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Everything posted by neurotix

  1. Thanks greatly. That might make up for the slower memory/fclk. Currently just have PBO Enabled, PBO Fmax Enhancer enabled, and all the Digi+VRM stuff set to 140% current limit etc. since I'm on an Asus board. Really looking forward to this, thanks.
  2. Actually, it does work for Zen 3 however the naming they use is not in line with what everyone else uses. They call Zen 2000 series "Zen+" and Zen 3000 series "Ryzen 2nd gen" in the drop-down box for CPU selection. The settings it gave me worked great with my 3900x to hit 3800/1900 and those settings still work with my 5900x, except it won't do 1900MHz fclk. On OCN in the Ryzen owners club and other threads people were posting screenshots and using it heavily when I first got my Zen 3 setup in 2019. You are correct that it has not been updated for Zen 3+ (5000 series) though. Hey can you answer my question from my last post? What does your 5900x boost to if you're using PBO and what are your settings? I'd like to get this thing boosting over 5Ghz if possible. Thanks.
  3. Okay guys. Thanks for all the input. I tried up to 1.25v VDD_SOC for 1900MHz Fabric clock and 3800MHz memory and it's a no go. I fail very early in the boot process with an 07 post code. However, it seems to do 3733/1866 fine, and the Ryzen DRAM Calculator does have a set of "Fast" timings for 3733MHz with primary timings at 14. So I may be able to try that angle. Though, those settings never worked on my 3900x. I wonder why my copy bandwidth is so low- it was usually a little bit higher than read on my 3900x. Also, is it possible to get the chip to boost higher than 4950MHz? I was under the mistaken impression that these chips boosted to 5.1GHz. Currently, I just have PBO turned on and PBO Fmax enhancer. Sir Beregond, what does your 5900x boost to? I plan on benching this chip for HWBOT in the CPU benches as as well as running 3D benches (Time Spy, Fire Strike Extreme) so if it's possible to get it to boost higher that would be great. Thanks in advance for all the help. Also how do I give people rep here? I used the thanks button but I'm not sure thats it.
  4. Ah, kinda like how Herzog Zwei is for RTS, then. I'm not really into or familiar with tower defense games so it might not be my thing.
  5. Yes, bios is the latest. Damric, perhaps I will try boosting SOC that high and see if it will do it.
  6. So per my other topic, I upgraded from a 3900x to a 5900x. The upgrade went smooth and my system is running fine. However- 1. I'm using PBO and the ASUS ROG specific fmax enhancer and under a gaming load, my first 4-6 threads Boost to 4950MHz. My 3900x only boosted to 4650MHz. Clock for clock, the 5900x is 25% faster, and I'm getting 300 MHz on top of that. According to AMD's website, the max boost for the 5900x is 4.8GHz so no complaints here. 2. The chip refuses to run the Infinity Fabric at anything more than 1866MHz. I'm running it at 1866MHz with 3733MHz memory at cas 16 and VERY EXTREMELY disappointed because I had really hoped with 5000 series, I would be able to get 4000MHz RAM/2000 MHz fclk. I have all my settings set correctly, like BGS_Alt, memory interleave size, PMU training etc. and I am using the same RAM timings that my 3900x ran at 3800MHz/ 1900MHz Fabric clock no problem. I have seen other people around the net mention increasing the VDD_SOC to 1.2v but I have not tried that or exceeded 1.125v which is the safe max value. My SOC voltage is 1.125, VDDP is 1.1 and VDDG IOD and CCD are 1.090. Still will not post higher than 1866MHz fabric and fails early in the boot process with a 0d post code on my Crosshair VIII Hero. Also, trying to run 3733MHz cas 14 is probably not an option either as I tried that extensively with my 3900x and the kit won't do it. I have attached my AIDA64 which I'm also disappointed with, the copy being very low especially. My old 3900x was around 60 Read, 58 write and 62 copy at around 62 ns. So the question is, do I order a new one and return this dud? How common is to for Ryzen 5000 to hit 1900MHz fabric clock, let alone 2000MHz? The system IS faster overall and I notice a difference in boot time, faster loading into Windows, faster in Windows in general, and so forth. Really no difference in Linux though because Linux is always fast, lol.
  7. There's a Lynx emulator for PSP as well. Never played the Lynx or really got into it, but maybe I'll check out Rampart as I'm unfamiliar with it.
