Microsoft Exec Says Xbox Lost Console War to Sony, Nintendo
The Xbox Series X/S have around half the sales of Sony's PS5 and less than one-fifth of Nintendo's Switch.
Important to note, Microsoft is not trying to sell more consoles than Sony, and Sony has also realized selling hardware is not the best way to make money. It's all about selling games, or subscriptions. That's why Sony puts their games on PC now, they don't make money from selling PS5 consoles, they make money from selling games. It would be interesting to know which company is actually pulling in more revenue from their respective gaming divisions.
As I see it, Sony is the brand most people would think of when they think of the highest quality modern games, especially single player games. Xbox is in a good position with game pass though. It's been a lot of messy launches and failures for Xbox game pass so far, with RedFall being the latest example, but I think eventually they will get things in order and have a lot more to offer in terms of quality when we start seeing some first party titles like HellBlade and maybe Starfield. If they ever do get COD on game pass, that will be pretty huge as well but even if they don't, there will still be a time where they will eventually have enough quality games on game pass for most people to justify the $10 or $15 a month subscription fee.
Essentially, the way I see it can be summed up like this; Sony is operation on all cylinders and pumping out great games, but there isn't much they can do to build on that formula right now except keep delivering good content. Microsoft on the other hand is still struggling to get started, still yet to release a single "next gen" Xbox series X hardware level game. They have a great foundation in place but are still building out the content to back it up. If/when they do release some good content, I think they will get a ton of new subscriptions.
Side rant: