I don't get why Nvidia hasn't updated their control panel layout since I was a kid playing far cry 1 and BF1942. It works, but it looks like something from windows XP and it lacks basic features like doing updates. I know there is the GeForce Experience thing which will do updates and all that stuff but I always hate using that and being forced to sign in just to do basic things. AMD's control panel does pretty much everything GeForce Experience + The Nvidia Control Panel can do but all in one and without making you sign in, but actually does more because there are OC controls available among other things. Just something I've thought about ever since I got my current GPU with this is my first AMD card.
Once AMD catches up with FSR 2.0 and smart upscaling is pretty ubiquitous and even enough to work well across the board, I feel like AMD will be operating on an even basis with Nvidia as far as support and features go. I've definitely been surprised by the quality of their drivers lately at the very least. People used to say AMD driver support was way behind Nvidia and I think that was true for a long time but from my experience that does not seem to be the case anymore. I definitely wouldn't hesitate to get an AMD card in the future for any software related reasons at this point.