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Everything posted by Alastair

  1. Yeah that's the only kek thing about modern cpus. I yearn for the days of Sandy Bridge and Vishera overclockability again. But alas it doesn't matter in which platform you go with they are already run so hard fresh out the box. As far as I understand the numbers on the Intel side also aren't much better. A hundred mhz or two over the stock settings is the best anyone can expect from what I have heard. I'm also pretty irritated about the bclk limitations. Till a few weeks ago I was running a 101 bclk. Which gave me a LITTLE extra boost on the ryzen when the boost kicked in. But after I added another sata device I kept dropping drives. It just kinda irritated me. Like there is NO HEADROOM. Just nothing. I just let the PBO do its thing. Just unshackle it with the EDC1 bug and let it do its thing. My all core boost through PBO is only 25-50mhz (depending on which ccx you were looking at) lower than what I managed all core anyway. So blegh. I wasn't 25% PCs. Back in the day Ocing allowed your cheaper part to reach the level of a more expensive SKU. What does 5% on my 3800x get me? 3800xt territory? I wish I could at least get to 4.9 like some of the Zen3s.
  2. Eh that's the sort of testimonial I was looking for. So it's a pointless exercise. I wonder why though. Because damn these chiplets get hot. I just dream of seeing high 40s low 50s again like I used to do with my 300watt Vishera. It makes me shake my head.... Like 120watts and I struggle to keep this chip below 70. I've seen those offset mounting kits by der8uer for water blocks and wondered if I should bother. I am also on quite an old CPU block and wondered if upgrading to a new block might be worth it.
  3. I went bare die on my FX during its last few months of service and that really helped a bit. I am wondering if I should de-lid my Ryzen. I am running PBO oc and generally hit around 4.4GHz in all core workloads and 4650ish at single threaded. I settle around 65c - 70c with a full load and I have 640mm of radiator available. 120w load, 640mm radiator.... 70C..... Like heck, Chips these days are just so dense. We all know Ryzen scales its clocks on thermals, so I am wondering how much extra thermal headroom I can get out of this thing. But what is stopping me is if the IO and core dies are different heights, that would present a challenge.
  4. He still has a lot of results to add on including my own. My guess is he still has to get them all. He is only one man afterall
  5. what are you doing clocks wise to get 582.5 on single core on ZEN2? Im pushing 4.65GHz max boost (cpu-z 1T fluctuates between 4.5-4.6) getting 562-564
  6. Whelp I wanted to add my CPU into the mix. Nothing too fancy. A 3800X. However I am not manually OCíng. I am running PBO with a 10x scaler and 200MHz offset. And undervolting with -0.05v. My ram is at xmp settings of 3600 18-20-20-44 2T. Which is basically already full afterburner for Sammy Cr@p-dies I mean C-dies. I broke 6000. Really proud! 4650Mhz max boost. 4.4-4.55GHz all core depending on the stress. (13754CB R23 for reference.)
  7. I'm busy ocing my 3800x. So I will post some results of that soon. Over 6000/570ish cpuz seems pretty good for PBO Oc and that looks within reach. Ill bust out the e2200 once I am done with my main rig. I need to sit down and take the time to OC my ram to try eek whatever is left out of my system. But I will make a, seperate thread for that when the time comes because I think I will need help getting these c-dies to their best. I see the cpuz bench off thread. I feel we should have bench off threads for everything. Cinebench, 3d Mark, heaven etc.
  8. I would love some dinosaur hardware to mess around with. But all I have is my e2200 kicking around on some kek G31 motherboard kicking around in the garage somewhere.
  9. Glad to be back I think i remember. Hopefully you won't be too scarce. I know forums are going the way of the dinosaur what with you tube and stuff. But dammit I don't want us to go gently into that dark night.
  10. What about those of us with still fairly new high end units that still have 6,7 or 8 years of warranty left? Think we will will be able to get "dumb" 12pin 12vhpwr adaptor cables? By dumb I mean adapters without the 4 sense cables. Surely dumb adapter cables will just deliver as much power as the gpu needs like our psus currently do? My psu is only a year and a bit old. I hope that I can keep using it for some time yet especially since it still has like 8 years of warranty left.
