 47,427 Nvidia GF100 163 FIREPRO R5000 (FIREGL V) Pitcairn [FirePro R5000 (FireGL V)] 46,182 46,182 AMD PITCAIRN 164 GEFORCE GTX 560 TI GF114 [GeForce GTX 560 Ti] 45,985 45,985 Nvidia GF114 165 RADEON RX VEGA 10 MOBILE Raven [Radeon RX Vega 10 Mobile] 44,457 44,457 AMD RAVEN 166 QUADRO K2000 GK107 [Quadro K2000] 43,798 43,798 Nvidia GK107 167 GEFORCE GTX 550 TI GF116 [GeForce GTX 550 Ti] 691 42,191 20,849 42,191 Nvidia GF116 168 RADEON R7 240/HD8570 Hawaii [Radeon R7 240/HD8570] 41,445 41,445 AMD HAWAII 169 QUADRO K5000 GK104 [Quadro K5000] 41,227 41,227 Nvidia GK104 170 GEFORCE GTX 460 V2 GF114 [GeForce GTX 460 v2] 1045.6 39,905 39,905 Nvidia GF114 171 GEFORCE 920M GK208 [GeForce 920M] 38,085 38,085 Nvidia GK208 172 GEFORCE GTX 650 GK107 [GeForce GTX 650] 812 37,188 37,188 Nvidia GK107 173 RYZEN VEGA 8 MOBILE Raven [Ryzen vega 8 mobile] 37,142 37,142 AMD RAVEN 174 UHD GRAPHICS 630 CFL GT2 [UHD Graphics 630] 35,818 35,818 Intel CFL GT2 175 QUADRO P400 GP107GL [Quadro P400] 641 35,543 26,805 46,124 Nvidia GP107GL 176 RADEON R9 200/HD 7900/8970 Tahiti XT [Radeon R9 200/HD 7900/8970] 34,458 34,458 AMD TAHITI XT 177 GEFORCE GT 710 GK208B [GeForce GT 710] 366 34,252 37,625 18,441 Nvidia GK208B 178 UHD GRAPHICS 620 KBL GT2 [UHD Graphics 620] 33,982 33,982 KBL GT2 179 RADEON R7 250/HD 7700 R575A [Radeon R7 250/HD 7700] 32,874 32,859 AMD R575A 180 GEFORCE GTX 560 GF114 [GeForce GTX 560] 32,498 32,498 Nvidia GF114 181 GEFORCE GTX 745 GM107 [GeForce GTX 745] 793 32,479 32,479 Nvidia GM107 182 GEFORCE GT 730 GK208B [GeForce GT 730] 692.7 31,735 31,735 Nvidia GK208B 183 IRIS(R) GRAPHICS 540 SKL GT3 [Iris(R) Graphics 540] 31,310 31,310 SKL GT3 184 GEFORCE 940M GM108 [GeForce 940M] 27,494 27,494 Nvidia GM108 185 HD GRAPHICS 530 SKL GT2 [HD Graphics 530] 26,666 26,666 SKL GT2 186 HD GRAPHICS 630 KBL GT2 [HD Graphics 630] 26,054 26,054 Intel KBL GT2 187 QUADRO P500 MOBILE GP108GLM [Quadro P500 Mobile] 24,462 24,462 Nvidia GP108GLM 188 GEFORCE MX110 GM108M [GeForce MX110] 23,122 23,122 Nvidia GM108M 189 RADEON R7 Kaveri [Radeon R7] 22,608 22,608 AMD KAVERI 190 RADEON HD 5800/6800 Cypress [Radeon HD 5800/6800] 22,540 