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Everything posted by neurotix

  1. Sadly, I'm not very well versed in retro pc gaming. I know and played Sim City/SC2000, Doom (all of the DOS ones), Duke3D, original Wolfenstein and the Epic games like Jazz Jackrabbit, One Must Fall, Tyrian, etc. I'm guessing it wasn't the original Doom. Could it have been Marathon or it's sequel? Made by Bungie and Macintosh only I think. Otherwise go watch LGR videos on YouTube til you find it or ask in the comments. I mostly played all the FF games over and over back then, Street Fighter series, some shmups like Gradius III, beat em ups at friends houses like Streets of Rage and Final Fight, and for the 3D era I was playing everything Square released on my PlayStation, and Mario 64 and Wave Race on my 64. In the early 2000s I played pc games on a Pentium 4 1.8Ghz with a GeForce MX4000 (potato rig). I played Ragnarok Online(where I met my wife) Lineage 2 and WoW so I missed a lot being addicted to MMOs. Sorry.
  2. @Fluxmavenadded you to the club. @Sir Beregond did anything I mentioned for Dreamcast ring a bell, or has it been too long? I'm a huge Dreamcast fan and own 2 of them and even some boxed VMUs (the memory card for it you could play simple games on).
  3. The best advice I can give is to take your current GMMK and pull all the keycaps off and take all the switches out and open it up (requires a small sized Phillips screwdriver like the one in this set: Amazon.com WWW.AMAZON.COM ) It's pretty easy, just remove 10 or so screws that are all on the front underneath the switches and keycaps. Once you do this, the plastic back comes off. If you look at the exposed pcb, you'll see its attached to the metal case by yet more small screws, a few might be hidden under tape: when taking things like this apart it is handy to use an ice cube tray and put the different sized screws in different places in the tray so all your front screws go in one hole in the tray, and the ones for the pcb can go in another. Amazon.com WWW.AMAZON.COM ^ thin crafters foam you can stick inside the case for noise dampening, this is what I did to my GMMK as it is pretty loud and metal clangy sounding by default. You can get this stuff at Joann Fabrics or Michael's or Hobby Lobby too. https://www.amazon.com/Scrapbooking-Permanent-Adhesive-Dispenser-Photo-Safe/dp/B09WYLLX4V/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3KAL2X09N17WX&keywords=roll+on+tape&qid=1672774769&sprefix=roll+on+yape%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-3 ^ roll on double sided tape. I used this to attach some of the thin foam underneath where the space bar is, as well as underneath the gap between Home, Del, End, etc. And the arrow keys (my GMMK is 104 key full size). I just cut strips and squares of the foam with scissors and rolled some of the tape on one side and stuck them on the front side of the pcb. I put more of the foam on the back side of the pcb underneath the stock thin foam mine had in it, too. https://www.amazon.com/Universal-Magnetic-Holder-Adhesive-Compatible/dp/B07CJ1SPY7/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=2R7FZM0A5ZEUR&keywords=metal+plate&qid=1672775072&sprefix=metal+plate%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-4 ^ metal weights you *might* be able to fit inside the keyboard case, I used a small flat rectangular one I had laying around on mine as the board is quite light stock. This will keep it from sliding around on your desk and just make it feel more substantial overall. https://www.amazon.com/Lucas-Oil-10533-Lithium-Grease/dp/B004X70LZA/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=4OCOI334PC0K&keywords=lithium+grease&qid=1672778122&sprefix=lithium+%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-3 White lithium grease. Look up a YouTube video on how to remove all your stabilizers, clip them (buy a flush cutter for this) and put lithium grease on the metal bars. This will reduce the sound and clang made by the spacebar and backspace, enter, etc. I did this to my GMMK as well. Consider cutting masking or painter's tape and putting it carefully on the sides of the top metal case (don't cover the aluminum going around the board) and then Plastidip it your favorite color. I did mine in white on top and used Plastidip pearlizer on it too to give it a sparkly finish. I also plastidipped the inside top of the case to help with making the LEDs brighter. Consider looking into different switches, I am not familiar with the ones you are using now and if they are linear, tactile like MX Browns or clicky. Then consider travel distance and get some o-rings to your preference. Finally, invest in some high quality PBT keycaps. Mine are genuine Filco Sakura keycaps and cost me $80 from caseking.de I think. The possibilities are endless really and opening and taking apart your current board and modding it this way will teach you a lot about how modern mechanical keyboards are assembled and how they work. Most of all, have fun doing it. I've attached a photo of my GMMK which is my endgame board: Kailh Box Jades and WASD blue o-rings. Here is a video of how it sounds, too. I think I got the space bar and backspace pretty quiet compared to stock with all the mods.
