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  1. Hello all, It is my pleasure to announce that @pio & @LabRat are the new owners and operators of ExtremeHW. Please join me in welcoming them to their new role and wishing them the best of luck for the future. I will be sure to check in and see what you have done with the place All the best, E
    22 points
  2. Thank you @ENTERPRISE. It is our pleasure to continue the site, we can't let the place die. It needs to continue going as expected, and grow. So let's see if we can't make that happen within a year or two.
    12 points
  3. PM'ed again E (well....on discord). Sigh, I might not know the first thing about web site running, but turns out I will be needing a website anyway, similar to this one. Similar freaking name even. Sigh, time to research and get out the wallet maybe. I'm still researching and trying to learn what all this extra crap is that you're paying for, and what all I need to learn to make this happen and be successful. Definitely don't want to just purchase, and then be stuck with a dead site that I can't do anything with because I'm stupid. EDIT: Nobody hold me to this. I'll repeat, I don't even really know HTML coding. But I can't just sit by and let this happen, when I'm going to be needing a site this year anyway that's similar.....and we've ALL already put so much effort in here. Just yeah. I'm overwhelmed still and thinking.
    9 points
  4. Hello all. We shall endeavor to be the most benevolent of your new overlords. Thanks for the support; I look forward to seeing all of you (and new faces), on the regular.
    8 points
  5. Question is...... Who wants to see it happen? I'll buy it right now (assuming price is negotable), if we can just get the OG's to come back and hang out and share what they were doing again. Keep the hwbot team going, keep the folding stuff going, get the reviews going back up again. Once profit comes through, maybe offer prizes again. I don't want to see what we've worked so hard all these years to end. It might take me a bit of time to figure out everything E was doing, but I'd love nothing more than to see, I don't know 6 months or 1 year ago activity back. I don't think that's asking much. I think there's tons of room for improvement here, and I think with the base group of folks that were here.....we can do it. What's everybody say? I can't run the site all by myself, put content, post news, etc all by myself afterall. But I'll do my best to make the changes EHW needs to keep going and TRY my best to drum up more membership as well as new owner. I honestly do see the value in a place like this, and I don't think it needs much change at all to become more successful. I have no problem making this my 9-5 if I have help to do so.
    8 points
  6. 7 points
  7. strange, now it's like me talking to myself... (from the things that make me go hmmm... category)
    6 points
  8. @pio and @LabRat best of luck on carrying the torch. I've been busy with other things over the last year, but I'm planning on being a bit more active moving forward.
    6 points
  9. I was thinking about buying this website as I have above-average web development experience, however, time is the problem. If @pio does go through with the purchase, I can offer help.
    6 points
  10. Am I being too hopeful that the site will remain since it's still here this morning? If so, Goodbye too all my friends here, I wish you well in your journey through life wherever it may take you.
    6 points
  11. It would be very sad to lose this community. @ENTERPRISEwe wish you the best in all that life has to offer. @piowe won't hold you to anything, but you would have our support if you decide to carry the torch.
    6 points
  12. 2,433,903,849 points and 2493 units in 48 hours, insane... Thanks for the good times everyone, take care
    6 points
  13. Way to finish here at EXTREMEHW. Glad to see everyone. I wish you all well. damric signing off
    6 points
  14. Was thinking about this, we could even advertise that the site is owned and operated by a member of the community. Looking back I think @pioand @LabRat are the best possible guys that could have taken on the challenge of bringing the site back from the brink of death. IMO we saved a piece of tech history and I am going to be happy to watch the site grow and progress into the future. I think we have a really great thing here and I hope we can bring some new members on board too and really get a growing community going again.
    5 points
  15. Funny reading some of the posts but as others have said, definitely still an enthusiast in lots of I.T aspects and not necessarily just tweaking and overclocking. Still love to tweak and play and actually really enjoy server and storage solutions the last few years. Really enjoyed building my TrueNas server more recently. So yes still just as enthusiastic about tech, but life goals are different now and community management no longer fits within my aspirations Definitely good to have the site continued by fellow enthusiasts. It is important that owners of communities live and breath the same core goals. It lends to success no doubt. I will of course be popping my head in from time to time for some reading and help.