22,540 AMD CYPRESS 191 GEFORCE GT 635 GF116 [GeForce GT 635] 336 21,851 21,851 Nvidia GF116 192 GEFORCE GT 640 GK107 [GeForce GT 640] 693 21,491 24,084 20,149 Nvidia GK107 193 GEFORCE GTX 670M GF114 [GeForce GTX 670M] 20,352 20,352 Nvidia GF114 194 RADEON R7 200 SERIES/HD 8670 Hawaii [Radeon R7 200 Series/HD 8670] 16,446 16,422 AMD HAWAII 195 GEFORCE GT 650M GK107 [GeForce GT 650M] 14,768 14,768 Nvidia GK107 196 GEFORCE GT 740 GK107 [GeForce GT 740] 762 12,883 12,883 Nvidia GK107 197 FIREPRO W2100 Oland GL [FirePro W2100] 11,925 11,925 AMD OLAND GL 198 QUADRO K600 GK107 [Quadro K600] 11,684 11,684 Nvidia GK107 199 GEFORCE GTS 450 GF106 [GeForce GTS 450] 11,387 11,387 Nvidia GF106 200 RADEON APU A4-6000 R2 Mullins [Radeon APU A4-6000 R2] 9,712 9,712 AMD MULLINS 201 RADEON R5/R6 Kaveri [Radeon R5/R6] 8,748 8,748 AMD KAVERI 202 QUADRO K1100M GK107 [Quadro K1100M] 5,989 5,989 Nvidia GK107 203 GEFORCE GT 630M GF108 [GeForce GT 630M] 4,667 4,667 Nvidia GF108 204 RADEON HD 5600 SERIES Redwood [Radeon HD 5600 Series] 3,081 AMD REDWOOD 205 UHD GRAPHICS 605 GLK 3 [UHD Graphics 605] 1,964 1,964 Intel GLK 3 206 HD GRAPHICS 4000 [HD Graphics 4000] 440 440 Intel 207 QUADRO 2000 GF106 [Quadro 2000] 480 Nvidia GF106 208 QUADRO P2000 GP106GL [Quadro P2000] [MED-XN71] 3935 Nvidia GP106GL 209 GEFORCE GT 630 GF108 [GeForce GT 630] 311 Nvidia GF108
  8. No rush, we'll figure it out with E. I paid $59 each for those aio's - an associates discount. Glad I did, would be paying $40 more today.
  9. We have working migrated stats, but have some url changes to make. I'll begin my work tomorrow inputting team and user changes. We'll share the url soon so you can see the new multipliers etc. Few days collecting stats, then a reset for our official first month.
  10. Great deal on these bstock right now.
  11. Yeah, some people that care about heat, draw, longevity, and efficiency should find everything relevant, I hope. I'm going to just go ahead and jump down to 50% tomorrow just to record the drastic change everyone is probably hoping to see sooner rather than a gradual decrease of 5% incrementally. I hope the crowd goes wild!

    • FOR SALE
    • USED

    Someone needs this, I'm sure of it! 56k dial-up modem.

    4.98 USD

    Laurelville, Ohio - US

  13. More Gigawatts just in case I get more gpus I have 4 now.
  14. There's a flaw in today's earlier data, so collection on 95% will run through the end of tomorrow, but thus far, the tpf is 53 seconds on p18004 which matches my tpf from above. The core clock is steady at 2160.
  15. It's only 37 fans. He has 48. C'mon man!
  16. Hertz rig not in pic, but here ya go. Please ignore my messy floor cables. It's been a lot of work lately to tiddy it all up. I'll get there soon.
  17. Yeah, same. I would love to see the progression from stage to stage.
  18. A while ago, I had started a movement to try Low Power Folding on ocn. Some people jumped on board, and we found it was helpful to beating the Summer Heat and limiting the power bill costs. Well, some advancements have been made to GPUs since then, so I think it's time to revisit the subject. In the coming weeks, I will be publishing data showing the benefits of low power folding and the detriments. For a general and immediate understanding of how this works, I'm going to use examples of mining on a GPU because you see instant measurable results. One thing to keep in mind is mining stresses memory and folding stresses core. They're completely different animals, but the process is the same with lowering the power limit. But, for now, mining will be the example used and in the coming weeks, folding will be added. Our test GPU will be a beautiful EVGA 3080ti FTW3 Ultra Hydrocopper. All you really need to do is install your favorite overclocking utility such as Afterburner or Precision. The screen you see below is Precision X1. I use it because of how many EVGA GPUs I have, and the RGB is controlled within the program. If you want to run stock clocks, then all you need to do is push the power slider down, or type in the % of the power limit you want to use. This works differently on each GPU. Just because 1 3080ti works best at a hypothetical number of 75% doesn't mean another will be optimal at the same limit. You have to test your card individually. If you're overclocking, you can still benefit from doing so even at a lower power limit. So, I suggest you test to find your stable oc at full power, or even over the power limit of 100%, and then move the power limit down gradually to test. You can also reduce the memory clock with folding kinda the opposite way some people do on RTX cards with the core clock for mining. Doing so can lower the stress on the non-critical component (folding - memory / mining - core clock). The quick example for today of doing this with mining is to mine Autolykos (Ergo) since an 80ti has LHR (Limited Has Rate). For mining, I'm overclocking the memory speed. For folding, you overclock the core speed. I currently run a memory overclock of +1370 MHz for mining Autolykos. At 100% power, the GPU consumes 331 watts and produces a steady hashrate of 266 MH/s. If I reduce the core clock by 150 MHz, the power draw decreases to 314 watts, but the hash rate climbs to 271 MH/s. This is a result of lowering the stress on the core, improving temps, and efficiency. I can easily display all of this data on 1 screen for mining within seconds, so that's why I wanted to do this right now with mining. The goal in mining is to lower the power limit slowly until you see the hash rate being affected. Sometimes, the production increases due to lower temps, or it can decrease the hash rate drastically. Either way, reducing the power limit reduces the amount of power you use. The Eff/Watt measurement helps miners see if the decrease results in more earnings or not. It helps figure out the balance between the 2 and which is better. I've already tested this GPU to find it's sweet spot. It's most efficient at 75%. If I go 1% less, the hash rate drops drastically to the 150 MH/s range and bounces around. But, at 75%, I lose nothing and gain my wasted power cost back. This is what I am going to test for on folding in the coming weeks. How much PPD do you lose? Where's the sweet spot, etc. As you can see here, I'm now using 298 watts and getting 272 MH/s. So, how will the results look for folding? Folding uses a ton more power than mining. The wattage decrease will be far more drastic, but all of those details will be provided in the coming weeks. I already know my overclock potential on this card. I can run +180 to the core, +100mv, and at 113% power. I ran those clocks on it for the 2 day foldathon which is monitored by HFM. The results for the work it did are below, and this will be compared to the power limit reductions to see what we're gaining/losing. I will have to re-measure the power draw though with this overclock, and will be updating this thread as I go. Alright, so here's where we are on the power draw running folding with the OC used to obtain the above PPD. The actual clock speed is 2160 MHz. It fluctuates between 401 and 404 watts. I'm folding right now. I will begin to adjust the power in 5% increments at first just to see if I notice a significant drop in TPF, and then gauge from there where the sweet spot might be. Folding might be a bit of a challenge, but I think the key here is this card s not a display GPU, so I shouldn't see usage spikes up/down. 95% p18004 p17804 p17713 - Core jumped around on this project. GPU-Z says PerfCap Reason Pwr. p18202 - Core jumping, pwr (CJP) p18005 p17804 p13456 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% p13456 CJP p18202 CJP
  19. He said to put you in somewhere else, but I'll get ya setup once I have site access.
  20. Yeah, I just need to get access to stats in order to put you in. Everyone Else, Status on stats website is axipher will hand over some keys to axihub for zodac to upload the site, and then the migration will be finalized. We will have a delay on the UI most likely, but we already have that fine lookin zodac UI which will do for now.
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