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Everything posted by axipher

  1. Aside from setting the Folding@Home client to run at "Full" instead of "Medium", you would need to go in to those apps and turn off hardware acceleration if they let you. Steam, Chrome and Discord all let you disable Hardware Acceleration in their settings. Keep in mind for Chrome that means YouTube and other video sites will use purely CPU to decode the video, so a 4k YouTube video might need 20-50% of your CPU depending on the CPU. It uses 40% on my Mobile i7-8850H to watch a 4k YouTube video.
  2. Basically it uses a USB3.0 cable to act as the PCIe extension cable between the 1x board and the 16x board: https://www.amazon.com/Riser-16X-USB.../dp/B0721R55R2
  3. Oh my, I forgot I bought one of those PCIe 1x to 16x USB 3 cable adapter things during the mining Craze, that might work to allow me to set up a spare AMD R7 370 really easily, maybe I'll tackle that at some point.
  4. Added a new thread for users to show-off their Builds and Bases: Unofficial ExtremeHW Minecraft Server - Show-off You Builds and Bases Here
  5. ViridianVole (axipher's Player Account): Kelp Farm: - Has 350 Kelp plants with observer and piston blocks pushing them through water streams to my furnace array: Creeper and Sugarcane farm for making Rockets for flying:
  6. User Post Permalinks: Andrew's Builds - Main Base ViridianVole's Builds - Kelp Farm - Creeper/Spider/Sugarcane Farm
  7. Hello wonderful Minecraft Adventurers! Here is a thread that we can use to showcase your builds. The idea is that the second post will contain permalinks to individual posts within the thread that users will put there build info and screenshots in. Then users will just edit that same post over time adding or changing their builds they want to show-off of feature. It's up to the users if they want to share coordinates to the build. Just be sure that you use GriefPrevention on your builds to prevent any malicious actors from messing with your builds. Main Server Thread: Unofficial ExtremeHW Minecraft Server - 1.16.2 Mostly Vanilla (Java)
  8. That could work, then each person can start a post, I'll keep a list of Post #'s with permalink in the Second Post and people can just continue to Edit and Update their single post in that thread with a handful of screenshots of the parts of their build they want to highlight. I'll whip up a draft in a few hours when I'm done my work day.
  9. I haven't figured out a way for people to showcase their builds yet. Maybe @ENTERPRISE can suggest an idea, maybe a sub-forum in Game-servers where people can post their builds, or just make your own threads in the Game Servers forum itself and link those in here in the OP.
  10. I had one set up through my UnRaid box with Dockers that worked great. I haven't used it in a while as I'm the only person in my house that uses Steam now so it didn't make sense to have it running anymore.
  11. You probably managed to get assigned to Linus's new collection server and he's dropping all the Work Units
  12. Yeah, the last medium server I was on had everyone build their own are and group up as they wanted to, then everyone kind of donated resources to a large shared bulk storage near Spawn to build something beautiful. I decided to add a few plugins to the server to help make the server a little more friendly, some things of note: - Essentials: Lets you set up a /home location to teleport back to quickly and some other behind the scene quality of life improvements - GriefPrevention: This plugin lets you claim areas as your own and grant levels of access to people to keep your stuff safe - TNT and Creeper Explosions don't damage blocks above Sea Level - Pistons won't work if they aren't in a Claimed Area - Flowing Water and Lava won't flow in to a Claimed Area This does mean larger Redstone contraptions and Auto-Farms need to be in Claimed Areas, but it also makes it less likely someone can mess your stuff up, or that you do major damage to the server. Hopefully it can just be a fun server for people to play on and still get to try the survival aspect and experience the core of Minecraft.
  13. Sounds good to me, I've been building in my own little corner as not to muck up the Spawn area with random junk until we get some more people on and we can decide on how we want to build stuff, like do we make a central town, or everyone on their own with some road system (or nether highway).
