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Everything posted by Avacado

  1. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    Interesting. I missed that all together. Looks like yea, for DDR2/3 Chipset. Lame
  2. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    Yes, They will throw out your submissions if it is part of the requirements for submission. Are you sure that the links aren't there in your history under my submissions on the UL website? Sorry bro. I should have caught that. It's a learning process, though it would sweet if all of your benches counted, we don't expect you to redo them if you don't have the time/energy to do so. This is why Benchmate is so good. Everything is saved in a results folder.
  3. IKR? It's like watching the birth of a child!
  4. Basic guide complete. Open for comments. @ENTERPRISE Can you please sticky this guide to the HWbot forum section?
  5. Greetings! I decided to make this guide to help our members along when submitting to the bot. It is a work in progress and if there are any details you think should be added, please let me know. I will be using TimeSpy as our example as it was the run that sparked the idea for this guide. Finding our benchmark/rules 1) We head to the benchmarks section of HWbot to locate the benchmark we want to run and to also read the rules/submission guidelines for that bench. It can be found HERE. Note: Not all benchmarking software is freeware. All of the most modern 3D Mark benches require purchase. 2) When we click the RULES link for TimeSpy we can see it states we MUST use the latest version of TimeSpy & Systeminfo (Download HERE). There is no OS limitation and we will need a screenshot and 3D mark validation link. It requires a CPUz tab for CPU and Memory. It requires a GPUz tab for the GPU. There are NO level of detail adjustments allowed (Default only). The windows taskbar MUST be visible and we can't submit cropped images. 3) VERY IMPORTANT - Click the "Compare result online" button, this is your verification link and you will need this to make your submission valid. 4) Avoid the link glitch that occurs with the link that ends in a ?. Login to the UL website and click "My results". There you should find the last run you completed at the top. Click "Details", The details link is the link you want to insert in the validation box on HWbot. Keep this tab open. Beginning to submit score 1) After running your benchmark, minimize your benchmark window to allow for room to place all required CPUz/GPUz tabs. I prefer to place the window on the left most portion of my desktop. Feel free to put extras in if you so wish. Such as a CPUz Mainboard tab or the GPUz sensor information window. Once you have all of the required tabs, save your screenshot and proceed to HWbot. 2) Once on HWbot you will be faced with two options. If you are NOT submitting a result for a tournament or competition, you can click the blue "Submit Score" button at the top right of the screen. If you are submitting for a competition, you will need to navigate to the specific round that you are competing in and submit your score from that page. See below. 3) If you are submitting for a competition, the website will automatically know which benchmark you are submitting for because you clicked submit from within that specific page. If you are NOT subbing for a competition, you will need to find and select your benchmark from the drop down menu's. See below. Entering details/attaching proof Part 1 1) Sometimes a benchmark will ask for a specific save file from the benchmark. TimeSpy does not. We start by entering our OVERALL score from our run. 14244. Listing the sub tests is usually optional. They can be found within the details of your run on the 3D mark results area. It is very important that your run says "Valid Result" in green. If it does not, you may have a driver conflict or other issue. 2) Proceed to enter in all of your hardware. Pay close attention to the cooling solutions. If you accidentally put chilled or other forms of sub-ambient cooling, you will be placed in the apprentice league. Your speeds should mirror what is in CPUz for CPU frequency and GPUz for GPU clock and mem speeds. Do the same for your DRAM, Motherboard, SSD and PSU. Part 2 1) Click "Choose File" and upload the screenshot we did previously. Copy and paste the link for your "My Results" tab that you should have left open in the "Compare URL". 2) You may choose to attach a picture of your working system on the four additional "Choose File" tabs. Take note that if your image resolution is too large, you will get an error when trying to submit the result. I tend to resize the image by 50%. 3) Click the last box agreeing to the rules and click the blue "Submit benchmark result". When done, you should be taken to the page below. Take a moment to verify all your settings and results.
  6. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    Don't be sorry for asking any questions, that's what we are here for. I saw that you did show under the team member area! - I saw your Timespy run, but that is not going to be valid. I would like for you to look at Bastiaans Timespy run with his 3070TI HERE for comparison. Try to mirror his submission elements/screenshot inclusions. Things you are missing Screenshots should be whole desktop pictures, no cropped images. CPUz CPU and Memory tabs open and visible GPUz tab open and visible A direct verification link like THIS one. It reminds me that I should probably take a screenshot and do a "How to submit" to HWbot tutorial. Note: all benchmarks aren't created equal and some have different requirements/proof than others. Tournaments can be even crazier with rules and submission requirements.
  7. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    It's possible. I checked the team roster this morning and did not see your name under members. Sometimes it takes a little while to reflect.
  8. until
    Please see the official thread HERE! Cash prizes up for grabs! If you are a guest and happen upon this post, take the time to register and say hi. Cash prizes available for drawing for those who participate. If you are a current member and are not helping with submissions, please consider doing so and helping out the team!
  9. Yea man, wow. Thats really expensive. Could probably order it direct from AQ for less. Glad you got one though. You will love it. https://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_info.php?products_id=3953&language=en $67 Euro. I doubt shipping would cost more than $25. *Edit NVM, it does cost a lot to ship. LOL a rip off all around.
  10. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    Never said they were a requirement. Though the most recent competitons they have been and its good practice to do so. "In general, there are only ever 2 screenshots". Some I upload a running rig, some I dont, but an image file and shot of rig are the only 2 possible photos anyone should be uploading.
  11. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    There are some benchmarks that require a non-cropped whole desktop screenshot with all required proof within. Others require a save file of some sort. In general, the are only ever 2 screenshots. 1 with your run and accompanying CPUz/GPUz tabs and a picture of your running rig. Most of the benchmarks require a validation link either from 3D Mark or CPUz. But as Bastiaan said, just hit us up.
  12. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    YAAAAS! Run her. Run her hard.
  13. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    That 960 might help. The 1660 might help too for the PCI-e 3.0 GPU category. I understand the time constraints. There is 2 months left before the end, but if you still don't have the time I completely understand and thank you for checking.
  14. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    @iamjanco Kind of hoping you had some things buried deep in a closet somewhere. Old farts have old tech. Bust it out boomer. @J7SC_Orion I know you got out of the XOC game, but is there anything you might be able to help with? Please? @tictoc I know you have been crazy busy with work, but I also know you have some godly tech. @jpmboyThis tag is a SUPER stretch, but if you are reading this, please come to the dark side and aid us! @Mr. Fox Ditch Premamod and come get some EHW lovin @BWGI know you have a 2080Ti lying around, we needs it, the precious. @firedfly Same for you sir, do you have a 2080Ti or 2080 laying about?
  15. Tablet mini PC/Keyboard, Test bench with Moonsoon fittings and multi-colored greatness and a Corona stool. I'm in, how much beer should I bring for the benching stream sesh?
  16. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    Keep up the good work everyone! We are in 7th place out of 26 teams and I know many of you guys still have a few benches to do (Myself included). I really think we have a shot at the top 5. Keep subbing and checking the board and your basements to see if you have anything else you can run! We are doing quite well for our first team cup EVER!
  17. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    Dang I didn't see, was that Damrics run? Run it on stock and see if the score takes and adds to the average. If it doesn't show yours, then you can stop trying.
  18. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    Well have to be careful. I have a e8600 and e4600 for the compo already. I did order a e4700 and i'll try to get away with that.
  19. Avacado

    2022 Team Cup!

    Need your contributions to the IGP category Pookie dookie ookie. Pwease!
  20. Shmexy cards! I'm jelly
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