  4. Thanks. I'll check it out. Do you know what date it's releasing? My wife just finished the game, well she got the A and B endings but I think she's done with it. This is one we could watch together.
  5. Oh nice thanks for the heads up on the anime adaptation. Do you know what streaming services will have it? (I don't have Crunchyroll)
  6. Dreamcast games.. if it was a turn based combat rpg, was it Skies of Arcadia (were you Vyse, the air pirate and it all took place in the sky with airships?) It could also be Grandia II or possibly Evolution 1 or 2. Arcade style fighter jet game could have been Aerowings 2 or Airforce Delta (made by Konami, so sad what ended up happening to them in the last few years). I had an N64 and played and finished Mario 64 but could never get all 120 stars. Mario Kart 64 is still pretty popular even to this day but I always thought the AI in it was cheap. My first console was a NES with SMB/Duck Hunt and I have around 45 games for it. I'll attach a picture. I am a master of the clay pigeon shooting in Duck Hunt, I can make it to lvl 36 and after level 30 if you miss a single pigeon it's game over. Part of the reason I insist on keeping a CRT is for lightgun games (they only work with a CRT), recently I got another Sega Stunner gun for my Sega Saturn and repaired it and calibrated it so my wife and I played Virtua Cop 1&2, House of the Dead and Area 51 (these were all arcade ports)... Really fun. Ultramega, glad you found a nice Bluetooth controller set and got psx emulation working. I owned a PSX and at one point the PSone which was a smaller low cost version of the PSX, really the first "slim" console I think. I had Capcom fighters for it as well as the 3 Final Fantasies for it, Chrono Cross, and Xenogears (my 2nd favorite game of all time). The PlayStation is definitely a contender for my top 5 consoles of all time. JTSC, I wouldn't exactly consider a rig with 780tis retro but whatever floats your boat man. Seems like they were just out. Back then I had 2x R9 290 Tri-X. Nice setup though. (I have no clue what an evbot even is ) MDK is definitely a cool game, I missed out on it but have seen Lazy Game Reviews videos of them both. I should probably get the first one and give it a try, if I'm not mistaken it was ported to Dreamcast or possibly Playstation. Probably better on pc Fluxmaven, I will add you to the club if you want. I love the Sega Genesis and I have multiple modded PSPs as well, they are great for emulation and emulate nearly every handheld that came before it so it kinda makes my GBA, GB Color and Game Gear pointless lol. Better screen and battery life, save states, etc. On psp. The latest gpsp kai increases compatibility and speed for GBA games and the psp sort of competed with the GBA as well as the DS... Its awesome that you can play the GBA Pokemon games on a psp. I think that covers everyone, whew. Lol
  7. Let's try to keep this club going and add more people. So here's a question: what is your favorite console and game ever? For me it's the SNES and my favorite game for it is Final Fantasy II (the American release of FFIV).
  8. Grim Dawn over LAN with the wife. I think we just have the expansion content left to do. I got her Nier Automata for PS4 for Xmas, I played it when it came out, and recommended it for years. I figured if I bought it for PS4 she'd have no choice but to play it. And she's off all week. She's currently on the 9s storyline. Man this game had fantastic music.
  9. We ended up getting one for $35 amd it has a Macaron theme. Its cute. Would post a link but Microcenter has 4090s so wish us luck with getting there in time to acquire one!
  10. Hey, can someone please recommend a quality mechanical numpad with swappable switches? I'd prefer one prepopulated with switches and keycaps so I can just swap the switches and put o rings on the keycaps and be done with it. Thanks. @Fluxmaven
  11. Yeah, airport security must have had no clue. Speaking of which, we had to cancel our trip to LA for Xmas because of the storm/blizzard at O'Hare.. I'll have the kb and some o-rings (I went for blacks) probably on the 28th, dunno when I'll get the switches from NovelKeys though.
  12. Alright, I ordered a Mini Cat 64 with the adorable cat keycaps and Gateron Yellow switches from Amazon for $99. Those keycaps are available separately but for almost $40 at the link you provided. So instead of buying a bare case and pcb for $79 and keycaps for $39 I got caps and switches with it for $99. I also ordered 2x Box Pink switches for it from NovelKeys for about $30. So I'm putting this together when it all comes and will wrap it in it's box and give it to the wife for Xmas and feel I got a good deal on it because a full size Ducky or whatever or a Corsair board is around the same price. I paid $130 for my Corsair K70 Lux and same for my Ducky One 2, that I need to sell at a big discount as they don't get used- I swap between my modded z77 with White switches and ny GMMK with Jades. If anyone could provide a link to a separate mechanical numpad and keycaps thats cheap, I have extra Box White switches I can use in that as I may not have enough Pinks. Since shes an accountant she'll really need one. Sorry for biting your style @Fluxmaven
  13. neurotix