  8. Get a PSP 1000 (fat psp) for like $80, a memory stick pro duo or memory stick pro duo to sd card adapter and a 16gb sd card, softmod it. I can help you with this in pms if you want. The psp is amazing for emulation and relatively cheap. It has emulators for every major console, and it even emulates nearly every handheld that came before it. It even emulates the GBA full speed. It does the Neo Geo Pocket Color and Wonderswan as well. About the only system it chokes on or can't do full speed is the SNES which will run at around 90% speed. It even has emulators that run full speed for Neo Geo, Cps1 and cps2 arcade boards, though for CPS2 you need a PSP 2000 or greater because CPS2 requires 64MB of RAM (the fat psp 1000 has 32MB, subsequent models have 64MB.
  9. Yeah generally we hang it over the edge of a table, my wife gets on the floor and holds the backplate in place and helps me align the screws, and I mount the WB from the top. Thanks for the advice but we should have it covered. And LOL at the Samuel Jackson gif haha.
  10. Alright guys, so I bit the bullet and ordered a R9 5900x from Amazon. Arriving today and then my wife and I will put it in. I just had a back surgery and am not supposed to lean forward at the waist, and obviously working on rigs I think most people lay them down on their back side on a table and bend over to work on the inside. Well, I'm really excited so idgaf and will be ignoring doctor's orders. Unfortunately, wife has great PC building skills and her own rig (In an anidees Crystal Cube case) but she can't mount waterblocks-yet. Also, my cooler's mounting system for AM4 sucks really bad and literally just has screws that go through and into the stock AMD backplate with no front side bracket or anything to help align it. There is no way to keep the AMD backplate in place besides holding it on the back manually while you mount the waterblock from the front and get the first 2 screws in diagonally. Aside from that- I am very excited. I have essentially golden G.skill B-Die RAM. I have run it at 4266MHz out of ratio which is like 15 dividers higher than it's rated for. So I will be aiming for 2000MHz fclk and 4000MHz c17 memory. I'll be able to OC both the memory and the chip and bench it for HWBOT, so that should keep me busy next week. And yes, you all are correct that in terms of gaming performance, at 3440x1440 and especially 4k I will probably see little to no gains except maybe for minimum framerate. But since I am sticking with this platform until Zen 5 releases (probably 2025), I wanted the best chip for it, and before all the retailers clear inventory and they get scalped on Ebay. I am not interested in a 3070, if we can get our hands on one I will be getting an RTX 4090. Since it's literally twice as powerful as my 1080ti SLI and in a single card. We are going to wait until Nvidia and the card vendors fix this melting power connector issue, so probably early next year. I am looking at the MSI model, or possibly the Gigabyte model but I would appreciate suggestions and links to a good RTX 4090 considering EVGA no longer makes GPUs. Thanks for all the input, though.
  11. Yeah, I mentioned that earlier in the thread. I would need to invest in a $300 Hakko desoldering gun. I hate hate hate hate desoldering. It's not too bad for retro game batteries, but it's awful for capacitors in retro consoles I've recapped. I use a solder sucker as well, for some reason I can't get wick to work properly and actually do anything and I have brand name SuperWick. Eventually a lot of my game consoles will need full recaps, or possibly my stereo components, when that happens is when I'll get a good desoldering gun.
  12. Wow, if only Squeenix had used something similar to upscale the backgrounds for the Switch port. I thought it was actually really well done- I was surprised that in addition to the character models being higher res with more polygons, the text boxes were all in HD. If they had used the AI upscaling on the backgrounds it would have been perfect. It's a shame how the community does so much with Square games that Square should be doing themselves but doesn't. It's really a shame they shut down that Chrono Trigger remake project, also the translation patch for Final Fantasy Type-0 on PSP (which was covertly released anyway). My favorite FF game, and favorite game of all time is Final Fantasy 4- aka Final Fantasy 2 back in the day on the SNES. I have cleared FF2 US (really dumbed down version), FF4 "Hardtype", FF4 Easytype which was a Japanese rerelease of FF2 US and Zeromus looks different, FF4 Wonderswan Color with translation patch, FF4 GBA, FF4 DS (good lord that was hard) and FF4 PSP Complete Collection, though I did not do Interlude or After Years (that one was a complete 2D remake of FF4). All in all I'd say I've probably cleared FF4 easily 150 times. I replay it on a yearly basis. I'd highly recommend playing the FF4 "Hardtype" with either the bad J2E translation patch or FF4 Namingway Edition if you have not already played 4. 9 would be very high in my ranking and its a shame there's no other FF like it. It's easily the funniest FF, and I really liked all the stuff to collect, the Chocobo hot and cold quest (my wife loved it and thought it was cute), and the Active Time Event thing where you can see cutscenes of what your characters are doing when you split up in town. I've cleared 9 at least 10 times. I am actually a very big fan, though not extremely good at, the original FF for NES. With the way the magic system works, and item system (Heal potions only and they only restore a small amount of HP), it's very much a dungeon dive game based around resource management. I love how you can pick a different party each time, and you can complete the four main dungeons out of order if you want once you get the canoe- skipping the volcano and going to the ice cave to get the FLOATER and getting the airship, then doing either the water dungeon or the air castle (granted you gotta get the SLAB from the water shrine to access the air castle). To me, FF1 has nearly endless replayability which isn't too true for the following games.
