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Everything posted by schuck6566

  1. (sigh) Intel & Nvidia have been trying to cut each others throats for years now,Nvidia with them trying for a decent x86/64 cpu and intel with a decent graphics chip. It will be nice if either can manage to really get a strong competing chip into the party. Nvidia's Tegra line didn't do so well for consumer use, BUT the Grace line might put some pressure on server side cpu's. " https://www.tomshardware.com/news/nvidia-outs-grace-cpu-superchip-arm-server-lineup-ships-in-early-2023 "
  2. I suggest visiting Dells site and downloading all the drivers onto a usb so it's easier to install them if needed. When I put a clean Win 10 on my old Dell,I just ran all the Vista/7 drivers in Compat mode when installing and got a couple things working that windows was buggy with.Afterwards Windows installed updated drivers once they parts were recognized. About the only thing I never got working with the upgrade from Vista was my HDMI output.
  3. ROTFL, Puritans? My first ticket was for speeding,the cop clocked me passing a car that was doing under 50 in a 55 and clocked me @ 62Mph (New Jersey State troopers),After moving to MA, I got hit with doing over 20Mph over the speed limit. 48 in a 25 because the town cops clocked me off an overpass coming off a 6 lane divided highway with a limit of 65 and clocked me at the start of the exit ramp.(exit ramp is 25Mph) Now,Oklahoma's whacked setup.... OKC = The following fines and costs apply if you pay your ticket on or before your court date. $172 Speeding up to 10 mph over speed limit $203 Speeding 11-19 mph over speed limit $213 Speeding 20 mph over speed limit $213 Speeding in a residential area $193 Failure to yield right of way $213 Failure to yield right of way to emergency vehicle $213 Speeding in a school zone $168 Transporting open container of beer or alcohol $173 Vehicle equipment violation What Qualifies As Reckless Driving in Oklahoma? Unlike other states, no set speed limit determines reckless driving in Oklahoma. Reckless driving in Oklahoma is simply determined by the circumstances surrounding the incident. Any reckless driving traffic violation in Oklahoma is automatically categorized as a misdemeanor. To receive a reckless driving charge, the driver must violate Oklahoma’s speeding laws as well as operating their vehicle without regard for the safety of others.
  4. Dude,I'd say it was a combination of both your faults. U speeding in a business zone,her not realizing you were going that fast and taking her time in her turn. If U look back(between 7-8 sec mark),she started her turn when you were still approaching the last business on the rights entrance,hardly the crosswalk,but took her time in the turn. If she hadn't left the scene,most cops would've handed YOU the ticket for that crash. Almost 10Mph over the limit in wet road conditions they'd give you reckless driving or the speeding ticket here in Oklahoma.PLUS you're insurance would suffer for paying for the wrecks.
  5. a better comparison choice would be with the new Nvidia GTX1630 that's costing between $160-$200 with these kinda specs : At least they'd be comparing in close to the same price range for "new" cards (I use the term loosely regarding the nvidia card... "
  6. Ran across this in the AMD forums while looking for more on your issue. System crashes with RX 580 and B450 - always - AMD Community COMMUNITY.AMD.COM Hi guys, I'm facing a continuous problem with my current setup: AMD Graphics Card 8192MB ATI Radeon RX 580 Series (XFX Pine Group): ...
  7. lol, Limbs, they're not just on tree's anymore...
  8. I see your 13" knife and raise you THIS...
  9. Well, we'll see if this is the miracle fix,part of the amp or transformer got replaced in the building this morning before the guy got here. He didn't want to get too plain with me after I told him my theories on the heat in the rooms with the amps & he said that wouldn't effect them,then said a weak part would show in the line test, THEN office called him back after he called to inquire about my outage between 11:15 & 11:47 and they called him back & told him about the other tech replacing the unit in my building at that time because several OTHER modems were also having the same issue when they traced them in the building. But,yeah,customers don't know what they're talking about. lol Edit: Only outages so far have been Storm/power related and has come right back up as soon as it ran it's power cycle, and my speed actually is faster on this modem even with the storm. Wife has double the speed on her xbox1s on this modem/router wifi compared to the netgear nighthawk being hooked up, and here's results for my comp wired direct also.(this modem has 2 lan out puts,1 for me,1 going to 4 port switch in bedroom ) I pay for 400Mbps down & 40Mbps up. first I've gotten past 39 up in forever.
  10. looking at these images,it's like we have an electronic Salvador Dali (the program) who needs inspiration (our input)...
  11. for you PS2 needs, I've had luck with these in the past. PS2 to USB Female,PS/2 Male Converter Changer Adapter for Keyboard Mouse 2pcs by Oxusbor Amazon has them for $5.99+ tax free next day shipping with prime, ebay has similar items $3.95 +tax free economy shipping(roughly a week) from the U.S. both places so may make a diff depending where it's going.
  12. The problem with cell as a back up is I'd have to have an unlimited data cell plan, that would cost me MORE than I currently pay for my Internet/home ph plan because the ACP knocks $30.00 a month of my internet bill. lol,they're coming BACK today because even after the new equipment on my end, the last 2 nights have had outages as usual.This is the 3rd time I've had a rep admit it sounds like the issue is somewhere in the line or THEIR amplifiers but I can never get the techs to run diagnostics from street to the lug where I connect(I'm in a highrise).There are several amps divided between the floors of the building,I figure if the 1 below me is flaking out like a vid card with a weak cap it might be causing my issue. Everythings fine until the heat gets too much for it (late afternoon,early eve no cooling in the room it's located) Comes back after it starts cooling off Early a.m. But what do I know?