    5 points
  16. How's it going everyone? I was just sitting here, chatting with @LabRat and a few of my friends that are here. I realized something quite important. I don't have the foggiest idea of who's staff on the site we now run! That said, its also been a while since all of the staff positions were even made and filled. So, here's everybody's chance to step up! Here's what we need. We need ALL EXISTING STAFF members to please post here and let us know if you want to continue helping out. Editors, news, content creators, discord moderators, everybody. If I don't hear from you, I'm going to assume that you're no longer interested in remaining as staff and you will be replaced. We definitely need: Discord moderators News Editors / posters Right now, the main focus is just keeping the site functioning. So as of right now, we do NOT need reviewers or other content creators. If you'd like to do reviews, please use the Amateur Reviews section. That IS where we'll be seeking new review talents later on (existing review staff of course will be welcomed back once we pick up again). The rest of the site functions will be slowly returning as we dive into the backend of the site and getting everything switched over. But I think getting the community actually all onboard is probably a good first step here. So please, let us know here in the thread if you'd like to (continue to) be staff and what positions. Thank you, ~Management
    5 points
  17. Those sites have full time paid staff. EHW does not so that's one big reason why. It also used to be true that tech news was more obscure and spread out but now there are at least a dozen sites that are alway up to date on tech news. OCN filled a gap with the news that no longer exists. With that said, I agree the news section is crucial here, which is why I've focused on posting news the whole time I've been here. Would be great to have more people consistently posting news.
    5 points
  18. Completely forgot this thread existed. Still relevant though.
    5 points
  19. Congrats @pio, I know you'll go a great job and let me know if I can do anything for you. If it's within my means I'll do just that.
    5 points
  20. We are aware of new users not receiving confirmation emails. This is a bug from the site ownership transfer. We are working on a fix for this. Enterprise is also going above and beyond in helping us through this transition, he's more aware of where the problem lies at this point since we're just getting the logins today. There is a fix, it's being worked on. Please accept our apologies to any new members, it will be fixed soon. Thank you for understanding. ~Management
    5 points
  21. Congrats @pio and @LabRat! Really happy to see the community continue, and looking forward to where this can go!
    5 points
  22. The Etsy shop will continue, no worries there. Might take us a bit to get everything back going, but we're getting there slowly. There's strict rules at Etsy, that's why that wasn't transferred. We will be getting that back up, the donations button working again, and the site is going to continue AS IS for a while.....while we transition and figure all this new stuff out. We're also already partnered with a few youtubers as well, that might be popping in to help as well, depending on their skill levels and such.
    5 points
  23. Those guys went to Hardware-Reaktor-Reloaded which is one of the top teams with a lot of extreme league members. It's great that you're having fun at TPU. Being a big fish in a small pond is probably more enjoyable than being on a team of extreme and elite members for HWBot. As for folding, I know you like being on their pie chart and seeing all the emojis on their points updates over at TPU firedfly and I are currently folding for HardOCP, but there's no guarantee we wouldn't come back to EHW to run the foldathons.
    5 points
  24. You buy it, I'll help out wherever I can. Love to keep the site alive.
    5 points
  25. You're absolutely right. OCN used to be the place that pulled together news from all kinds of sources. I started out there mainly by finding interesting articles and sharing them in the news section—it felt like a giant news hub. Tbh, it was a lot of fun sharing the latest tech news. It was almost a competition, like, who could find the latest and greatest news to post first? XD I still check in on OCN occasionally, but it's truly a shell of its former self. They could improve things by making the site feel more "alive," maybe by prominently displaying an active users list so you can see who's browsing in real time. But I digress. For EHW to succeed, it definitely needs a solid news section with active contributors posting updates with high-quality content. That kind of engagement takes time to build, though. Yes, he was, and still is, an enthusiast. That’s the whole reason this forum exists in the first place, right? People get busy, and life sometimes pushes us in different directions. The passions we have don’t just disappear, but they can start to feel like burdens when other obligations take over.
    4 points
  26. It’s certainly possible. It really depends what the vision is for the site and how the owners want to get there. I have some recommendations but they require spend. If that is of interest, send a PM. It’s the same info I passed on to E last year.
    4 points
  27. I've been on external rads since I went to Threadripper with my 2970WX. It's really the only option that makes sense when you're trying to cool 3-4 GPUs and a 400W+ CPU. The huge MORA IV 600 should keep up and be quieter than my current 5x 360 rad setup. I have my external on the floor under the end of my desk. With hardwood floors dust isn't a huge problem for me, and it's easier to clean then a bunch of rads mounted inside a case. It only takes a few minutes to disconnect the QDCs, and take it outside to blow off the dust.
    4 points
  28. Moving on from my current 5x 360 radiator setup.
    4 points
  29. So stoked yall were able to step in @pio @LabRat! I've been away for months and feared the site may have gone by the wayside. RIGHT ON. RIGHT MO'EFFIN ON.
    4 points
  30. Glad you guys were able to work something out. It would have been awful to lose all the info the site holds and the great community we have here.
    4 points
  31. No, the entire HWBot team did not go to TPU, that's not really fair to say. Same with F@H. Lot of the big hitters did not go to TPU.
    4 points
  32. If you bought and continued the site, happy to still be here and contribute to forum activity as well as to continue reviews if that program stays.
