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Everything posted by schuck6566

  1. My wife & I are both pretty much house bound by our medical conditions so her gaming and my reading/gaming are pretty much our lives when not @ doctors. She's got this and Valhalla coming up along with trying to get her stuff off Destiny 2 before they put the planets in the vault & can't access them. lol, she's a busy girl! ? Oh! And cussing about not being able to track her xbox purchase because of a glitch they're having.? Edit: Wife just reminded me she also has the new Watch Dogs this month.
  2. CDPR puts out some great work,AND they give great value/support for a game! When I got TW3 it was free with a hardware purchase and was fulfilled through GoG. After the Game went GoTY, GoG & CDPR automatically gave everyone that edition also if we'd already purchased the season pass. Both companies take care of their customers! ? lol, GoG even had a sale @ the time of my original purchase that allowed me to get the season pass,along with The Witcher Enhanced Edition Directors cut,and The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition for under $50.00 total.?
  3. OMG! And someone @ Homeland or the FBI will click on a video ,watch it and send it to a co-worker because it's "cute" and the crap will be all over the govt. comps.?
  4. So, they basicly make an Amazon 4k Firestick of their own? ?https://developer.amazon.com/docs/fire-tv/device-specifications-fire-tv-stick.html?v=ftvstick4k or see the enclosed screenshots.
  5. I read this this morning and was thinking how Apple is moving to the ARM cpu's so maybe microsoft is gonna make more of their system arm friendly??
  6. True, but what REALLY got me,was the website throwing out random email addresses to random people ck'n the order status. Who knows how many people had their address thrown out there? Will there be a class action against Nvidia for not keeping their customers info secure? Has anyone even been NOTIFIED by Nvidia yet that their email accounts were thrown into the wild? Some people had partial CC info exposed along with the email address. FOUR days after the launch of the 3080, here's what Nvidia had to say.I couldn't find anything later that would address the data leak. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/rtx-3080-qa/ Notice they just make excuses and then had the same issue in the 3090 launch? ?damn,can't remove the "spoiler" thing I accidentally put in.Maybe I should work for Nvidia?? lol
  7. Well, With the launch of the Nvidia RTX 3xxx series the company has shown they can really screw the pooch,or @ least the loyal customers who are there to purchase on day 1! With the launch of the RTX 3080,Nvidia's own web site started showing the RTX 3080 as out of stock moments after the GPU first went on sale, and some buyers reported that despite their efforts to constantly refresh the page, they never saw the option to actually buy a card. Then,fast forward,Nvidia launched its monster RTX 3090 GPU on Thursday, September 24, but anyone hoping that this launch would go smoother than the RTX 3080's launch a week earlier, where stock was almost impossible to get hold of would have been disappointed. Once again, Nvidia’s latest card went out of stock almost as soon as it went on sale, while websites struggled to cope with demand. This left many prospective buyers annoyed and disappointed, with many complaining that they had got to the checkout of a website with an RTX 3090 in their cart, only for the GPU to be removed and being told it was now out of stock. And then, to add the icing to the cake... "Nvidia Webpage Found Leaking Customer Email Addresses to Randos" It appears Nvidia’s website accidentally leaked some customer email addresses to anyone visiting the order status page. https://www.pcmag.com/news/nvidia-webpage-found-leaking-customer-email-addresses-to-randos?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A Trending Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1t4fhtQCOt_FpE6Olbfol43QZw6HPcL8gMrIqTAYwo-Y-9U1-dZNwTDsE SERIOUSLY NVIDIA????? Could consumers @ least get a complementary package of vaseline when they visit your site??
  8. Well,I've been doing a quick look on Amazon,the cheapest 1Tb gen4 nvme drives I ran across are $160 and up so I guess the xbox external drive unit isn't too bad since it's in it's own "adaptor" and should be cooler than a straight stick.(can't have players burning their fingers when they touch the external drive...)Hopefully after the release,there will be cheaper knockoffs being made. As it stands,the PS5 looks to be within $50 of the price and that's if their "recommended" drives meet the specs of the cheap 1's I found and they don't require the almost $200 drives I was seeing.
