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Everything posted by UltraMega

  1. Banned for being the most sarcastic person on the internet.
  2. New Windows 11 build made available to Insiders fixes AMD performance issues WWW.TECHSPOT.COM Microsoft added insult to injury during last Patch Tuesday's release. The Windows 11 update patch designed... I haven't noticed any issues with performance myself but it will still be nice to have this fixed.
  3. Steam is banning NTF and cryptocurrency games WWW.ROCKPAPERSHOTGUN.COM Steam's developer portal now explicitly prohibits games that involve trading or receiving cryptocurrency... Didn't know this was happening.
  4. Alt link/article: Why William Shatner's History-Making Spaceflight Is Something to Celebrate TIME.COM The man who gave us Captain Kirk left the planet for real However you feel about Jeff Bezos starting a space launch company, I think it's really cool that William Shatner or James Kirk himself has now really gone to space. Star Trek has inspired so many people to go into science fields. It feels like it's coming full circle when the guy who inspired so many to build rockets is sent into space by some of those same people.
  5. https://www.msn.com/en-US/news/other/microsoft-says-it-mitigated-the-largest-ddos-attack-ever-recorded/ar-AAPpIWb?ocid=BingNewsSearch&PC=EMMX01 Im sure some hacking groups will see this as a challenge.
  6. I don't think my 5.1 home theater setup would fit on that. Very cool tho.
  7. AMD confirms a Ryzen CPU refresh with 3D V-Cache is coming in early 2022 WWW.TECHSPOT.COM In a friendly conversation between John Taylor, AMD's CMO, and Robert Hallock, director of technical... Love seeing amd do big things.
  8. BF games have mostly been just multiplayer though so bf2042 being mp only is more of a return to standard form than some kind of deviation.
  9. The original title is super long. "US Continues to See Growth in Time and Money Spent on Video Games, While Overall Participation Records a Slight Decline Over Last Year Reports The NPD Group" US Continues to See Growth in Time and Money Spent on Video Games, While Overall Participation Records a Slight Decline Over Last Year - NPD Group WWW.NPD.COM The amount of money spent on video games has increased 35% over the past six months, while overall participation in gaming experienced a three-point decline There are three main points here: Slightly fewer people are gaming now compared to last year at the height of the pandemic, but it's still a lot more than it was before the pandemic. The people who are gaming are gaming for a bit longer. There are a lot more gamers in the 45-64 age range now.
  10. I've been on the EVGA queue for so long I forgot about it until I got an e-mail from them about this the other day. It would seem they didn't make any effort to sell cards to people who haven't had a chance to get one yet and just went down the list meaning there were a lot of repeat buyers.
  11. Wonder if storage could get so fast in the foreseeable future that some systems, maybe low end ones, don't even have ram anymore.
  12. Heh, all my screenshots are only after watching lots of YouTube tutorials. Definitely a steep learning curve but some planes are much easier to fly than others. I can fly; like take off, stay in the air, land, but I don't know hardly anything about what any of the control do beyond the basics. I still don't really get what fly by wire means other than just heavy auto pilot that I can't seem to disable. I also can't figure out how to get the big jets to full speed. I'm mostly just here to see the world rendered in a game and try to land in weird places.
  13. Yea it's a 27 inch. All good points on the cost. I didn't know you had to get the high end model just to get a lot of storage. I don't think apple really cares much about the PC market anymore and they just maintain a selection of super expensive PCs along with some token laptops and ultra portable devices for people who are willing to pay for apples style of computing. But it works for them so I don't mean that as a knock on them, it just is what it is.
  14. I think 99% of PC gamers out there don't feel alienated by windows. People on forums like this who have specific gripes with windows or Microsoft are not the average users.
