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Everything posted by neurotix

  1. Ok, fyi to people that Ultramega suggested an anime themed t-shirt, which I wholly agree on. However, we can't take random anime girl images from Google Images or something. Thankfully, I have drawn anime characters since I was 14 so I can draw a character for an idea I have in mind. I am by no means a professional though. It will be done and colored with either marker (unlikely, we bought two sets of markers for this recently for me to test them, the "water color" markers didn't work as advertised) or colored pencil, inked, then scanned in and put into a shirt design. I will work on this soon. If anyone has any alternative suggestions, like free to use anime characters (female) colored digitally and professionally that would be available for free from say, DeviantArt, we might consider that too.
  2. I will be contributing two $50 Amazon digital gift cards to this foldathon. Wife will buy them later today, after work, as I don't have an Amazon account. Feel free to add those in @damric
  3. Thank you for your long, detailed response. I am sorry about your condition but am happy you seem to have found relief and a method that works for you. I am well aware of the myofascial tissue thing. I have tried a myofascial neck massage and it just made my neck hurt really badly for about a week. I have also tried a trigger point massage of the neck- same thing. I even had deep tissue massage done to my whole body at one point, the masseuse herself said "people with fibromyalgia are so sensitive and problematic" and when she was done massaging essentially my whole body very hard, I could barely get up from the massage table. I hurt all over badly for a week. I have tried acupuncture and the first time I did it, it made me feel really high for about 2 hours afterward, almost identical to a weed high, but then everytime I went back I never had the same feeling again and it didn't help. (I had a really open mind and was very receptive to acupuncture as I used to practice Daoist/Taoist meditation, Qigong (sorta like Tai Chi) and read Chinese philosophy.) I appreciate your offer of the book and trigger point massage as well as myofascial massage, but fibromyalgia REALLY doesn't like have trigger points pushed on. It just causes me worse pain. My wife massages me frequently, and does work the trigger points but it's sort of questionable whether it helps or harms me. A lot of the time she does, I have worse pain the next day. So unfortunately, I won't be looking into the book as fibromyalgia is quite the beast to live with and my body does not respond well to these methodologies. I appreciate it though and am happy to hear it helped you.
  4. Hi again J7SC_Orion, once again my apologies for the slow reply. I can't really respond to all of this, but I can respond to some of it. I am still curious about the nicotine gum but as we said, we have to import it on Ebay and theres only 36 in a pack and it is $10 a pack plus international shipping. So I'd really like a answer as to whether or not it burns your throat? If it does that might simulate the sensation of smoking and help me quit and make it worth the cost. My current nicotine gum is just generic crap, and it is 4mg. So we would try the Thrive in mint in 4mg. Your suggestion about using thunderstorms to fall asleep, believe it or not, is something I regularly do and have been doing for months. This is the video I use. I call it "my ASMR" although I guess it's not really ASMR as it doesn't cause chills or tingles or anything, I just have always loved hearing rain, thunder and so on. I am actually 1/8th Mohawk Native American, and was born during a really severe record setting thunderstorm, so my Indian name in our language is Rowe:'ren (pronounced low-way-low) which translates to His Voice is Thunder. So it makes sense I like thunderstorms. Because of the intensity of my pain, I sometimes go to sleep right after dinner and get in bed and put this video on, always the same one. Let me know if you like it if you try it out. Hope this one helps you if you try sleeping to it. I generally don't have any problems sleeping, I take zyprexa 20mg as well as "Calm Caps" supplement and benadryl. I go to bed around 8pm nearly every single day, and wake up at midnight or 1am wanting sugar unfortunately. Usually eat granola bars or something a peanut butter sandwich, get back in bed and am back asleep within 10 minutes tops. This stopped for a while and I was sleeping all the way through the night which I obviously prefer, but recently has started again. Sometimes I need to take a leak so that wakes me up, then I want sugar. I take T3 daily, two 25mg pills, and going without them causes ridiculous withdrawl and pain symptoms. I also take naproxen when I take my other meds, but recently stopped taking acetaminophen which I took 6 daily of because of your suggestion that it damages the liver. I knew about this already, but because of what you said and knowing that even taking a "safe" amount daily damages the liver by the time you are old, I stopped it. It didn't help anyway. Anyway, thanks again for your long and thoughtful post and support, brother. It has helped me to know that I am not going through this alone. See a hip surgeon tomorrow and have no idea if he will want to do a hip replacement or not given my age, but the steroid injections I got in my hips 2 weeks ago (40mg kenalog in a 3 inch needle in both hips) have NOT helped and just put me in greatly increased pain for that period. Look forward to hearing back, and wonder if any of the new people joining have anything to contribute or a story to tell in this thread.
  5. Thanks for all the suggestions. I used q-tips and alcohol to clean up the rubber pads on my mouse, and tap water on a microfiber cloth, rung out somewhat, to clean the mousepad. I scrubbed the mousepad fairly hard with it and it took the stuff off. Thank you all and especially @pioneerisloud
  6. Thanks E, that means a lot to me to hear my work is appreciated, and I have fun and enjoy doing it. If there's any shirt ideas you have in mind, let me know and I'll do my best to create what you want. Was pretty much kidding about the graphics designer position. I am also a talented writer but probably wouldn't be great at reviews. Didn't mean to disrespect or anything and I appreciate your positive response.. thank you.