  9. https://www.polygon.com/2020/9/24/21454190/xbox-series-x-storage-expansion-card-price-seagate-ssd-1-tb-buy People better hope they either have unlimited data for repeated downloads,or that the cost eventually comes down some. The series S only has 512Gb of HDD in the unit while the X has 1Gb and a disk drive for $499. The S base price is $299 without a disk drive & lower graphics abilities. I was figuring maybe $149 for the external but over $200 is a chunk!
  10. ROTFL, was reading that PS was in talks with Bethesda about a couple of game exclusives before the microsoft purchase.If they did conclude them I had this conversation pop up in my mind. "PS: We have a problem with the game,it needs a patch to fix it so the players can reach lvl 43 on some consoles/situations. Bethesda: Umm,Did U not get the memo? Only if an issue is effecting Microsoft systems does it rate a hotfix.ALL other patches get released on Patch tuesday which was yesterday.So your players will have to wait until next month for the release."?
  11. Also in regards to Direct X support, DX12Ultimate is a Win 10 update and in the xbox series s & x consoles. "As for gamers, the Windows introduction of 12_2 is set to occur in the next couple of months, when Microsoft ships their next big Windows 10 feature update, Windows 10 version 2004 (also known as 20H1). And while games using the new feature level will be slow to trickle out (like any new feature level launch), it does mean that gamers will need to stick to the latest Windows to use it. Holding back a version or two (as some of us are want to do) means no DX12U for you." and https://www.wepc.com/news/directx-12-supports-next-gen-graphics/
  12. Heh,MY first thought was that there might be some more XBOX exclusives than PS exclusives in the future.Also a better quality of them.? Will still be hard to beat the uncharted games,but these could provide a start....(edit:NOT the fallouts,anything but the last couple of them...)?
  13. Regards Crysis remastered, might want to read this. https://www.overclock3d.net/news/software/crysis_remastered_s_pc_version_is_a_disappointment_-_here_s_why/1
  14. Not sure how the new 3xxx series differences will be, but the gtx 970 had the issue with only 3.5Gb of 4Gb ram running @ the rated speed while the other 1/2 Gig was slower(nvidia lost a class action lawsuit over that) and the 1060's had the same speed memory, but " The memory bandwidth of the GeForce GTX 1060 Asus Dual 6GB and the GeForce GTX 1060 Asus Dual 3GB are the same, which means the GTX 1060 and the GTX 1060 have equal limitations when it comes to graphical data transfer. The GeForce GTX 1060 Asus Dual 6GB has 1280 Shader Processing Units and the GeForce GTX 1060 Asus Dual 3GB has 1152. However, the actual shader performance of the GTX 1060 is 2953 and the actual shader performance of the GTX 1060 is 1969. The GTX 1060 having 984 better shader performance and an altogether better performance when taking into account other relevant data means that the GTX 1060 delivers a slightly smoother and more efficient experience when processing graphical data than the GTX 1060." This is because they have different gpu's Pascal P106-400-A1 vs Pascal P106-300-A1 which they have running @ the same core and boost clocks. Makes it almost impossible to know there's a difference in the cards other than the amount of ram unless you ck'd ahead of time. people who saw the cards on the shelf in stores just figured the price savings was due to lesser ram.Edit: lol, I know about the gtx 970 first hand as it was my FIRST major video card purchase and I got like $30 in the settlement.card is still in my Dell.
  15. Heh,Makes U wonder if it's gonna be a deal like the 3Gb & 6Gb gtx 1060 cards? Remember how they even had different gpu's in them and unless you KNEW the code variants there was no way to tell? Average consumer looking @ the boxes just saw 1 had 3Gb ram & 1 had 6Gb and never guessed that the 3Gb also had a weaker gpu. here's an example of the cards I'm refering to side by side if anyone doesn't remember.https://www.game-debate.com/gpu/index.php?gid=3670&gid2=3657&compare=Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 Asus Dual 6GB-vs-Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 Asus Dual 3GB They released the smaller 1060 just 1 month after the first one.
