So finally i have a conclusion:
1, in the past i bought it here
Just a moment...
It worked was no problem. I got 4 codes for 3 months and worked flawlessly
2, I bought 3 months on
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And i run into trouble, bcs of region mismatch. Microsoft support told me that it is not a official reseller and i should in future buy the codes from local sites to dont run into this kind of problems. result i contacted CDkeys for refund or new code... Still waiting for a response. But i bought an EU and UK code and it doesnt work for a country within EU - Microsoft answer was - you need to buy it from the country you are using it....
3, i bought another code from a local seller which is an official reseller.
Gues what? Yes i run into the same problem So i contacted the supoort once again and explained the whole situation. this time the guy took it to his supervisor, i shared the codes and BAM they activated 6 month for me. When i was asking what happend he explained me its an internall mismatch and error and sometimes the codes work sometimes not. So happy buying and redeeming If it doesnt work then just open a chat with them and they should be able to do it.
Hope it will help you guys in any way...