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Everything posted by neurotix

  1. Ok. That'll probably be too low for mine. Yours has more cores available than mine so yeah the heat would require exotic cooling.
  2. What voltage you using for that? That's the variable I'm unsure about.
  3. Thanks. There's still points to be gotten and areas to improve in, in particular my 5900x score in Cinebench. I got better results on my 3900x doing a manual per-CCX overclock with the first two CCX at 4.4 and the second two CCX at 4.2 with 1.33v. With the new chip (5900x) I just used PBO and all cores were boosting to 4750MHz. The result in R23 was around 21k. Sir Beregond posted his result elsewhere and did 23k in R23, but he was using curve optimizer and got his chip to all core boost to 4850.. Problem is I have no clue where to start with a manual CCX oc on this chip, also it only has two CCX whereas the 3900x had four. I'm thinking 4850MHz on CCX1 and 4400 on CCX2 but have no idea what voltage to try, and cooling it will be an issue with just a 360mm aio. Anyway thanks for the encouragement Enterprise. Edit: anyone have an answer for why the bot isn't updating and showing all the HW Points I got benching the RTX 3060? Pretty much every bench I ran gave me 5-6 hw points and I did like 20. For the season rankings, before I did them I had 492 hw points and now it updated and says I only have 500 when I know for fact I earned at least 80 hw points...
  4. Thanks man. Yeah I have Discord but we found out recently that the microphone on my 10 year old Logitech headset doesn't work. Also, regarding the RTX 3060, I borrowed that from my wife's rig (she finally got an upgrade from a R9 380x, basically a glorified 7970, after 7 years). We are unlikely to pull it out and put it back in my system... We actually had a bunch of issues putting my 1080tis back in with DisplayPort not working at all and my board giving us POST codes. Then my wife tried HDMI and found out it worked but my monitor has FreeSync and does 144Hz which you can't do and doesn't work over HDMI. What finally fixed it was flashing the DisplayPort controller with an update that Pascal and Maxwell cards require for DP 1.3 and 1.4 features (which is something we already did when I first got the monitor) On top of that I have severe chronic pain and just had a back surgery, one of the conditions is not bending at the waist so my wife did all the card swapping etc. I can't work on rigs basically. After the fiasco getting the 1080tis to work its very unlikely she'd be willing to mess with my rig again. However, if you have suggestions for benching the 2x or 1x 1080ti or the 5900x, I'm all ears. The other thing is both our rigs are not very bench friendly since we gotta put on rubber gloves to remove the glass side panels etc. Theres other reasons too like needing to bend the aluminum mounting bracket on the end of a card with pliers to get it in and out of my case. It looks pretty and all the cables are on the back side but working on it is a PITA However, thanks for taking notice and the encouragement, currently waiting for stock of 4090s at Microcenter and I'm after the Gigabyte Gaming OC version if we can get our hands on one. I really appreciate you taking notice, thank you. Currently waiting for the bot to refresh/update standings since I got at least 80 hw points benching the 3060, it also got me a bunch of gold cups (hence why I benched it in my rig for the physics score instead of hers with a Kaby Lake i5)
  5. Yeah I was thinking since Enterprise added a peripherals section (Thank you @ENTERPRISE,) I could do all my keyboards I'm looking to sell in one post, at least. I suppose you are correct about OCN having the same setup for the marketplace there. I am also aware of the 2% commission, but unsure of how it works. Is there a payment app built into the site we use or something? Or are we supposed to use something like Paypal in pm's and then once the deal is done, transfer the 2% to a site account? Thanks for your reply. Edit: I'm also wondering if there could be a simple "other" section as well. I have an OCN hat and folding@home t-shirt I'd like to sell (though this site is made up of former OCN users that got sick of what happened to the site so...) Just for nostalgia sake as collectors items.
  6. Does that mean I have to list everything individually instead of in one long post? If that's the case I will probably pass..