  13. Yep, pretty much my endgame board, though I really enjoy the modded E-Yooso z77 with whites once in a while. I'd use my OCN Ducky as well (which is what got me hooked on clicky switches and was the impetus for me building my boards, instead of using the others I had with MX Reds)... however the OCN Ducky is more or less shot and the switches barely have any click to them anymore due to heavy use from the previous owner. Also hey there The Pook- good to see you here.
  14. Thanks for the advice guys. And yes, there have been rumors of a 5900x3D as well as 5950x3D, at least speculation on OCN. Maybe I'll hold off on upgrading to save money given that I have a big backlog of PC games from 2010-2020 that all run great on the current setup. Also have backlogs of PS5, PS4 and Switch games to play. Had Xenoblade Chronicles 3 for Switch for like 3 mo. And haven't touched it yet because I know once I do, its all I will want to do and potentially for hundreds of hours. I can only imagine the prices for RTX 5000 series when those come out and with inflation and everything, I may still try and get a 4090 given that it may end up being much cheaper than whatever is next. It was hard enough to convince my wife to spend $400 on a HD 7970, the prices for this hobby have gotten out of control.
  15. I figure with how cheap a 5900x is currently, it would give me something to bench for HWBOT. Sig rig is up to date, yes. My question is still about the chances of AMD releasing a X3D version though. GPU upgrade might happen too and is necessary since I want to hit 144 fps in Forza Horizon 4 & 5. Both of which are DirectX 12 and don't utilize my 2nd card. Even turning settings to medium or low in Horizon 5, my 1080ti only hit around 80fps in the ingame benchmark. My monitor is an Acer Costco special from a year or two back- 144hz FreeSync HDR 3440x1440 curved Ultrawide. I am looking at the RTX 4090 which has over twice the shaders of my two 1080ti put together. However I am weary because of the connector melting issue. Also sold out at my local Microcenter. I worry about my PSU being able to provide up to 600w on one 12v rail (its a CM V1000 that only has 6+2 pin cables meaning I'd need to use an included adapter). We might wait til they resolve the melting connector issue so it might not be til next year, and that's if we can get and reserve one at Microcenter.
  16. Hey all. With vendors clearing stock of Ryzen 5000 series and the R9 5900x being available at my local Microcenter for $329, I am considering upgrading my R9 3900x then selling it on ebay to offset the cost a little bit. I already know that the 5900x is about 25% more powerful single thread in games. I sticking with AM4 until DDR5 is cheaper and Zen 5 comes out (probably 2025). What I'm wondering is, what are the real chances of a 5900x3D coming out? Which would offer an additional 25% performance in games? The 5800x3D is more expensive and I don't want to go from 24 threads to 16. It seems like its now or never to get a 5900x and with Zen 4 launching soon, will AMD really compete with itself by releasing more AM4 chips with 3D V-Cache? Thanks for any help or suggestions.
  17. Pioneerisloud, see the joining rules. Nice collection but if you want to be added I need those abbreviated into a list with commas. Just list OS and processor for each box seperated by commas. Thank you~ Yes, upkeep for all these consoles and games can require a lot of work. I actually recapped the PC Engine Core Grafx fully (it was known as the TurboGrafx 16 here) as well as replacing failing caps on the motherboard of my model 1 Sega CD. A working one of those is like $400-500 on ebay last I looked. The tray loader that matches my model 1 Genesis and sits underneath it. If any other systems fail I will have to recap them as well. I have also desoldered and replaced countless save batteries in games. With everything that can go wrong, and how much space it takes up, I can totally understand why people choose to emulate. I emulated stuff for years too and it wasn't really til 2010 or so that I started collecting and basically started with a NES, a Genesis and a Dreamcast (which of course has a big binder full of burned games). Back then it was much cheaper to collect and my collection grew slowly over years. I was getting good Genesis games at a place for like 75c each. Also, I basically have a few rules: no more than $70 per game (exception was Chrono Trigger) and I only collect good games, I don't buy any that I'm unfamiliar with or suck. I also tried to stick to only games I played growing up either owning, renting or played at a friend's house. Final Fantasy 9 eh? How did you like it? A few months ago I helped my wife clear the game on the Switch port of it including the entire Chocobo Hot and Cold sidequest. The music for that is permanently engraved in my brain. I can't comment on 10 as I hated it personally when I tried it. Played for about 10 hours and despised it, especially the voice acting. I've never used one of those bluetooth controllers for emulators on a phone but modern phones can emulate stuff up to the Dreamcast excepting the Saturn. Might be worth it if you can find a quality one with decent sized buttons and dpad.