  11. I had a problem a little while ago. My Vega 64 kept black screen crashing to a hard reset. I couldn't figure out what the banana Republic was going on. I went down to default clocks. Nope. Dropped power limits down all the way to 200watts. Still kept crashing. Eventually dropping all the way to about 1500mhz on the Vega. All fingers pointed towards a power issue. Apon closer investigation I pulled out my pcie 8pins. I'm not sure if I cooked them during an OC session and pulled to much current or what. But underneath my cable sleeving was nothing but naked copper. And even that was corroded and green. Probably didn't dry it out properly after a wash. So I thought I had figured out my troubles. But NO. I was still crashing. Not to black screen anymore but I was still getting driver timeouts. So out of desperation I did a DDU. And voila! No more issues. DDU and fresh drivers are so simple and often times all we need.
  12. As you say. BCLK is a pain in the @ss. However. I'm on the journey for any and every mhz I can. The x570s are being a pain with regards to sata etc. I may not get 101 as I expand my storage. So I may have to live with it. I am using PBO to OC. I am using the edc bug and a 200mhz offset as well. Along with my scaler and voltage adjustments that means with a boost multi of 46.75 means I am seeing clocks as high as 4722mhz. Of course I won't notice ~50mhz loss. The only thing bruised would be my ego. Thankfully pcie 4 isn't a concern to me. Both my GPU and m.2 are 3.0 units. But as for ram. Welk Budget dictated what I could get at the time. So I bought the cheapest 3600mhz kit I could find. But alas the cheapest kit of 3600s ended up being Samsung cdies. Which are a bit iffy to work with and iffier to tighten up still. Overkill cooling. I got that covered. A loop a built up to keep a pair of Fiji's and a Vishera pushing 5GHz cool. Now days a Ryzen and an overclocked Vega are old hat to this loop.
  13. Good thing I am reading this comment while the wife is busy. Otherwise she may just agree with you.
  14. Well since the drive in question doesn't show up in bios when at 101. I just wanted to see if I boot everything at stock and then increase base clock in software if that does anything at all. It my not work at all but what the heck The things we do for those mhz.
  15. BEFORE I give up entirely and turn in for the night. Is there no external software for base clock adjustment?
  16. Sigh. I fear you may be right. Oh well. Tha ms for the help anyways.
  17. Nope I just checked. X570 chipset can run 12 6Gb SATA devices. So I don't think it's that.
  18. I had the same line of thought you did. I think 4 of the drives run on the chipset. If I remember CORRECTLY.
  19. even if it just makes me feel better.
  20. Oh I know. But I am not multi OC'ing. I am trying to stretch what I can get with PBO. So I use the EDC bug. Which at 100mhz baseclock on my 3800x nets me 4.65 max boost and around 44-4.5 all core. That extra mhz brings my max up to nearly 4.7ghz and around 4450-4550 all core. And while I am sure I can chase the all core clocks with little difficulty I still want the single core boosts. Which is why I threw a PINCH of BCLK in there. I did not try higher than 101 as I don't think I have the all core headroom as those frequencies are pretty much what I managed with a manual OC anyway
  21. My only frame of reference is x86 has been around almost as long as the microprocessor. I think the original 8086 is only a generation or two newer than the 4004 and 8008. I know the basic instruction set has been changed and updated over the years. I mean surely it has been. So surely there are newer and better instruction sets by now? I seem to remember reading something somewhere that the only x86 still had going for it these days was basically just market dominance. Everything basically runs on x86. And that is the only reason its still around.
  22. yup everything works fine at stock clocks. So then the next question. Is there any software to tweak bclk from within windows? I tried Ryzen master there is nothing there that I have seen. EasyTune has the slider but it is greyed out. I can't do anything. setfsb hasn't been updated in yonkers.
  23. reset cmos. running xmp at 100mhz. All fine. on f32 system wont post at 101. Just tested again. Back up bios still on F12. That will boot at 101. But that 128GB drive just wont budge. Wont show up in BIOS at 101. But I have been running 101 for some while now on F12 with 4 SATA devices connected. I dont think the SATA drivers kick in until boot so I am not sure if updating chipset drivers will help much.
  24. I tried a BIOS update. I was on F12. Went to F32. Now it wont even POST with 101. hmmm.
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