  7. Hey, I'm looking to offload a couple of mechanical keyboards, a monitor, and possibly a game system (PSP Go). Maybe some vintage video games too. However, there isn't an "other" section for stuff like this or multiple types of items in one post. I am wondering where to put my advert or if a new section could be made for listings like this? Thanks
  8. Whoa didn't think this would get so heated, haha. (Sorry) I had a 5GHz FX-8350 and 2x R9 290 Tri-X at one point and measured the system running Crysis 3 with my Kill-a-watt meter and it was something like 950w, lol. So it could be worse. I was in a basement though, and I used to fold and mine on those things so it helped warm it up down there. Anyway, thanks Orion for clarifying things for me. I thought the 12-pin adapter took two 6-pin connectors and the new connector just changed the pin arrangement or something but apparently it just takes one 8-pin connector. I'd look into getting custom cable mod cables made but given the age of my PSU, it's unlikely they could do it. It is also not easy accessing my PSU as tons of cables are in the way, I should post a pic of the back side of my rig, it's pretty insane. I'd actually need to disconnect power cables from drives, my 24-pin from my mobo, unscrew the screws holding the PSU to the case, etc to be able to access the back of the PSU. Of course, I gotta get my hand on one of the things first though.
  9. I'd love a hat personally. Since there's interest and so forth I will eventually get around to making some designs with the logo and see what people think. Enterprise pm'ed me these when I asked and since someone offered to make stickers, here you are:
  10. Is there any EHW merch available like hats or T-shirts with the logo? I'm pretty good with graphics design and could come up with some t-shirt designs if there's any interest in it. @ENTERPRISE
  11. So I'm interested in a RTX 4090 as I think the next generation of cards is going to be even more expensive and the top end card in the 5000 series will probably be $2000 at this rate. My dual 1080tis (which are still damn relevant and a good setup if a game supports SLI, but I play Forza and it doesn't) cost $1600 in 2017 so spending about that on a RTX 4090 that is more than twice as powerful as the two 1080tis seems worth it. I know a few forum members have gotten their hands on one, I'm wondering how. I saw someone say that B&H Photo "offered" them one. Does this have to do with the waitlist if you make an account? My wife looked into it and said it would just be an email notification when one was in stock. She also told me they had stock somewhere online and they all sold out within 4 minutes of being available. I've/we've been checking our local Microcenter daily and she made an account to be able to reserve one if they are ever available. What's the best way to acquire one and where have owners of one here gotten one? My second question is about powering the thing. I have a Cooler Master V1000 (Seasonic unit) that is about 10 years old but rock solid. It obviously does not have the newfangled 12-pin PCI-E power connector. However, it has two cables each ending in two 6+2 pin connectors. I know they include an adapter with most 4090s, what I'm wondering is if I should connect a 6-pin from one cable and a 6-pin from another cable instead of connecting two 6-pins off of one cable. I've heard the card can draw 600w under load (not sure if that's true or nonsense) and I seriously doubt a single cable would provide enough power. I am concerned about a single cable and attaching two 6 pins, power supply gurus would know more about this than me. Take a look at pictures of my rig in other threads to see what I mean- my current setup has two 8-pins connected to each 1080ti (which draw maybe 350w each under intense loads like Fire Strike Ultra or Time Spy Extreme). So if it's not clear, if I manage to get my hands on a RTX 4090 should I connect one 6-pin from one cable and another 6-pin from the other cable to the adapter so I don't overload my PSU? (Concerned about it shutting off under heavy load and overloading my 12v rail) Thanks for any replies.
  12. Just wanted to say to everyone, thanks for sharing your experiences with this and I hope everyone gets the care they need medically to have less pain and better quality of life.