  18. Yeah, despite packing the case with foam to dampen sound and doubling up on o-rings for the space bar on both boards, there is a pingy metal sound from the spacebar. Keep in mind my pc is in a very large finished basement room (like 1100 sq ft) so there's an echo down there which makes these sound worse than they are.
  19. Thanks for the replies. Yeah, I too had Nintendo growing up but also played the Genesis a lot at friends houses so that's why I have all the Sega stuff. I always wanted it as a kid. The 32x sucks, but the Sega CD is actually awesome and has quite a few shoot em up games as well as Snatcher so its not just fmv games like everyone thinks. For Nintendo, I loved Mario but then some friends got me into Final Fantasy and that started my jrpg addiction which continues to be my preferred genre to this day. I did have a PC eventually, a Pentium 75 with 16MB RAM that my uncle gifted me for my birthday when he upgraded. It had Doom and Duke 3D as well as a few other games. I cleared them both back then but I recently tried Duke3D and even on the easier difficulty couldn't even clear the 1st stage lol. Pioneerisloud, if you wanna list your retro machines with specs seperated by commas I can add you to the club list. And yes, most people choose to emulate and with stuff like RetroPie it makes sense. We recently moved and like I had like 12 heavy boxes full of everything.
  20. Useful videos: Cleaning stickers, labels etc off of old game boxes and carts. Nintendo Gamebit Kit
  21. EHW Retro - The ExtremeHW.net Retrogaming Club aka the I Need More Alcohol and Q-tips Club Welcome to EHW Retro, the ExtremeHW.net Retrogaming club. Atari or Coleco, Nintendo or Sega, Game Boy or Game Gear, Sony or Microsoft, it's all the same here! If you have an Atari ST, a Commodore 64, a Macintosh or an IBM AT, or even just older PC hardware, this is the place for you too! I am not sure how much interest there will be in this, but I figured I'd remake my club here. Whether you have a small collection, a medium collection or a large collection, everyone is welcome here. If you think games were better when you were growing up, and you want to relive the nostalgia, this is the place for you. If you played a game back in the day, but you can't remember what it was, this is the place to ask. Feel free to post pictures of your newly acquired games, post pictures of your collections, and so on. If you go to gaming conventions, feel free to post pics of those too- we would love to see them! Retrogaming includes all consoles, handhelds, arcades and computers prior to the Eight generation (PS4, Xbox One, Wii U) which is still technically ongoing, even though we're in the Ninth generation now with the recently released systems. As long as new games still come out for the PS4 and Xbox One, they won't be considered retro, sorry. Update for 2022: This year, the Vita has become retro per the 10 year rule and in about a month the Wii U will as well if you want to list them. The 3DS also qualifies. This was a request of members of the old club (10 years) though I personally feel a game or system isn't retro until it's 15 years old. How to Join Joining is simple. Just post your EHW name, and a small list of the consoles you own separated by commas. I'm putting this here since some people ignore it, if you want to join and have 10+ consoles, I need them put into a list with commas like in the club members list below. I will not add you if you use bullets, line breaks or any other format besides a simple sentence with commas. If you want you can include an estimate of how many games you have. You can include classic computers, handhelds or arcade cabinets if you want. Look at my listing in the members list as an example in how to format your application. Members list: neurotix (Founder) - NES, SNES (x2), PC Engine Core Grafx, Master System, Genesis, Sega CD(x2), 32X (x2), Saturn (x2), Dreamcast (x2), Game Gear, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance SP, PS2, Xbox, PSP-1000, PSP Go, Macintosh SE w/ replaced PRAM battery and 4MB NEC 80ns SIMMs. 250+ games on cart. ENTERPRISE - PS3 pioneerisloud -AMD K6-III 450 @ 600MHz, AMD Athlon Thunderbird @ 1100MHz, AMD AthlonXP 3200+ @ 2.2GHz, as well as many other retro AMD PC setups Sir Beregond - PS2 Fluxmaven - Sega Genesis, PSP, Xbox 360, liquid cooled PS4 axipher - Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, DS Lite, DSiXL, PSP-1000, NES, N64, GCN, Wii, PS2 Slim, PS3 Fat, Xbox 360, Q6600 / 8800 GTS Crysis rig (lol) Slaughtahouse - Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Switch, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo 3DS, SNES Classic, Xbox 360 speed_demon - SNES, DSi modded
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