  13. And there lies my issue, it's the data I need because we stream everything. All tv is streamed from either Sling or some other source Plus Kodi and wifes gaming. According to Suddenlink's own graph here I've used 108.2Gb of Data in about 72 hours. When this goes down,it's during prime time (usually from around 3:30 p.m to 2:00 a.m sometimes not until 6p.m.) So I'm looking at anywhere from 6-12 hours PER outage that I'd be streaming off the LTE service. I was lucky that tonights was only from 9:45 p.m. to 1:00 a.m so wasn't too bad just watching DVD's. Here's an idea of my Data usage monthly....
  14. lol, ATT offers a whopping 1Mb DSL in my area and T-Mobile isn't sure yet??? if they're in my area(a high rise issue),a new fiber provider is coming to the city but starting on the OTHER side(of course) and even then don't know if they will do the high rise when/if they do this side of town.Starlink isn't coming until possibly 2023...
  15. lol, My provider is changing their name on Aug1, they're STILL owned by Altice but they will have a different name now. The company name currently being used has 2 class action lawsuits against them in 2 diff states and had a settlement awarded against them for 2.2 million in WV for unsafe practices. They had a Tweet that said "Here's what Blank wants you to know"and goes on to show 1 of the reviews they have posted "What's a positive experience I had with Optimum Employees?" "The technician who installed my service was on time and professional" People tore that up saying it was the minimum you should be able to expect in customer service not a positive aspect. Then I responded with
  16. Well, 2 weeks of fairly regular outages with half a dozen techs coming out and finding nothing wrong. Here's what was ck'd and done to finally (we hope)get my internet reliable again. This started with internet going out around the same time each night for 6-12 hours,then POOF! back up.lol Days I had outages in July= 7th,8th,9th,11th,12th,13th,17th,18th,19th,20th,21st. #1 Tech(sub contractor)comes out,ck's my equipment (2 modems,1 ph & 1internet)and they are working so he ck's the connection at the box in our service room and it's working,hooks back up and no signal at equipment.Goes back,RE-hooks it up and has signal. Suggests there's an issues in the box OR with the AMP a couple floors below or the 1 above me(I'm between 2 line amps over 20 years old). Put it in his notes to ISP. #2Next outage I contact provider and THEY say problem was solved. I tell them NOT! They say person came out next day and balanced my signal and reported the issue resolved and I note that 15mins before his time of the resolution report is when my internet & ph went out & stayed out. (He hooked me into the wrong lug apparently) #3 Company tech arrives test my equipment,finds nothing wrong after ck'ing the box(he hooked me back into the correct lug) Tells me he has 25 years experience and doesn't want to hear what the 1st tech had to say.Tells me he doesn't pay attn to their notes and the 3rd party techs HAVE to send them.After his visit,supposedly fixed. #4 City wide outages,damage to local lines,cause 4 day delay in getting next tech while they scramble to fix their crap. #5 Next tech comes out after I've been complaining to a supervisor and replaces the 2 separate modems with 1 modem (1gb WiFi6 telephone) I ALSO find out from property manager that provider had a different tech on the 8th floor working there earlier that day(where the 1 amplifier is)If they replaced the amp is unknown. #6 first 2 days of new modem had outages but seems to have leveled out now.Waiting to see what's next. #7 A side note,the new modem has a usb feature for hooking in printers,ect., and it screwed with the usb print feature on the netgear nighthawk router. Also the default address isn't a 192.xxx.x.x so had to enter the new default into the netgear software manually just to be able to log in and see the WiFi devices that were connecting. Anything to make life easy....
  17. Thanks! Thought maybe I was going batty when it wouldn't do it on other threads 4 me. lol, It's a conspiracy to keep me from viewing your thread... now it's working normal again. I figure later today it'll be awake enough to frustrate me again.
  18. Ok, I normally RIGHT click the notification and open it in a new tab, Pio's new projects notification opens to https://forums.extremehw.net/rigs/view/40/?display=brief&csrfKey=f4b9f8400e82314d01e7ccb784ffa070 when right clicking/newtab option is used. BUT when I just click on the tab it opened fine to here.. lol, It's buggy enough to feed all the Spiders & Lizards at Petco. P.S. I cleared cookies,cache with CCleaner and even overwrote the data that was there,afterwards had to sign back into the site and this was still happening. P.P.S. THIS thread opened with no issues when right clicked/new tabbed, https://forums.extremehw.net/topic/577-build-log-the-manhattan-project/page/10/#comment-28137 So not all threads all the time....
  19. I don't run the evga software with my wife's gtx 950 on Windows 10 so can't say if there's any issue there, BUT my MSI GTX 970 had issues with the MSI software for the card with Windows 10 because they changed support to another software for the RGB stuff with the 1000 series cards and it made background cpu usage up to 20% at idle with the MSI software running with my 970. When I build here a better rig(currently a i7 2700)that will support Win 11 I'll see about upgrading her card also. Probably get me a better 1 and giver her my RTX 2700.
  20. That's what has you worried? When The U.S. already has This? Rethinking Surveillance on the 20th Anniversary of the Patriot Act WWW.JUSTSECURITY.ORG 20 years ago, Congress enacted the PATRIOT Act. It's time to move on from that outmoded model of surveillance.
  21. His personal life and the show are 2 different things. This was Women in the Military at the time of filming, so keeping with the current fashion(mini skirts)he kept it realistic....
  22. "how the women had to dress" have you actually looked at what the styles WERE at the time the show was being made? Don't blame Gene for following the current fashion trends. 1966 Nancy Sinatra(daughter of Frank Sinatra) Signature song and video for it,These Boots are made for Walking... Also interesting for you....
  23. What a great Debut Album...
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