I got a test sample from ICEGIANT, and permission to pass it around the forums. If you haven't already contacted me, and you are interested, just P.M. me and I'll get you on the list. Keep in mind that even though the list is maybe less than 20 so far, you figure each person is going to spend a week or so with the cooler, then it might take another week or so to ship it to the next person, so if you are far down the list it could be a couple months before you get your hands on it. I know @mllrkllr88 will be doing an official EXTREMEHW review of this cooler, but this is an informal thing just for fun.
I mounted this on two different rigs. One was a standard vertical gaming mid-tower, and the other was a HAF XB horizontal test bench box.
I have some pictures, screenshots, data, and videos to share. I had a blast testing this product and am thankful for the opportunity. I documented the mounting process and got right into the benchmarks with an emphasis on AIDA64 FPU AVX. I hope you guys find all of this information helpful.
My conclusion is that this cooler had some outstanding performance, as it was able to passively cool my 24/7 overclock, and also cool a massive maximum overclock without throttling. I was able to overclock further than with any of my previous high end air coolers, but the real highlight was the ability to run my normal 24/7 OC with no fans mounted on the ProSiphon, all while not throttling on the AIDA64 AVX FPU test. That test is just brutal, so I can't wait to see what you guys with the very high core count HEDTs can do with this cooler compared to your current cooling solution. I really would like to see a half-width version that can fit into most mid-tower gaming rigs, but still have good enough cooling for overclocking mainstream CPUs.
My pictures:
Size comparison.
A picture of the TIM spread after I took it apart.
Fits in my HAF XB with room to spare.
Screenshots of some of the interesting test runs:
I took some (very poor) videos. The first 9 videos are what's in the box and mounting. Skip to #10-12 for the Thermal Tests with Passive runs and overclocking. Videos #13 and #14 document the main mounting issue and the solution.
Can't seem to delete this pic copy from the thread, so have another look