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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661
  On 17/05/2021 at 19:20, iamjanco said:

new slave labor subbing.



We're about to see what he's going to do on the UI side for our stats website. @ENTERPRISEsuggested him, and so far his suggestions have always been dead on. @iamjanco says he has some time to squeeze us in to his busy free time schedule ;) Thank you so much for volunteering your time.




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
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Quick question, perhaps best answered by E?  @ENTERPRISE  has any work been done on the dark theme for the EHW site itself yet? If so, it might be best to have the color scheme for the stats section compliment what's being done for the main site. 


If not, have we established any preferences yet above and beyond going with something darker (e.g., a dark theme)?


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  On 18/05/2021 at 12:32, iamjanco said:

Quick question, perhaps best answered by E?  @ENTERPRISE  has any work been done on the dark theme for the EHW site itself yet? If so, it might be best to have the color scheme for the stats section compliment what's being done for the main site. 


If not, have we established any preferences yet above and beyond going with something darker (e.g., a dark theme)?




  On 14/05/2021 at 16:45, BWG said:

Why can't Dark Mode be just as fast? C'mon man! :) 



  On 14/05/2021 at 16:48, ENTERPRISE said:


Don't even lol.



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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661


  On 18/05/2021 at 12:54, iamjanco said:

^Is that the Queen's English, or American English?


I think I get it. 


Anyway, I'll be back.



They don't have to match. That's a simple hex edit to make them match colors later, if wanted, but I'd just use the colors in the logo right now. Background the dark part of the X in top right of the logo. All the headers, tables, figures, are kind of a toss up for me until I see some variations. Could even just do 2 ideas, and make a poll for users to pick, or even picklist a theme chooser into it if you want to go that far.


Similar features to the old site, but add daily, hourly, monthly stats for the active month and historic months for users and teams. We did however have graphing for the categories and teams that we would like to add which I believe @zodac was getting ready to implement that on his end here soon.


Probably top nav since EHW is.


Top Nav Idea:


Home (will land on the leaderboard and so would the URL) | Category Stats (just one page with all 3 categories) | Team Stats (hover drop-down to pick a team) | User Stats (hover drop-down to pick a user forum name) 


Page/Stat Headers: (pages to display on)


Forum User Name (leaderboard/category/team/user) / Folding User Name (user only) / Folding Team # (user only) / Raw Points (leaderboard/category/team/user) / Multiplier (leaderboard/category/team/user)  / Adjusted Points (leaderboard/category/team/user) / Work Unit Total (leaderboard/category/team/user) / Category Rank (category/team/user)  / Overall User Rank (leaderboard/team/user) HFM Link (user). Also, all sortable.


Choose from a picklist to view hourly/daily/monthly stats below the headers on the team/user pages only (vertical cascade).  Making these headers expandable/collapsible would be cool too so people could choose not to view a header/statistic if they wish. I'd suggest at least 1 page for all teams (leaderboard), 1 page for all 3 categories (category),  1 page for each team and 1 page for each user that contains the current and historic data in the same sortable fashion, but with a monthly picklist added. Might even be cool to add a yearly picklist or total overall since event inception, but that might require zodac to do more stuff and things; not certain.


I don't know if it would be possible to pick a user or team and run a comparison window showing either a team or user stats comparison side-by-side, but that's one thought that wasn't in place previously that I'm certain would be useful.


These are my quick thoughts, and I'd like some of the folders to chime in with their thoughts before we finalize what 'we' want. I'm not really that important, they are! :) 


Logo would link to the Extreme Team Folding Manual.

User name would link to the user page on EHW. (might need zodac to add)

Team Name would link to the team discussion on EHW. (might need zodac to add)

Graphing would be an icon like it is the old site above the leaderboard and category


Edited by BWG




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
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  On 18/05/2021 at 15:00, BWG said:

User name would link to the user page on EHW or whatever forum they belong to.

Team Name would link to the team discussion on EHW.


These two would need back end changes. I can start them at some point, should be quick. ?


Edited by zodac
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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661

Yeah, I edited my post just before you posted.




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
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  On 18/05/2021 at 12:32, iamjanco said:

Quick question, perhaps best answered by E?  @ENTERPRISE  has any work been done on the dark theme for the EHW site itself yet? If so, it might be best to have the color scheme for the stats section compliment what's being done for the main site. 


If not, have we established any preferences yet above and beyond going with something darker (e.g., a dark theme)?




Front my last talk with the devs, it is completed, however I am awaiting its deployment onto the live platform. I will be following up with them on this soon.

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CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
RAM: Corsair Dominator Titanium 64GB (6000MT/s)
GPU: EVGA 3090 FTW Ultra Gaming
SSD/NVME: Corsair MP700 Pro SE Gen 5 4TB
PSU: EVGA Supernova T2 1600Watt
CASE: be quiet Dark Base Pro 900 Rev 2
FANS: Noctua NF-A14 industrialPPC x 6
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Ok, made some more UI changes, probably the last big one. I've added:
- A team leaderboard

- A user leaderboard for each category

- Pop-ups for when the stats are refreshed, and telling you how many updates have passed since you last checked

- Links to team forum threads and user profiles

- An icon for live stats for users that have them

- Small tooltip for users that have a different folding name to their username


Last change is to secure the backend and expose a way for @BWG to add/edit users and teams, but that could take me a while.  Until then, if anyone notices anything, let me know. ?