  14. I'll try to make the main post more clear, it is indeed the Java Version of Minecraft. Version 1.15.2 is the latest stable version and the default option when you install and launch Minecraft. I plan to keep the server running on the latest stable version, but will definitely post in here of any plans to upgrade well in advance. To answer your question though, yes, you would need to buy a copy from Minecraft.net then once you have done that, sometimes you have to go back to the store page, navigate again to the Java Edition and click "Buy" even though you already did and it will bring you to the download page instead. You download the .MSI installer for Windows, or just the .JAR file for other Operating Systems and run it form there. If you need any help, you can find me on the ExtremeHW Discord Server and we have a channel for the Minecraft Server called simply #minecraft and I can help you there.
  15. Pausing won't reset the "attempt counter" but it will reset the time between attempts which can help get new WU eventually instead of being at over 2 hours between WU attempts.
  16. Only estimated 2 weeks to get in to top 800 and get full User Stats on ExtremeOverclocking:
  17. I'm also sitting at 1 of 4 slots running, not consistent either: 1) AMD Navi 5700 2) Ryzen 2600x 3) Mobile Quadro 2000 4) Mobile i7-8850H The Mobile i7 gets next to no Units, but the first 3 slots get near equal attention, but the Quadro gets WU's that take 11-14 hours to complete with super loud fans so pretty sure poor cooling ios keeping clock speeds low.
  18. We are now at 20 active Folders on the team: 77,197,850 points total and 1712 Work Units so far, great job getting the team on the ExtremeOverclocking Map as well. First 20 Folders of ExtremeHW's team: Alex_Blum andrews2547 atian axipher Bastiaan_NL BigBlueShock catmmm CptAsian DeadlyDragon enterprise franz FreeJet MahtaReika mllrkllr88 nitrousoxide10 PaperClip SafetyMollusc Simmons572_ALL_1N4c9Mn8pmxkAk2C9YBTab6hNm72EkzT7V Uber_Reem ychen
  19. Turns outs the Quadro P2000 (mobile) in my work laptop can fold away no problem with no loss of PPD while I play Minecraft
  20. Yeah, wiring can very so much between houses, even up to late 2000's it was rare to give each room it's own circuit. Here's a pretty typical setup I see here when replacing plugs and lights for people: 1) 2 Bedrooms Plugs 2) 1 Bedroom Plugs and Hall-way Plugs 3) Bathroom Plugs 4) Lights for 3 Bedrooms, Hallway and Bathroom Light/Fan Unless the room was built to be an office, pretty much count on it sharing with other adjacent rooms.
  21. On the X370/1700x build I just put together for my buddy kept locking up in Windows on installers or unzipping files, ran MemTest+ and found errors about 30 minutes in to the test. Checked BIOS and just changed the Memory speed to stock speed, turned off XMP profile, set all timings to Auto, shutdown and rebooted. Then I just set the speed back to the XMP speed and turned back on the XMP profile and shutdown and rebooted again. Ran MemTest+ again and this time no errors after about 5 hours to get through 3 full runs of MemTest+ and all good now. Was definitely a weird issue and threw mew through a weird loop of testing things. TL;DR: Turn off XMP, Reboot, Turn on XMP, Profit...
  22. Have you tested your memory recently? Memtest+ included on Ubuntu ISO's have been helping me a lot lately finding bad Ryzen RAM timings and settings. To get to Memtest+, you have to make sure to boot the USB stick you have the ISO in just regular non-UEFI mode.
  23. I started my internet forum days back on sites like freebasic.net which also had the private to corporate move and lots my interest very quickly. Like ENTERPRISE here, I also spent a lot of time growing with the community on Overclock.net having joined late in 2011. The community we built there was great and continues to contain a lot of amazing people and I found myself coming back not for just the content, but the people driving the content and the discussions that took place. I worked my way from a member up the staff ranks to the never officially titled Folding Editor Manager, but to be honest, the Folding Editors were always a team who each took a small part of the load of keeping Folding@Home alive and competitions of all sorts running while all having different tech backgrounds. We never really had a manager, just a bunch of members passionate about Folding@Home wanting to do their part to help out. I'm looking forward to the journey ExtremeHW has in store and happy to be part of the early days.
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