The title says it all. How did you come about participating in folding@home?
For me, I had some curiosity back when I had first joined some of the old overclocking forums back in the day. My buddy @neurotix always told me that folding was the ultimate stability test. So I messed around with it from time to time, but never anything serious until last year when @BWG began looking for testers for the new ETF league here at extremehw. I saw the ETF league as an opportunity to sharpen my overclocking skills, and I had many bumps along the road as I learned that the ETF league was more about endurance than just raw speed. I learned so much from the veterans here, and especially my first team, Out of Beta, that eventually I decided it was time to create my own team, hoping to expand the league a little bit more. Plus, one of my best childhood friends, @JosephStewartPE got very curious about my folding test benches, and I was able to recruit him to my team after we built him a PC. Now I have at least 3 clients folding in our home at any given time. I have my ETF test bench currently running a disappointing Quadro M2000 overclocked darn near +90%, Michele has her GTX 750 overclocked about +40%, and whatever card I'm testing on my extra slot on my main bench. I mostly try and fold on very light power cards, but sometimes I also fold on my Vega64 to help heat the home on cold winter days
What about the rest of you?