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Everything posted by VoidTheWarranty

  1. I've been lingering around 110-60-115 to 110-65-115 as of late. When I ran -20 allcore and +50 boost I got some of my best benchmark scores this was after getting bored of tweaking each core. But it felt a bit off in games. I might try the +100 and hope it doesn't crash with 110-65-115 but not sure about an offset. This is a bronze chip I'm working with.
  2. Cooler Master who made these coolers to their credit actually did a good job AMD who cheaped out on the stock coolers for the 5600X I feel for anyone using the stock cooler. It's funny though cause my 3800X I feel like this cooler wasn't super adequate but for my 5600X it's just laughing. I can play COD with tweaked settings for a couple hours in my NZXT H510 case (not exactly know for great cooling) the hottest I'd hit is like 67C and that's not my average that just max temp. If CM offered an upgrade kit for a better fan I'd jump on it cause I love the cool of the cooler. Balancing the noise is the biggest hurdle.
  3. I use a RGB Wraith Prism so the AMD cooler that comes with 8 core processors and up. I use that from my 3800X for my 5600X which does a good job. My high temps are usually 67-72 degrees. I used motherboard limits for a bit but then I was trying to fine tune things. Maybe I'll give mobo limits a go again and try 200. See what happens.
  4. Yeah I'm curious what will happen especially with stability instead of setting it to 50 or 200 but to set it to just positive and auto. I might try it and see what happens. I also worry if I set it to 200 it will just crash. At 5.15Ghz what do you have your PPT-TDC-EDC set to for it to be stable?
  5. I'm finding this sorta but I can't get it to crash. I'm trying to tighten the ship up. Right now if I want I can hit some CPU-Z multiplayer performance I'm hitting between 12500 - 12600 level however when gaming ehhhhh I'm not so sure it's 100%. Although it's also not crashing same with R23 or Tombraider benchmark. How many of you folks left Max CPU Boost clock override off? *** Anyone feel like trying something *** I haven't tried this but has anyone tried to do this I'm curious what will happen but maybe someone with liquid cooler should try it. Max CPU Boost clock override: Auto + Positive. What does it boost you to? I assume it will just boost your clock high as it can go. I thought about disabling curve Optimizer and letting stock settings boost to wherever it wants based what you set your PPT / TDC /EDC as a safety net. (I could be wrong). I'm just curious if it will help reduce clock stretching or anything else. I haven't tried this but I'm kinda curious where it will take you.
  6. Thanks I'll check it out. Definitely boggling my mind here.
  7. I'm still stuck on why in the world decreasing a low performing core's offset increased performance so much instead of making this thing unstable. I think I want to figure out the offsets before I get ballsy enough to try messing with my baseclock.
  8. Oh, I think I know what you are saying. Under FCH Base clock Mhz? I couldn't do PBO +200 Mhz before hand. I would try it + PBO to just see what happens though. Pretty sure I have FCH Base clock set to auto right now is 100 stock? "It affects all clocks though, so back off your memory and fabric multipliers" I just pretty sure I just have it set to 1800/1800 unless you are not referring to UCLK/MEMCLK which is stock for my memory. Is 1800 too high?
  9. Well I went down another slippery slope this weekend and did something I said I wouldn't do and that was to figure out each individual cores offset. The way I'm doing things is probably ass backwards and maybe there's software that can do this for you now? So I have my CPU boost clock override to +50Mhz. So each core I bench and see if it can hit 4.7Ghz. I feel like if I'm hitting it during benching I'm at a comfortable offset/ see my scores going up. Honestly you don't want to know how many notebook pages I have used up. So right now I have core's 0, 1, 4, like nailed down with their max. 2,3, are frustrating and 5.... I figure later if I remove the +50Mhz boost clock override my cores will be able to boost high and use less power but be stable. This is where I need your advice experienced something odd Core 5 just doesn't want to boost higher than a certain point most of the time. Just 4.5XX I've tried all sorts of offsets everything from -2, -3, +5, +3, +1, +12, -1, -2, -14, etc. All over the place and it's like this thing just doesn't boost any higher. So I'm like I got cores 0,1,4, locked down Just put in something stupid in for this f'ing thing core 5 since I have to get going in 15 minutes. So I try -16 for a new baseline and I figure work my way back from there cause why the f not. Well sure enough it still doesn't boost higher than 4.5XX BUT!!!!! holy crap did it help my CPU-Z score and Tomb Raider Score. Like considerably! So what is going on? It's not to say these cores won't jump to 4.7Ghz at all it just kinda depends.. But why why did decreasing this one wonky core so much give me such a big boost? Are some cores just kinda mediocre no matter how much voltage you throw at them so reducing the offset at a much larger negative amount like you would with a better performing core make the most sense? That's what seems like has happened here. I sort of wonder when regular PBO is enabled without any tweaking how is it boosting all my cores so high 4.60/4.650 without any of this tweaking how is it getting these wonky cores especially core 5 to boost so well? Is there software that will let me see my core offsets adjusting from windows when running a benchmark? Regardless my scores are higher in the benchmarks than stock that's for sure. In the attached photos this is where's I'm at with CPU-Z. My current settings PPT 100 TDC 55 EDC 115 Scalar X1 CPU Boost Clock Override + 50Mhz Curve Optimizer: Core 0: -18* Core 1: -16* Core 2: -12 arg.. Core 3: -13 arg.. Core 4: -16* Core 5: -16 *? Big boost after this negative offset yet my boost is still whatever. CPU-Z Benchmark for AMD Ryzen 5 5600X (12T) - CPU-Z VALIDATOR VALID.X86.FR Best CPU performance - 64-bit - April 2023 Multi threads
  10. This will also get rid of the stupid unallocated space if you try removing the 16MB (Microsoft Reserved partition) that was left over from a previous windows install during a fresh windows installation. For me the windows installer wasn't letting me remove it and I didn't want to have a fresh install with 2 separate 16MB partitions one of which just empty so I took a shot and brought up the CMD box during the windows install process and: Diskpart > Select disk 0 > Clean. No more temporary insanity. I have always hated when partitions don't do what they should even if it's 16mb... It's just there and it bugs me.
  11. Bought my RX 6750 XT 12GB for $100 less than a RTX 3070 8GB. I have literally 0 regrets. All it had to take for me is looking at Warzone video settings which came out what 2 years ago and 6GB wasn't cutting it. Green team marketing doesn't beat common sense for me. I like AMD driver software too. It feels less like software designed for 12 year old's in the early 2000's. To be fair the last time I used it though it was trash. They've come a long way since the 7850 or whatever it was I had last.
  12. For anyone who stumbles onto this thread as someone who jumped on a great deal for dual rank HyperX kits of 3600's just don't... For AM4 Just save your brain a lot of headaches and just get single rank 3600's hopefully on your QVL list because dual rank can be nothing more than a potential nightmare. 2 different processors 3000X and 5000X couldn't handle them. I read in the thread where I found out about the deal and other Ryzen owners were experiencing the same issues. By the way is that ram tuner for Ryzen worth using anymore? Thaiphoon burner won't work for me so I have no idea what the ram I have is. Not sure I want to mess with it since the last time I tweaked my ram for 2 weeks was 2 weeks of my life I'll never get back for a minimal performance increase in gaming. Corsair Vengeance LPX 4x8GB. CMK16GX4M2D3600C18 I have these things set to auto and for benchmarking they never hit the stock 1.35V I think usually around 1.336 and I run 4 sticks. I had to run my last 2x16GB at 1.36 or 1.38 for 3600Mhz. So I'm kind of impressed I've never owned Corsair before just G.Skill or HyperX's.
  13. So I think you have it as 120 PPT, 77 TDC, 77 EDC. Last thing I was trying Sunday was raising TDC and EDC I had been playing around with higher maybe I'll return to reducing them again and see what happens. I'm pretty sure I've seen my 5600X only boost on it's own (stock PBO) to 4665 but usually anything I do it won't go past 4.6 I'm not sure what adds the little extra with stock settings. The chip or whatever I might be doing doesn't seem to like me adding additional Mhz on it. I've been using Tombraider as a bench because it's a CPU sided game so I figure the more frames I'm rendering the better as it seems to reflect higher multi. I'm starting to think if I should set this thing to single core and see if I can boost to 4.8+ at a lower voltage. Might feel more rewarding.
  14. Honestly it's really not worth it I could be halfway through Spider Man or more instead. But once you start.... After hour 10 of benchmarks..
  15. I have so many screenshots of and notes it's been a weekend of a lot of benchmarks. What did you end up sticking with? I never played with the PBO limits until I mentioned it and it just became a slippery slope.
  16. What do you folks suggest for PPT, TDC, EDC? I've messed around with them quite a bit. Changing the scalar will get me some better benchmarks at x2 x3 but not sure I want to run with them.
  17. This went from a saving power thread to a going down a rabbit hole. So Holy crap.... I got really bored of testing CPU Offset Voltages .075, .050, .025, .0125 which is the lowest I can go before it goes to auto, I tried auto as well.. Long story short I couldn't hit my stock scores. I added to the boost clocks and I kept falling short. I said screw it I'm going to try the PBO Curve Optimizer I haven't tried this yet. So I tried -5 allcore offset under PBO curve optimizer and I was like interesting... I just hit my highest CPU-Z multicore score but still a little short on single core. So I tested -10 under PBO multi-thread score just hit an all time high. I was like this has to be a fluke cause why would this be so much better than doing the offset voltages I was trying before. Then nope! Tomb Raider Benchmark all time high. So I'll try again tomorrow to see if I can get my single core to hit my stock settings but everything in bold below is a new high. PBO: Enabled & Curve optimizer -10 Allcore CPU Offset Voltage: Disabled CPU Boost clock override: Disabled CPU-Z: Single Thread Score 618, Multi-Thread Score: 4889 Tomb Raider: Frames Rendered 26049, Average FPS 166, GPU Bound 39%. HWINFO64 Max temp and voltage: 68C 1.346
  18. Wraith prism rgb that I'm using from a Ryzen 7. Not using the little 5600X's stock fan + MX-4. It's a good cooler, love the look of it personally, noise is my only gripe.
  19. Well shiii..... I really thought from watching reviews the compromise was slightly less performance but substantially better heat/voltage. I'll try a .025 offset tonight and go from there. Higher or lower voltage. As for ram timings thaiphoon burner isn't working. Trying to see what this ram is made of. Anyone know an alternative?
  20. What are your scores under volted vs not with pbo off? I'll try a lower undervolt. But overall I guess I can't complain about my temps really even at stock. Should I expect my scores to be close even with an offset? I expected some loss.
  21. went to Today then ran these benchies. I didn't realize it was out but saw it had some security benefits. I had a feeling I ran these possibly with PBO set to auto before. So I ran more benchmarks see the top results # 0. I'm not sure but I think I read PBO auto = disabled for some reason but I could be wrong. It seems like disabling PBO but keeping precision boost on the default boost to maxes stock settings offers the highest performance of the day. Granted also the most heat and voltage. But I don't understand why even though it had the best performance the GPU bound is lower 33% in Tomb Raider is less than the PBO on + -.1000 offset? Which was 37%?? Isn't higher better?
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