    Best 4090?

    Thanks for the input guys. Using a 2014 era Cooler Master V1000, @Sir Beregond
  14. neurotix

    Best 4090?

    Alright thanks everyone. Now I finally understand the dongle/adapter situation. I think length should be no problem, see pics of my rig. What may be an issue is that my psu has the mentioned daisy chained 8-pin connectors; 2x 8 pin on one cable. However, its a Seasonic unit and run multiple GPU setups using those with no issues, even with 2x 290 and an FX-8350 pulling 950w+. So I'll chance it and I think both cables are on seperate rails as well. Will be sure to plug stuff in all the way as well- no gaps. That's assuming I can get my hands on one; Microcenter is close but like 1 1/2-2 hrs on the Chicago freeways. I don't know if I'll have to reserve one or be able to, or just drive there and hope they don't sell out by the time we arrive.
  15. neurotix

    Best 4090?

    Alright thanks for your input, I might go with Gigabyte then ,(if these things are ever even available getting pissed off waiting for no stock,), 4 year warranty is pretty great too. Still need Sir Beregond to straighten me out on exactly what the 12V8HWR1337 hemi connector actually is though
  16. neurotix

    Best 4090?

    The Zotac also has a larger, 3 slot cooler though the mounting bracket is only 2 slot. Thanks for the warning about Gigabyte and thanks for the power limit heads up since yes, card will be benched for the bot. Thanks for your input too @ENTERPRISE I'm totally confused about the connector and adapter issue now. I thought you clarified for me in another topic that the connector on the card is 12 pin and you plug 1x 8 pin PCI-E into it, with an extra 4 pins on the adapter being unused. Is the "12VHPWR" actually 16 pin and I plug two 8 pin PCI-E into the adapter then in to the card? Good god I don't see the effing point of this new connector, I love my current PSU and don't want to have to put in a new one. This is the wiring on the backside of my rig and we'd have to rip it all apart:
  17. neurotix

    Best 4090?

    So if Microcenter ever has these in stock, what is the best card out of these three: Gigabyte Gaming OC Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Gaming Overclocked Triple Fan 24 GB GDDR6X PCIe 4.0 Graphics Card - Micro Center WWW.MICROCENTER.COM Get it now! The WINDFORCE cooling system features three 110mm unique blade fans, alternate spinning, 10... MSI Gaming Trio: MSI NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Gaming Trio Triple Fan 24 GB GDDR6X PCIe 4.0 Graphics Card - Micro Center WWW.MICROCENTER.COM Get it now! Play with style! GAMING is upgraded with TRI FROZR 3 to sustain intense performance during gaming... Zotac AMP Zotac NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 AMP Extreme AIRO Triple-Fan 24GB GDDR6X PCIe 4.0 Graphics Card - Micro Center WWW.MICROCENTER.COM Get it now! "Love Gaming with the all-new ZOTAC GAMING GeForce graphics cards based on the NVIDIA Ada... Galax is not available nor do I think my power supply would be able to power the two 12VNP whatever stupid new connectors on the card. I will have to use one of the included 8-pin to 12-pin blah blah blah to even power these cards and hope it works. Thoughts? I'm leaning towards Gigabyte myself. Also, how long is the warranty and how is the RMA process/quality for each of these brands. I've only used Evga and Sapphire in the past.
  18. Was this with L1 and L2 prefetcher off? I hadn't heard of that tweak either. Also, in Extreme Tweaker there's a drop-down box near the Per CCX entry that says something like Performance bias and it has entries for Cinebench R15 Gentle, Cinebench R15 Aggressive, etc. I wonder if those would help.
  19. A protip: you get slightly to a decent amount higher Cinebench scores if you set the process priority for Cinebench to Realtime. The system will essentially lock up and show just a black screen for Cinebench and not show the render, but if you wait it will finish and show the whole render and your score will be slightly higher. I tested both with Realtime and without at 4800MHz and in R23 it increased my score by around 300 pts. On other setups/my old 4790k/older versions of Cinebench, it would actually give you like 500pts more or higher when running the process in Realtime. I think you can set process priority to Realtime using benchmate, but I personally use a program called Prio Process Priority setter. https://www.prnwatch.com/prio/ That program will allow you to control process priority through Task Manager under the Details tab by right clicking on the Cinebench process. And no, I did not use and have no idea about Dynamic OC mode. I just went in the Extreme Tweaker PBO menu and set both PBO and PBO Fmax enhancer to off, left voltage on auto, and set clocks and VID in the per CCX menu.
  20. /img/logo.png neurotix`s Cinebench - R23 Multi Core with BenchMate score: 23762 cb with a Ryzen 9 5900X HWBOT.ORG The Ryzen 9 5900X @ 4800MHzscores getScoreFormatted in the Cinebench - R23 Multi Core with BenchMate benchmark... 4800/4500
  21. This turned out great! And I'm not just saying that cuz I'm on it. Thanks Enterprise!
  22. Box Navies eh? Don't you really have to pound on those? I was actually the most interested in those before I did my custom builds, but went with the Jades because of the lower actuation force and positive reviews, as well as a few videos of how they sound etc. What site do you tend to use for switches that would have Box Pinks with fast shipping? Also, can you recommend some keycap brands or post a link to the caps on your Mini Cat? Or even some PBT white caps. I'm thinking of replicating it for my wife, just with Box Pink switches. We share keyboards so I would be able to use it as well lol. How many switches would I need for it? Not sure I can get the wife to give me say $150 to put it together for her for Xmas when we get back from LA though... @Fluxmavenn
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