  7. I was half kidding. Possibly mostly kidding. And yeah it came off as rude but that's okay.
  8. Figured as much. I got another design planned but it will involve me using traditional mediums and then scanning it in, but I got some new watercolor markers expressly for this purpose. Let's hope they're better than the ones I already have. Dunno when I'll get my official graphic designer position lol
  9. Update: Got form letters from Intel, Asus, Corsair and Thermaltake (Corsair and Thermaltake sent me stuff in the past) Corsair sent a link to buy apparel and gear but it sends me to a server error page. Intel directed me to theintelstore.com which I had no idea existed and is pretty cool and worth checking out.
  10. Hey E, Is the item being shipped from America? There's some incense I like and buy but it ships from the UK now and takes like a month to get here, I know stuff from the other side of the pond takes a while. Do you have any ETA on when you will have the shirt? Pretty excited, sorry to bother you from your duties with the new site move and Discord server. @ENTERPRISE
  11. It's only really dirty/noticeable on areas that are NOT near the rgb strip on the sides. The biggest culprit and problem is basically dead skin on the bottom of my mouse that accumulates around the rubber pads on the bottom. Then if I move it a certain way it'll transfer to the mousepad and look like a streak of light discoloration. I've tried using a toothpick to go around the edges of the rubber pads on the bottom of my mouse to get the dead skin off, which also accumulates on game controllers under heavy use around the seams where the halves meet, and its effective on game controllers but not on the rubber pads underneath my mouse. (I probably need to just peel them off and use Goo Gone on where the pads were to remove any stickyness.) I usually have the bright white led recessed lights in my basement room (there's like 18 in the ceiling) OFF and have a lamp near my desk plus bright leds coming from my rig, and the mousepad looks fine then. But with those lights on its really noticeable. Thanks for your advice. I will try it.
  12. Anyone know how best to clean a mousepad that probably can't go in the dishwasher? Should I use Dawn on a damp towel?
  13. In bigred Also this came today from the last one. Thanks @Fluxmaven
  14. Yep, definitely getting a white/red one. You did a great job on the one with the traces and logo with icons, @UltraMega
  15. So I'm wondering what the size/Oz. Is on the red and white mug with the logo, icons and circuit pattern? I use a much bigger than normal coffee cup in the morning and it looked larger than a standard mug. The black mug with Flux' design is cool but too small for me. @UltraMega
  16. Nope, don't really follow stuff like that. Probably bad.
  17. Okay, an update. Intel said they don't give out free stuff anymore HOWEVER directed me to Sale | Intel Retail Store THEINTELSTORE.COM Intel Store, including apparel, hats, accessories, and gifts. Looks like they offer a lot of branded merchandise and I had no clue this even existed. Did anyone else? Additionally, I emailed: AMD Nvidia G.skill Corsair Asus MSI Thermaltake Sapphire Cooler Master And I think that's it.
  18. Guys, particularly bastiaan who I think is team captain, on our team page here: https://hwbot.org/team/extremehw/ If possible, edit the "About Us" section and insert extremehw.net at the end. That way anyone poking around our page will possibly come to the site. @Bastiaan_NL
  19. I was a member of OCN since 2011. I no longer use the site, but have fond memories of discussions, overclocking, benchmarking, and folding in the team competition. I bolded what you said, as this rings true personally for me in the present day with EHW. I made an account here in 2020 but a few months ago I decided to get on and actively participate. It is about the only social interaction I have besides that with my wife and retired mother, and doctors and nurses at appointments. Everyone has been extremely good to me here and given me lots of rep much faster than I expected. As you well know, I live with severe pain issues- Chronic Pain Syndrome, Degenerative disc disease, Chronic Neck Pain, Hip impingements requiring a hip replacement, and fibromyalgia. However, getting on this community and its Discord and especially finding out others in the hobby deal with similar issues has been extremely good for me. The social interaction and engagement I get while discussing the hobby has helped my depression, and made the pain more bearable. So thank you for creating this forum. I have been way less depressed since starting to participate. (And thanks for not filling it with Reddit, Google, Facebook, and Twitter trackers/scripts. Jeez go to OCN sometime with NoScript in your browser. It's a mess.)
  20. Hey all, I am wondering what the best way is to clean a thick cloth mouse pad with rubber on the bottom and RGB lighting around the sides. It is https://www.amazon.com/UtechSmart-Extended-Brightness-Mousepads-31-5×11-8/dp/B07PQDLF51/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=utechsmart+mousepad&qid=1675115239&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUE1SzZOS0JJN09aMDEmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA2MTk5NjUxMzFHSTRCWFJETjJUJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAxNzc1MzVWMjBITEhYQ05CT1kmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl Sorry for the long ass link. I dont know how to shorten them Anyway, I know with soft pads you can run them through the dishwasher but we have a brand new dishwasher that has a drying cycle that uses high heat. I also assume the little box attached to it in the top left with the button to change the colors that the cable connects to has a simple PCB inside. Is there any other way to clean smudged areas on the mousepad? I had one just like this for years and the rgb became dim over time, I tried Dust Off wipes and alcohol wipes on the cloth to clean it and they left fibrous residue on the pad that never came off. Any ideas?
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