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Everything posted by Storm-Chaser

  1. This is a long shot, but if all else fails you could try doing a cold boot and letting it sit for a few minutes in hopes that it POSTS eventually. Reason I am recommending this is because some changes in the BIOS will cause my z840 rig to take over a minute just to post the first time they are loaded upon reboot.
  2. If you don't know what the establishment is by now, I don't think we can continue debating. This is really basic stuff.
  3. Under great influence from Obama and Biden administrations. That's the whole point they are censoring the truth for money and politics. And they don't want to let go. I have a gut feeling they will figure out a way to sabotage this buyout attempt by Musk.
  4. I say again, you should not be trusting the establishment to package up the truth for you in a nice tidy box. As for musk, he is serious about buying twitter for the sake of free speech because he actually respects the constitution.
  5. Sorry, missed that. Absolutely. Kim Jun Un could have his own account as well to spew his propaganda. It's up to the user to decide whether something should be censored or not, not big government. *up to the user to decide what he/she wants to take as truth and what to take as fiction
  6. I'm merely saying we are all human; we all make mistakes and fall from grace. Presidents included.
  7. Agreed. Nobody is perfect, no not one. (Including presidents) Plenty of blame to go around on the republican side as well.
  8. Lets just do one tangible scenario, then we can drop it. In other words, put for a single "dishonest" thing Trump has done and we can talk about it. You do realize that you morally judging Trump, right? You are just eating up the "establishment" spin. wash and rinse cycle is approprite. You shouldnt let other people dictate the truth for you. Always question it. Edit: did not mean to edit, clicked wrong button.
  9. He didnt ask to be important, or in control he poured his heart out in a last stich effort to save the nation. ill be back later.
  10. I know it says we the people there somewhere as well. But expand on this, what do you mean by legal consequences? And what are some things that Trump has been dishonest about?
  11. Mean's he's pretty damn effective at his job, for starters. The guy designs rocket engines for crying out load. You know, the expression, "it's not rocket science", Elon actually does that in real life. I would say he is a very successful businessman, wouldn't you say? His cars can do low 9s in the 1/4mile when tuned and gutted. That's beating out engines with twice as much horsepower with ease. Never before have people railed against him like this. And lets not forget the point here : freedom of speech must be upheld at all costs. You can see this as a perfect example, they are trying every tactic available to stop the twitter deal from going through including slander in the media. I predict in a week or so they will come up with enough ideas to halt the sale. So Musk wont get the platform, which is too bad. They will sabotage his plans.
  12. That's true, he has flipped into a conservative due to seeing what wickedness is coming. This bid for twitter is really a desperate measure to save our freedoms. TBH. How come you get to decide what is mis formation and what is not? With all due respect, you (as in everyone) should have a voice, and be able to have differing political view for fear of retribution. That's why we live in a constitutional republic. You go off the rules and the train goes off the tracks. You don't get to play God anymore than I get to play God?! The fact that twitter is actually suppressing very important political information is treason.
  13. Well for one, it's twitter that is withholding SEC filing and delaying the purchase. I don't know exactly what caused this but it usually means they are hiding something. The guy is worth 200B, he's obviously doing something right.
  14. You start banning free speech and you erode a little more of the constitution every time. It's a very slippery slope. Next thing you know the WHO is going to run into town and tear up the original. Equal rights for all, not just people that "think" he is being dishonest. But I'm curious to know, how was Trump dishonest? Trump loves this nation As far as I can tell, it's the democrats who are taking guns and violating the first amendment, while they rail against republicans. This is called master manipulation and this is how evil operates. I'm trying to get this out without us having to go political.
  15. TBH Musk could care less about his money. He's been known to couch surf and doesn't have a permanent home. IMHO George Soros is the master manipulator of them all (except for one????) Because you are suppressing the political voice of the citizens that voted him into office (half the country). the Herein lies the very essence of the problem. Plenty of people / governments over the years have claimed this is right or this is wrong and forced people to bend to their will (communism). An open society like our republic simply cannot make those judgements, because they have potential for abuse. Elon is not siding with anyone here, he is merely creating or fostering / hosting an environment where free speech is upheld as opposed to people being banned because they have certain conservative beliefs. The censorship only goes one way, if you look it the issue close enough, you will see that I am correct.
  16. Well for one, when you ban your own president from a social media platform just because you don't like his policy, that's censorship 101. Yes, absolutely. There is no reason to have dishonestly spread through our economy like that. Every company should be stepping up and helping stop the lies (their future actually depends on it, whether they know it or not). Might as well try to fight propaganda on all fronts, or that's at least my take on it. EDIT: Companies should abide by the constitution in just the same way a citizen should. Okay fair enough.
  17. He wants to promote free speech vis a vi the constitutional amendment #1 and he is using $21B of his own money to help stop this assault on our freedoms. That's an investment in preserving the life of this great nation, for one. The "establishment" wants to censor you and take away competing world views so you are slave to (socialistic) propaganda, then they start telling you what to do and what to believe. These people have infiltrated our government on every level and are now turning all of the systems that help keep America running against the very people whom they are supposed to help.
  18. I agree, honest journalism is dead. However, I disagree on the twitter buyout. Musk is 100% onboard trying to buy Twitter. They are attacking him on all fronts because Twitter and the globalist elite want to keep the masses censored from the truth. Hence, all these bogus claims like he is just stroking his ego. Seriously, who "pretends" to buy a company like twitter? Is it more rational to think about Musks other business dealings. Was he just stroking his ego with rocket engines?
  19. You can tell the future? You realize twitter is not disclosing it's SEC filing right? You go right ahead and buy a company that is withholding relevant information? This is ALL on Twitter and has NOTHING to do with Musk. What I do know is that since Musk announced his bid to buy twitter the mainstream media have been giving him a ton of flack, because the mainstream media works for the globalists and they want to continue with their plans to deploy socialism globally. Having an open platform to discuss truth and lies goes against a cardinal rule of socialism: censorism . I do think you will get the significant of that, sooner or later. Musk is trying to buy out twitter because the world is on the edge of the apocalypse and wants to avoid total collapse of the United States. What Musk is doing is very admirable, and you should not trust the establishment for your source, ever again.
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