Hello all,
We are nearing the holiday period and I wanted to take a moment to wish you all the very best and I hope you all enjoy whatever it is you will be getting up to this year. Most of all, stay safe. As per usual, I imagine I will be doing some relaxing while eating far too much and enjoying a little tipple here and there.
A big thank you to all our members for being a part of the community whether it be frequent flyers, lurkers or those joining for our competitions, it is great to have your participation. A huge thanks to all our members of position on the site that help with the running of EHW one way or another, your help and continued dedication is highly appreciated and continues to make the community more enjoyable for all.
As always, a big thanks to all those who donate towards the site whether it be a donation or purchasing a premium account, this is a HUGE help towards the running costs and general upkeep of the site. All donations received go directly into the site pot and will always be put into the site and the membership in one form or another. We are still working on the site becoming a self sustaining entity, which includes our move towards Google ads as well as the expansion of the site merchandise which we will progress with further as time goes by. In early 2024 I hope to launch some of the new site merch as discussed HERE. I was hoping to have this done late 2023 but this has not been possible, sorry for the delay on this but more news on this as soon as I have it. 2024 will also see the move towards seeking site sponsorships, but this is something that will be developed in 2024 as this is very much theoretical at this point.
Finally, I look forward to seeing you all during the holiday period and in the new year. Lets keep our fingers crossed for an excellent 2024 for us all.
All the best,