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Everything posted by neurotix

  1. Wassup. Might be checking the forums and posting occasionally from now on, but we'll see.
  2. neurotix

    Yeah hi

    Yeah, Ill make a thread IF damric, mllrkllr and anyone else from ocn joins. I did compete in the recent Freezer Burn comp and so on and have been a member of the team over there since 2011. I would like to see some people join, before Id commit long term to a ExtremeHW team (if mllrkllr or Noxinite join Ill stay.) Edit: as far as folding goes, blame Debian being so progressive to break the old gtk2 interface that Fahcontrol needs to work (its just like the Windows 'advanced' if you right click the client in the system tray) Otherwise I did have it working in the command line but the 1080tis are really popular still, so the server said "no units available for this configuration". I havent tried again since. I use Linux on my machine for all kinds of things on my network like my Pis as well as PSTV, so I really need it for ssh, ftp, terminal remote editing of Pi or router config files, and local only SMB server. I am forced to use Windows 10 and security > everything else, also having my home server and avoiding data collection. So unfortunately folding in Windows is not an option even using Comodo CIS Free etc. If I could use Windows 7 on x570 it would be an entirely different thing (it is too much hassle when the installer has no kb/mouse support for usb yet the board has no PS/2 port) Ill try right now though and see if it grabs a WU on my rig. Then get to editing the conf files. Also, I cannot log in on desktop atm w/Firefox, I even disabled all extensions, I just get an infinite login window that spawns another when clicked in the top right...
  3. https://i.postimg.cc/QNpCwRkw/20200325-184033.jpg ^ folding shirt and some coasters I won lol
  4. Hey I posted this in my other thread (Yeah hi): "Also I will start folding soon under Windows, Debian devs decided to break python gnome support, I tried multiple (10?) terminal operations and installed the package, but got errors from apt. I did get FAHClient to install and run (gdebi hates it as I guess it doesnt conform to new deb packaging rules, tries to install into priveleged directories without correct permissions (and start executables in their path), among other issues. I guess you can send commands to FAHClient in the command line. You can pass stuff to it to print work unit status, etc. I may write a bash script to make this easier and take output to stdout then print it in a terminal. Problem is that f@h has so much computing power from people joining, it has no work units to send. I heard a boinc project called Rosetta@Home is sending COVID-19 units now. We should make a boinc team possibly til f@h can deliver units consistently again." The above relates to the deprecated python-gnome2 package but you can manually run FAHClient from the terminal, configure slots in a cfg file and control it with commands. Id do this if the servers had WUs to assign. Also I joined your hwbot team, please see my other post in my thread
  5. neurotix

    Yeah hi

    Go check the hwbot team you made and make me a team captain. I'll start a thread but it will be basic. mllrkllr is more suited to do that and run events. Also apparently I give teams 3k pts and now it says (for this season), your team is #1 uk thanks to me so yah make me a team captain. Thats crazy points for me being a perma enthusiast. lol EDIT: Also I will start folding soon under Windows, Debian devs decided to break python gnome support, I tried multiple (10?) terminal operations and installed the package, but got errors from apt. I did get FAHClient to install and run (gdebi hates it as I guess it doesnt conform to new deb packaging rules, tries to install into priveleged directories without correct permissions (and start executables in their path), among other issues. I guess you can send commands to FAHClient in the command line. You can pass stuff to it to print work unit status, etc. I may write a bash script to make this easier and take output to stdout then print it in a terminal. Problem is that f@h has so much computing power from people joining, it has no work units to send. I heard a boinc project called Rosetta@Home is sending COVID-19 units now. We should make a boinc team possibly til f@h can deliver units consistently again. Sorry this is long :/
  6. Weird Ill reupload it https://i.postimg.cc/sDR5jqWy/20200301-151927.jpg
  7. neurotix