    4 points
  33. You guys better check your identities cause someone is using a 4090 maybe with my identity. Not complaining at all but theres no way I can put up the numbers that are showing up. Wished I could afford a 4090 but bank account says no way. Thank you to whomever is doing that.
    4 points
  34. Loosely related, I hate how insurance companies nowadays tie an optional tracking device to your auto insurance as a way to pitch savings on your premium. I tried one of those things once and the app that was on my phone was a battery killer. That was the official reason I stopped using it anyway. Either way, never again. The truth is, I'm not okay with being tracked and held hostage to driving in a manner that is more unsafe to my surrounding environment to satisfy the app/tracker's arbitrary definition of safe driving. For me to be a "safe" driver and get the maximum benefit, I would have to always drive at or below the speed limit, accelerate like a centenarian (assuming one would still have the fine motor skills to smoothly regulate the pressure applied through their right leg), and overwhelmingly rely on engine braking. Nobody with any street sense drives like that. If you drive like that, you will get run off the road by other drivers. They claimed my insurance wouldn't ever go up as a result of using the tracker, but I don't believe it, and either way, that data is getting stored on someone else's computer and probably shared with other insurance companies as well. I'm not super adamant about protecting every single piece of my data. It isn't always convenient, and I accept that giving up some of it will happen in modern society, but the insurance tracker was where I decided to draw the line as far as sacrificing my liberty for a monetary benefit. That garbage can only be used against me and screw me when I switch insurance companies, and it isn't worth $100 per 6 months. By extension, I refuse to own a newer car where such data is being collected without my enthusiastic consent. That hasn't made the driving experience better for anyone. There is no benefit to a purchasing consumer for their car to phone home to the manufacturer. This wasn't needed for a century of driving and it isn't needed now. Software-as-a-service was Pandora's box to individual liberties, and who benefits from that? Not you and not other people. It's corporations whose primary objective is to separate you from your money in the most insidious ways possible.
    3 points
  35. There's a very important aspect missing from EHW. Something OCN has in spades. We're trying to get that here. Normal people....... I think its possible to grow the site still. There's still plenty of activity at other forums like LTT and TPU. Why not EHW?
    3 points
  36. Howdy yall! Call me JDQ lol. I do content creation on YouTube from time to time. Trying to get into a schedule. YouTube name is same as my name on here if yall care to check it out
    3 points
  37. First AMD Apex motherboard. Asus has been lacking a high end 2 DIMM board Since the X670E Gene was discontinued. https://overclock3d.net/news/cpu_mainboard/asus-rog-x870e-apex-motherboard-spotted-a-first-for-ryzen
    3 points
  38. It is good to see that @pio & @LabRat could step-up & take on the challenge of becoming the new owners and operators of ExtremeHW. Thank you @Enterprise for working to keep ExtremeHW from falling into the abyss; even when life has been challenging.
    3 points
  39. Yea… would love to see how the 5070 hits 4090 performance. Maybe if the 4090 has a partially melted 12pin cable and can only utilize half the power… maybe, just maybe, the 5070 will edge it out.
    3 points
  40. I want to say a sincere thank you to all who worked so hard to keep this site up and going!
    3 points
  41. Looking forward to the future!
    3 points
  42. Welcome! Glad this community will continue.
    3 points
  43. Right I was more saying the team split. It wasn't really accurate to say the team moved to TPU. Between HWBot and Folding, team split to a few places.
    3 points
  44. What's the current state of things, are we back or are we just waiting for expired/canceled services to be turned off at the end of their billing cycle? There seems to be enough community support to keep things running as is if nothing else, but I think a lot of us are looking for a sign that the lights will stay on first. Depending on what the plan is going forward regarding traffic and storage needs, dedicated hosting is most likely overkill, so that largest expense of $133/month could be mid to low double digits if you pick a reputable host for shared servers that isn't a fly-by-night operation. I was the victim of a fly-by-night host 20 years ago and I have plenty of hosting stories to tell. If needed, I can offer some advice and suggestions as well regarding some aspects of hosting a site and forum since I've been doing it for many years now (currently at a minimal level of effort), but I wouldn't seek to be involved in the administration or maintenance of EHW myself.
    3 points
  45. I'm happy to stay here. If this site is going to stick around, a new banner at the top might be nice to let people know it's still open for use.
    3 points
  46. This 100%. I could wrangle up a bunch of the OG's and we can hang out until the site gets back to its old glory.
    3 points
  47. Event finished literally 30 seconds before this was submitted.. sigh. Even bumped up the p/l to try to out edge the timer but it failed, though I did shave a few minutes off. Had fun as always all. Guess I can't complain though, I'm still the best of the worst aka below 100k That said... Yea, two of those are definitely not me. Thank you for the generosity whoever is doing so.
    3 points
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