  15. So I do computer repair. I'm not super busy with it, more of a niche thing. Most of the customers who find me are looking for cheap repair because I advertise free diagnostics, they have or think they have a really specific issue and want to talk to someone about it to figure out what's going on, or they are gamers who are novice PC builders trying to get their first PC working. Today though, I got a call from a customer who has an imac that failed to do an OS update. It's almost 7 years old so I figure the hard drive is probably failing since not much else would really cause this kind of issue, unless its just a software glitch in which case replacing the drive and reinstalling the OS should clear that anyway. It's also a standard hard drive to it's slow... So I quoted the customer for the repair, woulda been about $300 for labor and a replacement 1TB drive, not too bad for an imac I think. Then when she arrived it turned out the screen was cracked. Because it's an imac, the screen has to be removed to replace the hard drive and then re-glued back on after. Not always the case on older imacs but all the newer one are this way. You really can't just replace the glass on these things either, or at least I can't and I don't think hardly anyone else out there does it, so the whole screen needs to be replaced. Because it's an IPS screen for an imac, they are really expensive. The screen itself is $550. Then it turned out this imac actually has a 3TB hard drive and the customer is actually using most of it so they need to replace it with a 4TB ssd since there are no 3TB ssds and that is another $400. So just in parts the customer is spending almost $1000. I didn't think they would want to do the repair with the cost of the screen but turns out they think that getting a new imac will be a lot more expensive, and they're probably right if they want one with a lot of storage. This is probably the most expensive repair I've ever done. Occasionally I get customers who want a custom build and they can spend more, but that's not for a repair so it's a little different. Just found it a kinda interesting.
  16. I found a solution to the weird helicopter controls. There is an option in the menu to turn off "helicopter control assist" and turn that off makes the helicopters control/fly more like they do in bf3/4. With that figured out I'm enjoying the helicopters a lot more. With the helicopter control assist on they fly sorta like drones and keep leveling out making it impossible to aim at a step angle. Aside from that tho, I feel like this beta map has got to be pretty rough for anyone who prefers to play as a soldier on the ground. It's really just a huge wide open space. Whenever I'm on foot I end up walking for a long time before finding any action. It's just not a good map for foot soldiers.
  17. As far as the helicopters, it seems like they've traded some maneuverability for easier aiming. The mini guns seem to do way less damage on other choppers now too, which can lead to some more drawn out air to air fights but jets can still be pretty OP from what I can tell. It's definitely a lot more fun to be a gunner on any chopper now though, I've gotten a lot of kills just doing that. As the pilot, I don't think it's any harder to get kills but it's different for sure. Seems like it needs more planning now vs before when you could just fly around and use the crazy maneuverability to get out of trouble, but that definitely makes it better for any gunners so I don't hate that change. Heli's without gunners are still quite different though, it will take some getting use to. Of the little time I've spent on the ground so far, the gunplay feels great. Anyone know how to switch flying modes in the transport hover plane things? I haven't figured that out yet.
  18. Extra $30? I just played it for a while. It's definitely cool, feels like BF4.5 which isn't a bad thing. The beta is pretty rough though, definitely bugs, rubber-banding and that sort of thing. Other than bugs the one things that had bugged me so far is the missiles on the smaller heli are super weak against vehicles. Unloading 10 missiles on a jeep and not even getting a kill for it feels whack, but there are some other changes about the heli's that I like. It's a bit of a mixed bag for me so far. Generally though, it felt a little less action packed than BF4 to me, at least with this map. I think because it's so spread out that it never feels like there is a big battle happening, but instead lots of smaller battles.
  19. You can preload the Battlefield 2042 open beta now WWW.ROCKPAPERSHOTGUN.COM With Battlefield 2042's open beta starting on Friday, you can now preload the client to be read for multiplayer mayhem as soon as it starts. Mostly figured this thread would be a good thread to post some videos now that gameplay is coming out.
  20. Whenever I think about twitch, I think about this dude who was a Minecraft streamer and for Halloween or something he dressed up like a girl and he actually pulled off the look pretty well and now he does fem boy content. Just a straight dude trying to please his fans, haha. He's definitely looking fine tho.
  21. Interesting to see a big game with FSR and ray tracing. Fist graph is no RT. Second one is RT+FSR. https://www.guru3d.com/articles_pages/far_cry_6_pc_graphics_performance_benchmark_review,1.html
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