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So I just looked at this page (https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_summary.php?s=&t=239902) which looks just a wee bit different from what I looked at a few days back.



A) Am I in the the right place? If I am, great work (it looks a lot different)!

B) If something still needs to be changed, please let me know;

C) If I'm not in the right place, please let me know;

D) If I should just go away and mind my own business, please let me know;


E) If (D), can I continue this thread in the ban thread?


F) If all of the above, please submit your mailing addresses to me via PM so that I personalize the poisoned chocolates packages I'll need to get in the mail out to you;


G) If none of the above, please tell me I'm confused, rub my shoulders, give me a treat, and pat me on the head.


While I think I covered all the bases, do we need an official requirements doc?


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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661
  On 21/05/2021 at 20:19, iamjanco said:

So I just looked at this page (https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_summary.php?s=&t=239902) which looks just a wee bit different from what I looked at a few days back.



A) Am I in the the right place? If I am, great work (it looks a lot different)! - Nah, it's http://teamcomp.axihub.ca/ But, for having really not much UI skills at all, it looks better than just scripts to me. zodac whipped that UI up. Kinda neat for not doing much UI at all I'd say.

B) If something still needs to be changed, please let me know; - Not quite yet, still have db work in progress.

C) If I'm not in the right place, please let me know; - See A)

D) If I should just go away and mind my own business, please let me know; - No way, but the op has the link and somewhat of a changelog/list of goals to accomplish on the db.


E) If (D), can I continue this thread in the ban thread? - No banning reason's I can see to ban you in that thread, yet.


F) If all of the above, please submit your mailing addresses to me via PM so that I personalize the poisoned chocolates packages I'll need to get in the mail out to you; - My mailing address is Axipher 1234 Blame Canada St. Canada's Fault, Canada, 4321


G) If none of the above, please tell me I'm confused, rub my shoulders, give me a treat, and pat me on the head. - The backrub emoji is still in dev, right after dark mode, I think.


While I think I covered all the bases, do we need an official requirements doc? - That post I tagged in is kinda where we're at. We will ping ya here and on Discord when the magic is ready to happen.




I have responded loudly bold above. ;)

Edited by BWG




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
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  On 21/05/2021 at 21:59, BWG said:


I have responded loudly bold above. ;)


Yeah, I went back and looked at the original link you sent me and kinda figured all that out while you were busy answering what I previously posted; thanks for saving me the trouble of answering myself. 


The backrub emoji is still in dev, right after dark mode, I think.



Edited by iamjanco
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Just to say @iamjanco, pretty much the whole UI can be replaced, it was basically a placeholder so people didn't have to just read plaintext. The only thing that might be useful to you are the REST endpoints and JSON responses, but even those I will document properly in RAML or something and send on to you when you start. 

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  On 29/05/2021 at 08:21, Bastiaan_NL said:

The retired zodac did pretty good, 6 units 50million points each.. :classic_blink:


It was just too good, had to be retired. It was just making everyone else look bad. 


The new zodac has been refined to be more competitive for this crowd. 

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Hi all, June reset was just triggered. Final stats for May are posted below.


Just a note, you'll see that @Bastiaan_NL has some points already. I had a look at his live stats, and it looks like a new WU was assigned to him just after the last update. The final update for the month is at ~xx:55 (maybe a minute earlier because my VM is a bit out of sync), while he got a new WU assigned at xx:56. So I think that's why he's already got a WU assigned. If you think there's been some tomfoolery going on, I'm happy to take his points away though. ;)


Anyway, have fun for June everyone!


  Reveal hidden contents


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Folding@Home Staff - Team Lead
1.1k 1,100

Lol my 1 WU worth 10mil after multiplier.


Too bad that card seems to * the bed on like half of the WUs. I doubt I can keep it going strong but hoping for the best. The HD 7850 is really on its last of nine lives.

Edited by damric



CPU: Ryzen 7 5800X
RAM: 4x8GB Ballistix
GPU: RX 6900 XT
PSU: LEADEX V Platinum 1KW
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  On 07/06/2021 at 12:24, zodac said:

Gone quiet in here. People must be Folding real hard, can't spare any CPU cycles for web browsing. ?


Well, My Folding rig caught fire 2 days ago and won't power on after a Win 10 update, hows your day?

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Folding@Home Staff
730 374
  On 07/06/2021 at 12:24, zodac said:

Gone quiet in here. People must be Folding real hard, can't spare any CPU cycles for web browsing. ?



I've been trying to keep up with setting up the 8000+ sub-domains you keep requesting from me...

Edited by axipher
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