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Everything posted by axipher

  1. No, I messed up and started it on the wrong day on my script its going to be delayed exactly 24 hours and I will update the Countdowns in the OP as well: Countdown to Event Start Countdown to Event End Start is 12 hours from this post, sorry everyone
  2. We can get @Simmons to do it since he has an active Twitch
  3. Hoping this week that we can get the code sorted out on a dev-site alongside the main.
  4. Throw yourself in, you're an editor here, earn those volunteer hours...
  5. Hello all, Welcome to the ExtremeHW Folding Competition, March 25th - 27th, 1 AM UTC. Countdown to Event Start Countdown to Event End In the spirit of folding for the cause and good old friendly competition between members, we are hosting another folding competition. For more details please see below. How to participate: During the competition you must be folding for Team 239902 You must post in this thread with "IN" followed by your folding username. Prizes: Up to USD $25 PayPal (@axipher) won by @Avacado Total amount = $5 per 100 Total Work Units up to $25 Maximum ex. 208 Total Work Units = $10 ex. 513 Total Work Units = $25 Up to USD $25 PayPal (@BWG) won by @tenchimuyo93 Total amount = $5 per 100 Total Work Units up to $25 Maximum ex. 208 Total Work Units = $10 ex. 513 Total Work Units = $25 Folding Time Prizes: 24 hours of 10x Tesla folding (@Avacado) won by @Sgt_Swanny Someone who earns <5 million PPD 24 hours of RTX 3090 folding (@Bastiaan_NL) won by @Alex Someone who earns <5 million PPD All "Folding Time" prizes will require your username/passkey to be given to the donator, this will not give them any of your personal information, it just let's them be able to contribute full points to your username. Passkeys need at least 10 full Work Units to start getting the full Quick Return Bonus. Alternatively, you could setup another passkey for your Folding@Home username with a different email address and fold your first 10 units on that. This would still put the points towards your username, but they would also be tracked by a different passkey. Please note all winners must claim within 30 days from announcement of the winners. Current Event Stats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSkztaGPFX12T6GazTilrFS1iy8OsssANF9sv3yMT6qtVFdBtoRNfFyQghtZiFNz2L_uPfr5Rxfr1TQ/pubhtml Team overall stats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRlBI5oz7kCqBzp8hktCt31IWFPMXxDsOwNT7ipvAO6vvlD98sO-5yljfr6kAwSbimo8jpwir-Kt5WY/pubhtml Note: Stats are updated every hour at XX:25 for previous hour of submitted Work Units. The first update at 1:25 AM UTC will set the "zero" for your points based on all the WU's submitted up to 1 AM UTC. Good luck to all!
  6. Catch-up... Also we should probably update the icon on the stats site to something more relevant to this website ?
  7. I'm filling two of our slots, we could make this a two man team haha.
  8. This is war, no throttling that 3090 anymore, screw the banana, let's wax off the competition.
  9. I've added my 5700 in to the AMD category for the Furry Folders, at least to fill out the categories, but it will suffer heavily when I play FF XIV each night ?
  10. The Banana was my plan all along, they taste great with 100% Pure Canadian Maple Syrup.
  11. Nice simple little setup, also welcome to the forum
  12. The 5800x is still a great CPU, I got one myself and it's not the best value out of the 5XXX line-up, but still a great choice. I would have a hard time recommending a full new 5800x build to someone since it's not clear if AM4 will get another generation or not. At this point with GPU shortages, I'd lean a lot more towards to an APU or an Intel build with an iGPU for a new build.
  13. In other news, TC site is not working at http://tc.axihub.ca/ It's not hosting any private information, but we will work towards getting HTTPS on it. For now though, we have the Freshly Waxed team led by @BWG and the Furry Folders team led by @axipher EDIT: I didn't think my 500th post on here would be reviving the Team Competition, what have you done to me @BWG
  14. Yeah, best bet is to reserve IP addresses by MAC address in your router so that the device can still stay as simple DHCP, but will always get the same IP address from the router.
  15. Glad to hear you are out of the hospital as well, I hope everything is okay.
  16. Stats on the spreadsheet are final now, thanks for participating everyone, you may return to your regularly scheduled gaming and mining, or keep folding, whatever tickles your fancy.
  17. Yeah, I'm still hosting the site for it, I think Lutz still has access to it. BWG, I'm pretty sure we never changed credentials, so you should still be able to access all the management stuff if you remember how to. We can probably scrounge together some teams between both sites if we wanted to go that way.
  18. And that's a wrap, well it was 15 minutes ago, but I was cooking Udon and Veggies, stats update in 10 minutes for finals.
  19. Yes this may be a double-post, but it's new content so I'm deeming that as an okay excuse. The stats page has been updated to show your current Prize Tier based on Actual Average WU/day: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTCHyCWqzzOn58g9qkJ7GBHbjJgdrT2y0sCuUYz44dGiwoFEAlURi8KQsTzeJIPV3HDv6bWb36uw5JI/pubhtml?widget=true&amp;headers=false#gid=2029153325
  20. I woke up to my PiHole deciding to shut off it's DNS service (FTL) at 1 AM EST, so folding client couldn't get any new units until 8 AM EST when I was able to reset it... Why can't Stanford just use hard-coded IP addresses for this kind of thing, would completely avoid DNS requirements. So I lost about 6 hours of potential folding time and QRB on my machines
  21. I still have my Sabertooth 990 FX and my X6-1100T and my FX-8150, I think I still have the 1866 MHz G.Skill memory too, but would need PSU, cooler and case to get that thing going again if it even still works.
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