    Yeah hi

    You should just find a Captcha plugin for VB, and nowadays the only effective protection scheme is the full, 2 or 3 page "click the Cars/Crosswalks/Bus/whatever". Also, implementing 2FA could decrease bots getting through if you have to do it to have an active account, which is best practice anyway. The Captcha, or any plugin, should simply need to go in the right folder on the server (inside VB), and probably come with its own .sql file to import into the database. Then you need to check the files it came with, especially the main one, *to be sure to configure default options* and in VB (which is why I disparage it), depending on what theme you are using, certain plugins may or may not work. I would not be surprised if the mobile view registration form would need to be manually edited in its php file to support a Captcha plugin. (Also it has to be configured in the admin panel, activated, told where to go basically as well as the back end) If you ever want help pm me I'm sure your VB guy can do all this but I think the zoom in/out on mobile desktop view is probably a theme setting too. VB locks you in too much to one theme and the themes arent dynamic iirc (I like the Facebook style notifications and functioning mobile site though) Anyway, yes if mllrkllr starts a team I'll join it, I will try to get folding going eventually too (I already wanted to for cv)
  8. Uh sure yah Cheapo off brand grocery store oyster crackers. The burnt looking junk ones with way to much sodium. My cat eats them with me. Also some blackberries, sandwich pepperoni, toll house chocolate chips, and primo exported Greek tzatiki green olives. Japanese food pfft sushi is ok. I get Unagi rolls but I can get Unagidon (Soy Mirin grilled eel on rice), and Ive had kaarage, garlic pork #1 stamina bowl from Sutadonya (real Japanese chain at Mitsuwa Market), theres a super authentic Sichuan restaurant here too, I also do tonkatsu and tempura. At Mitsuwa Ive had lots of mochi, dorayaki, like 10 types of Pocky, and lots of frozen treats like Aisunomi and Gari Gari Kun. sushi is too insubstantial and most American sushi places are run by Chinese that use inferior quality long grain white rice held together with a cream cheese binder, disgusting, instead of real Nishiki sticky Sushi rice, most around here dont even have real seaweed or kelp on the rolls. I study Japanese and plan to travel and will for sure be going to many Izakayas in shibuya If I could have Edozushi or Tamagizushi thatd be different. Maybe when I eventually visit japan. Anyway I dont get to eat any of this stuff open but bomb Sichuan (HOT af) cuisine is like 15 min. away so I cant complain. So theres what I ate plus a little more, few years back we had 6 whole Maine lobsters for Xmas, thats god tier as far as my palette is concerned, as well as King Crab etc. (grew up out east) ​​​​​
  9. neurotix

    Yeah hi

    crazy baka that locked himself out twice. Damn man VB again? Use one of the new paid ones, a few years back XenForo was great, it had like buttons, ran well on mobile etc. Some now might even have mobile apps included etc. to view the forums with a faster and friendlier appearance. Found a bug already on the mobile site rig builder thing, in mobile view it shows the components you entered when editing a rig in a tiny text box, you cant read it. But editing in desktop view, you cannot zoom in (a script or CPanel setting is disabling zooming in while in desktop view). Latest Brave Browser. (site also runs super slow). Anyway, privacy policy and bugs be damned, Ill login later on desktop linux and see what trackers are running in noscript I guess. Props to you though, seeing what looks like a regular British address in the Privacy Policy is a sigh of relief instead of some shady address in Toronto I hope maybe you will take a better direction than VS so Ill start over here too. damric and Simmons572 (or w.e) both mentioned this to me, so I am here. Also if you make a hwbot team I'll join it and I bring an easy 1000+ points to a new team cuz yah im leet lol I could fold as well and I do 3mil PPD. I have another keyboard to build, network secops stuff to do etc so it'll have to wait til I can make an xorg.conf and wrestle with getting Nvidia drivers to turn on PowerMizer and boost, and configure the folding client (which spits errors by default unless you install AMD OpenCL libraries which arent in Debian repos...) Also if you ever want advice or help on VB or its config, securing a server, fixing scripts (LUA, HTML, Javascript, php, Python, CSS, etc.) I can help and I can also help with security and getting rid of bots (please install a Captcha plugin for registration immediately!! Bots can answer math questions now when ai's run them...) Ive run like 8 forums, game servers (WoW), and made many websites over the years, was a mod and developer in VB as well as used Linux since 03. So I super know what I'm talking about, minus the corporate speak.. Other than posting too much and annoying people well, I'm an old school AMD overclocker (K6-2 500mhz on Super Socket 7 ) Ill try to answer Ryzen oc questions for people too but I see a lot of talented and knowledgeable people here, so, Id really hope we can get some functioning modern bot protection as OCN has become infested with bots from reddit or something Finally- よろしくお願いします。 yoroshiku onegaishimasu which means, happy to be here, I look forward to this, etc. So yah resident free thinking weeb, we need an anime club. Reply to whatever catches your eye. 4am here. Smoking too much cigs in my garage posting, and maybe other thi... nvm. Time to go watch animu on my Raspberry Pi in bed with my cat then pass out and wake up at 5pm. ​​​​​ Hope to be helpful to the site in whatever way. ~neuro
  10. neurotix

    I'm here

    Hey yo where da hwbot team at and sup luke. I joined. I could maybe get Schmuckley, jpmboy, etc and we need some others too, probably cant get splave though
  11. What up axipher, long time As to me folding, maybe, have a lot of projects to finish, and folding under Debian can be finicky to configure on dual cards. Think I put up somewhere near 130m points for OCN. core a4 units on my Tis in Linux give close to 1.5mil PPD :]
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