  13. Yep, Mint is nice and has a nice selection of window managers to choose from with it's different versions. I personally use it because of Timeshift- system restore for Linux. I've needed to do it a few times after updating the kernel because I have this persistent issue since I run SLI cards where on shutdown, it hangs and gives an error "Xorg: failed to idle channel 2" requiring me to press my rigs reset button. (using Nouveau drivers) Also, your guys desktops look nice but ewww I hate KDE (up until 2021 I was still using Gnome 2 with compiz-renewed or whatever its called. Emerald themes are awesome.) I was actually using mainline Debian but they still use kernel 4 and I don't like that they use Firefox-ESR so Firefox never gets updated. Pretty bad. But I do like Debian not being tied into Canonical and its better if you're a power user, god help you if something breaks with it though. Either way I think you need to try Mint, the rate at which updates come out is rather annoying but maybe theres a higher chance of your issue being fixed. What monitoring tools are you using and what are you doing that requires you to monitor the frequency?
  14. Getting HWBoints for the team, I've pretty much run out of benchmarks I can run for my new CPU that give globals and redid 3D benches that give globals. Maybe I'll run the entire 3dmark suite (Cloud Gate and Ice Storm and all that that don't give globals): /img/logo.png neurotix`s 3DMark11 - Extreme score: 25828 marks with a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti HWBOT.ORG The 2x GeForce GTX 1080 Ti @ 2025/5805MHzscores getScoreFormatted in the 3DMark11 - Extreme benchmark...
  15. Ok thanks. To note, the free version will not show memory copy I think, it'll say trial in a bunch of the boxes. So you'll need a key or other means... Once the program opens its in one of the drop-down menus on the right side and is "Cache and Memory Benchmark"
  16. Hey Sir Beregond, I'm wondering if you could post your AIDA64 cache and memory results if you have the app and a key. I have what seems to be very low Memory Copy results, at least compared to my 3900x where Memory Copy was about as fast or faster than memory read. It was 60/58/62 (Read, Write and Copy) Currently with my 5900x its 58/58/52 and I'm wondering why my memory copy is so low. Thanks for any help in advance @Sir Beregond
  17. These are newer chips, and they may not have the right drivers in linux-firmware package yet. For a long time, even with lm-sensors, my 3900x on a Crosshair VIII Hero also would not work with things like proccesor name or clock speed, these things simply did not work. It took like 2 years before they did. If you look at my conky on the screenshot I provided, you will see that my new 5900x is not reporting the temperature either. Things like this eventually get fixed but I think there need to be kernel updates and updates to the linux-firmware package for your motherboard. I know clock speed is different from temperature monitoring but the reasons I listed probably apply. Just wait and use a distro with kernel 5+ and eventually your problem may be fixed with an update. I would also suggest trying the latest Linux Mint.
  18. Will probably donate one time on Thursday when wife and I get paid and she gets a phat bonus. She's an accountant for research administration grants at a large university. She's been doing half her bosses job and doing her bosses meetings for months now and it's expected to continue through February at least so she got a raise and another bonus. We also need to donate to a food bank, but this is all gonna depend on if we have to pay my effing sisters rent again this month. Aside from that- maybe meet in the middle and lower the requirement to 50 rep instead of 75? I think if someone has 50 rep they are an active contributor and can be trusted, maybe moreso than 35. If this sounds better to you, maybe that's the way to go. I mean, I have 50 but that's cuz everyone here knows me from OCN and has been generous. A newcomer may have trouble getting 35, let alone 50. And having more people selling stuff in the marketplace benefits the site directly because of the 2% paid to EHW so it's beneficial for paying hosting bills or whatever else the money gets used for.
