So here's a fun problem that leaves me a little stumped. Happened yesterday evening, coincidentally on the same day I decided to be more active around here again. A little context and what happened so far:
1. Last weekend, I noticed Forza Horizon 5, installed on my D drive (2.5" SSD), had incredibly slow loading times. I tried a handful of fixes, none of which worked. I ended up reinstalling the game on my C drive (M.2 SSD) and this completely solved all issues. Based on this, and some other context from attempted fixes, I assumed this meant I had a dying 2.5" SSD, and would avoid using it as much as possible, and just upgrade/replace it over Black Friday.
2. Booted up iRacing yesterday and wanted to mess with some wheel settings in Fanatec software. iRacing and both pieces of Fanatec software are installed on my C drive. iRacing opened fine, but neither Fanatec software opened (stopped responding error before I could even interact with them). Decided to restart my computer.
3. PC refused to boot. The first time, one one monitor, I got the motherboard logo with the spinning Windows icon. On another monitor, I was getting cycling black, white, red, green, and blue screens with nothing on them. The third was blank. This continued indefinitely.
4. Restarted again. Only got the motherboard logo with spinning icon. Other two monitors blank.
5. Repeated restarts, each time unplugging my D drive, and then again with my 3 TB HDD backup E drive unplugged as well. Same results.
6. Checked motherboard bios. All three of my drives, M.2 or SATA, are no longer recognized. Only the Windows boot manager, or whatever it's called.
Never had anything like this before, and I'm kinda stumped. Maybe it's the motherboard? Maybe one drive is faulty and messing up the whole thing? Maybe one drive somehow messed up the others? In the next day or two, I think I'm going to more or less disassemble the whole thing and then reassemble it to be sure nothing's come unseated since this is my portable PC that I drive around from time to time. Otherwise, I'm in need of some suggestions for things to investigate. Motherboard is an MSI B550M Mortar wifi, CPU is a 3700X. I may have a spare, compatible motherboard to try swapping out.