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Posts posted by 486

  1. ^^^ Hmm, going off of that some of the IPs it's attempting to connect to don't exist, the one that I see that does exist is having some errors and that's the assign1.foldingathome.org server... that should explain the issue

    19:28:31:WU00:FS00:Connecting to

    19:28:31:WARNING:WU00:FS00:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration

    19:28:31:WU00:FS00:Connecting to

    19:28:31:WARNING:WU00:FS00:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration


    It has to be something with the servers or they just plain have nothing available.. Is there a huge spike in folding participation due to the covid project??


    I reinstalled again and rebooted and was getting the same errors for about 10-15 minutes, now my GPU is running but CPU is failing to get assigned a WU.


  2. Are any of you guys getting


    18:19:02:WARNING:WU01:FS00:Failed to get assignment from '': No WUs available for this configuration


    This was happening when I first started this morning. I tried reconfiguring my slots and even uninstalled f@h (with data) and reinstalled. I was assigned a work unit and that has since completed and now it's back to no WUs available. This is happening on my 1080, my R9 290 has been folding no problem since this morning. What gives?


    Sounds good to me, I've been building in my own little corner as not to muck up the Spawn area with random junk until we get some more people on and we can decide on how we want to build stuff, like do we make a central town, or everyone on their own with some road system (or nether highway).


    Well I don't really know the game well enough to say anything, but it would be pretty cool if everybody did their own little primitive thing at first, then as the population grows.. Out with the old and in with the megalopolis! I know you can make TNT in the game, I saw my niece blowing mountains apart :p

  4. I also bought my Steam controller during that final sale. Would have grabbed a few but they didn't offer combined shipping.. It is a good controller, but the buttons are oddly small and using the touchpad is pretty tough. Not sure how they can really make that more user friendly, unless they take some notes from VR and give us some kind of finger/hand tracking.


    I actually forced myself to use it for a few weeks and it has found it's place. It was worth the price just for TES IV: Oblivion for me, since I've always preferred the PS3 version so I could chill on a couch and play. Took a while to set up hot keys and get used to them but now it's pretty much second nature and I can couch potato the PC version.. There is a controller mod for that game but it changes to a skyrim-ish UI and you can't hotswap..


    Oblivion doesn't require snappy aim though, so games like the original COD have been far more challenging. I managed to beat COD 1 on regular difficulty but not without frustration. I have been messing with Diablo 2 and Civ VI but those have been a bit too difficult to play.



  5. If I wanted to join this do I buy Minecraft from minecraft.net, or do I download some outdated version elsewhere (since OP states "Vanilla Survival Experience on 1.15.2").. There also appears to be "Minecraft Windows 10" and I have a copy of Minecraft for the playstation 3 my niece and nephew left here as well, but I'd assume that has no crossplay. On that note, there seems to be 12 zillion minecrafts.


    Curiously, I have never played Minecraft before and would like to at least give it a try, since I'm stuck at home.


    That said, if I do join, I don't know what I'm doing :p

  6. Banned cuz I'm no longer working. Even side job working on website seems to have stalled out since the physical business is closed.


    ..Attempting upwork but naturally a zillion people looking for freelance jobs to do right now..


    Will shill EHW for $2


    Really though I'm going to use this time off to read, take udemy courses, and finish a few pet projects

  7. Yep 16GB has been serving me well but lately I've been working in an Ubuntu (with a DE) VM from a Win10 host.. bunch of browser tabs open on the host, IDE open and some jobs running in the VM and the 16GB is pretty much clobbered now! Time for 32GB :p


    Lol.. yeah.. Ordered an rpi for starters to pass the time


    Then you realize you need a pretty beefy 5v power supply... and micro hdmi to hdmi... oh yeah need a nice fast micro sd card.. heck could use a case too.


    plenty of more junk to order too.. Gonna get expensive fast I can feel it

  8. Heh here I am still suffering with 16GB.. my use is almost entirely gcc jobs anyway so really cache appears to be the primary factor for me. 3700x was a colossal upgrade from a 4790k in that regard.


    Also hi everyone... I'm also just being hit by the coronavirus blues, stopped working this week. To pass the time I'm just re-birthing my old electronics habit.. shopping for a 2-4 channel bench psu right now and perhaps a used 100mhz oscope. Pretty neat that they have these cheap USB logic analyzers now.. Also raspberry pi. So much different than it was in the late 90s when we used to use the LPT port on our desktops for this type of thing.

  9. Holy crap how is march already over


    somebody slow time please


    in.. if not too late for the EST folks :p... Re-posted all of the social media from my initial post (replaced with PSU).. not sure if proof is needed every time? Sorry for doing it so damned late in the month

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