  16. and THIS is why I refuse to buy an nvidia card right out of the gate(Wife keeps asking if I don't want a new 1 since they came out & we have the money).They got me with the originol 2070,I'll wait & see what they release after amd releases their cards. ?
  17. @Laithan anyway U still have your results from when U did the GTA V in 4k with the xeon & 980ti's?? I tried to find the link to the video on the other website but since they changed,it's messed up. I figured it would be a neat comparison with todays cards & cpu's!
  18. Again,this falls on the individual developers. They can always turn down the offer of more money from epic for being exclusive and say "No,I'm going to accept less and simply be on other stores also because I feel that my customers are more interested in that." You can only be upset if he's buying rights to 3rd party games for his store to have sole permanent distro of. If you're gonna be upset over the limited exclusive deals, you need to be upset with the developers who are accepting the deals. ROTFL, If you're gonna get upset about exclusives not being available on Steam, Where was the outrage when Destiny 2 was still on Battle.net??? "Bungie announced on Thursday that Destiny 2 will be available on Steam on Sept. 17,2019 and “current PC players will be able to bring all of their progress and purchases with them, including their Guardians, their vaults, and all of their progress – at no cost.” " Or maybe some of the games on Origin that aren't on Steam?? You can't pick and choose who you're gonna be mad @ for keeping your game from you.@ least his way so far it eventually does become available in other stores.Apples way,there IS no other store.? P.S. In case you're not a Destiny 2 player, Bungie left battle.net which is why it suddenly became available on Steam.It pissed people off because they made the base game free and went to a multi season pay to upgrade format. Forgive my rambling. ?
  19. Previous "exclusives" of epics have later launched on other systems in many cases. As an example here are some with the terms of the exclusivity from back in 2019. Borderlands 3- September 13th( six-month Epic exclusive) Beyond Two Souls(one-year Epic exclusive) Close to the Sun Control (now available on Steam*) Detroit: Become Human(one-year Epic exclusive) Heavy Rain(one-year Epic exclusive) Outer Worlds (Available on Steam 1 year after exclusive launch) He's mostly paying for limited exclusives,it seems you can still wait and then go across the street to steam,gog, OR in the case of The Division 2 "exclusive" U can STILL buy the ubi exclusives on uplay. It depends on how the developer cuts the deal.
  20. Here's my results of the built in test on Shadow Of War @ 1080 Maybe try running it @ 4k? P.S. this is with the ryzen 2700k and nvidia RTX 2070 non super.
  21. And NOW Apple is suing back for damages because “Epic’s flagrant disregard for its contractual commitments and other misconduct has caused significant harm to Apple,” the filing reads. “Left unchecked, Epic’s conduct threatens the very existence of the iOS ecosystem and its tremendous value to consumers.” https://www.theverge.com/2020/9/8/21427779/apple-epic-games-breach-of-contract-lawsuit-fortnite-app-store?fbclid=IwAR0KjmJzSvkndT76MI9uZFWs-Kt1SkzqEvQfJ9E-OJKoBQarwkDnbGpNmOk
  22. lol, In another forum,I keep hearing the argument that apple's app store shouldn't be regulated on the grounds that "If U don't like the terms,U can make your own phone & store..." Well, here's HUAWEI's answer to that notion.... They're still adding to the store,but it's supposedly already larger than amazons and now has a map app(Tom Tom Go) they're working on their on maps app. Looking @ THEIR rates,I think regulating the app stores would be a GOOD thing! ? Edit: Make sure to look @ the In App purchase rates in the screen shot!
  23. "We also serve who ect.,ect., .... " Some of us are just here to make the rest of them shine even brighter! Edit: I'm in the US category before anyone starts about swelled heads. lol
  24. Starswarm may be interesting to run on the new cards also. It's the engine that was used for Ashes of The Singularity and uses multiple cpu and gpu cores quite well. My 1st generation RTX2070 with a Ryzen 7 2700x @ 3.9Ghz on all cores gets an average of 70 fps in the test.
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