  19. I know I need to quit smoking, believe you me. I have tried about 40-50 times this year and failed. I have a long list of positive reasons for quitting that we put up on the fridge with a magnet, filled a whole piece of looseleaf paper with benefits to quitting. What usually happens is I give them to my mom (I live with my wife and my retired mom- benefits to that like her grocery shopping and home cooked meals ) and I try and go cold turkey while the carton is hidden away in the bedroom. I try to do things like watch anime or play games to distract myself but the longest I've made it is til 1pm before basically demanding my smokes back. I probably have generalized anxiety disorder though it's not official, so going without my smokes makes me incredibly anxious and I get this overwhelming feeling of things being "not right" if that makes sense. Like, I need to smoke to feel "normal", well as normal as you can be on all the meds I take. I know I need to just deal with the withdrawl symptoms, but I know they never get better for me as I was hospitalized for a month in 2020 and couldn't smoke and still had that feeling of needing a cigarette all the way until I was released, and the first thing I did was light up. Which brings up another point, do you take medications for pain or other conditions and have to deal with side effects? (Question for everyone in general)I have numerous side effects from the medications I take for pain and mental issues. The worst one is I have practically no libido anymore and it's from taking 3 1mg clonazepam daily. I've basically gone monk. And I used to be quite horny all the time, lol. Sorry I didn't reply to you sooner. I actually had to ask my wife what a DVT and PE was. Reading about it just now, it sounds horrible and you lost a lung to it from the PE I assume. This is still going on I assume, is there any treatment available for it? How painful is it? Is it just in your legs? How do you handle working on rigs? Yeah, I tried vaping around 2016 and it's a big no-no for me. I did get one of those fat batteries with a large tank. The problem is I had no self control with it, just like with my smoking, so I was sitting on the couch using it non stop til the tank ran out. It was causing me to have panic attacks and severe anxiety, likely from nicotine overdose. I was also smoking 3 packs a day as well. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  20. Sorry to hear that. I have a sciatica in my left leg as well, mostly going down the outside of it, and mostly caused by the low back issue/nerve roots in the low back. Quite a bit different. I hope things get better for you, and everyone else here and everyone gets the help they need to find some relief.
  21. This sounds horrible. I used to get acid reflux in the middle of the night causing me to wake up coughing if I ate Peanut Butter M&Ms and Doritos right before bed.
  22. I'll take a better picture of it and post it here for you tomorrow. Thanks btw. I also have two Intel posters I got by emailing them years ago and asking, they directed me to an outside company that handles people asking for "schwag". One is a "How Intel makes chips" poster that's pretty cool and educational. Its on the right side of my desk behind my Gundams.
  23. I've considered working out too but generally it worsens my pain. I used to do yoga, qigong (similar to Tai Chi), play basketball, practice martial arts/boxing (still have a heavy bag hung up in my basement), and lift weights (still have a weight bench). I can't really do anything of those things anymore. And I'm not allowed to exercise for 6 weeks... Well 3 more depending on what the doctor says. I also got an exercise bike last year that I've used like twice. Sometimes I feel/think that I am responsible for my own pain and if I exercised regularly I would be better off. Almost like I'm at fault for my own pain because I don't do the stuff I used to do. I'm also a 2 pack to 2 1/2 pack a day smoker and smoke the really strong Natural American Spirit menthol cigs. Which is bad for my pain and anxiety and hastens degenerative disc disease. Not to mention how it would affect me,say, playing basketball. I've gone and done physical therapy as a prerequisite to getting my procedure. Doing the exercises just put me in pain. On the Revised Oswestry Disability Index for low back pain/dysfunction I was a 56 when I started (Severely disabled is 40-60) and when I finished I was a 70 (Crippled is 60-80). Once I can, it would probably be a good idea to at least use the exercise bike for 20 minutes a day or as long as it takes to get me sweaty and winded (10 minutes was not enough).. as aerobic exercise is supposed to help fibromyalgia. I'm sorry to hear about your knees, man. I knew you had back pain but having bad knees sucks. I've blown both of mine out when I was younger playing basketball but it wasn't permanent. Maybe I should look into getting a taller table too.
  24. Japanese PC Engine Core Grafx along with matching controller and Hucard, the credit card sized card that games came on. The system has been completely recapped with Nichicon audio grade capacitors. This is the smallest console ever made at about 5.5x5.5". It is the Japanese version of the TurboGrafx 16. (it competed with the Genesis and SNES). It is a fun little system to have. However, about 90% of its library is shoot em up games, and some tough ones at that. I can't say I've ever cleared any of the games I have for it It cost about $110 when I got it with a controller but no hookups and included like 8 games with the CD size cases. I'm sure they are probably more now.
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