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Everything posted by Avacado

  1. It's TOTALLY FINE. ID doesn't matter, it's the OD that matters. You should buy it.
  2. Brief video on what I was doing this weekend with the added benefit of a quasi-101 guide on GPU thermal pad/TIM replacement. 
  3. Looking good, keep it coming.
  4. So projeck for the day is to get the 5 Tesla's that will be on air completely renewed. Looks like it takes 1 package of 1.5mm for each card @ENTERPRISE Takes about 20-30 minutes per card to do it right. I found that using a TIM spreader will take off the old thermal tape without scratching the cooler. Old. The TIM was so dry that it cracked and caked off when I tried to remove it! Renewed.
  5. I see you and raise you.
  6. Yes, I think there is a model that comes with a 6 pin in addition to the 8 pin.
  7. Not sure I would would want to solder anything on these cards. They are quite old at this point. Knock yourself out with the 3 series cards. I'll wait until 4 series or when Mining stops not paying what people want for them and I'm not spending hours trying to figure out where to go just to spend 1500$ that is Ludacris, paying THAT much and having to do THAT much work. At this point it would be easier to have you buy one and pay for shipping.
  8. New toys from ppcs, all for "The T3sla Projeck". Mayhems 10/16 tubing. 10 Phanteks glacier 10/16 fittings. 8 koolance qdc's. 4x m.2. To 4x pcie risers. 4x Mx5 paste. 5 40x20mm noctua fans for tesla cooling. 64 GB AMD certified RAM 3200.
  9. No disadvantages per-se. 16mm just adds to the aesthetics of your build (Can make it feel more filled out), there is NO benefit to flow between 12 and 16mm, they are all regulated by the G1/4 threads anyway. There are some blocks (CPU) where 2 16mm fittings will rub and not allow for them to attach, though this is rare.
  10. Annndddd the block fits! Look out ppcs, here comes my order.
  11. TIM was so old, it literally just flaked off when I used an alcohol pad on it.
  12. Here you go @ENTERPRISE looks like 1.5 or 2mm pads to me. Now to see if this 980ti waterblock fits, if it does, I will be buying 4 more for a crazy project!
  13. He's really, really bad at Crysis.
  14. Here to help any way I can with hardline. What size? 12mm 16mm? What material PETG, Acrylic, metal? HIGHLY recommend these fittings from Bykski. They are well made, but most importantly have a HUGE O-ring. This is important because it is very forgiving with tension. I think it can handle 10KG of pressure. https://www.performance-pcs.com/water-cooling/fittings-connectors/bykski-anti-off-rigid-16mm-od-fitting-gray-b-fthtj-l16-gry-b-fthtj-l16-gry.html 1. Recommend PETG to start, it is the easiest in my experience to learn on (Acrylic requires a saw to cut). Make sure you get PLENTY of extra tubing. If your build requires 3000MM, get 6000-9000MM of tubing (Especially for your first build). Recommend this tubing by BP https://www.performance-pcs.com/water-cooling/water-tubing-soft-hard/rigid-hard-tubing/bitspower-none-chamfer-petg-16mm-od-tube-length-1000mm-bp-ncplt16-l1000.html 2. This bending kit is the one I use, it's well made and a great kit, they make a 12mm variant. Comes with everything you need: silicone insert, deburr tool, tube cutter and mandrels of all angles. https://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-Pacific-Cooling-Bending-CL-W093-AL00BL/dp/B01BX3EZUI 3. Will need a heat gun, any old one will do, ones that can stand on their own are beneficial. https://www.amazon.com/BLACK-DECKER-HG1300-Dual-Temperature/dp/B004NDX7O6/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=heat+gun&qid=1615540929&refinements=p_72%3A1248909011&rnid=1248907011&s=hi&sr=1-8 4. Need thin heat resistant gloves. Don't really need to be heat resistant, but you will need gloves, I promise. https://www.amazon.com/DEX-FIT-Nitrile-Comfort-Washable/dp/B074X3DPW5/ref=sr_1_14?crid=A17JW80SNWAI&dchild=1&keywords=heat%2Bresistant%2Bgloves&qid=1615540986&s=hi&sprefix=heat%2Bresi%2Ctools%2C164&sr=1-14&th=1 5. Fast tube cutter, though should only use this for splitting long tubes or after a LONG time when you become experienced. https://www.amazon.com/RIDGID-23488-PC-1250-Single-Plastic/dp/B0019MLSLS/ref=sr_1_13?dchild=1&keywords=tube+cutter&qid=1615540608&sr=8-13 6. Unscented soap. for coating the silicone insert. https://www.amazon.com/Better-Life-Natural-Unscented-2424L/dp/B01GPWPJTS/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=non+scented+soap&qid=1615541112&sr=8-5 7. Tape ruler. I have gotten to the point that I eyeball measure everything, you may not feel comfortable wasting that much tubing, but it works for me. Very rare that I make a measurement. ALWAYS cut and bend your longest run first, that way if you mess it up, you can use it for a shorter run. https://www.amazon.com/Measure-Measuring-Measurements-Retractable-60-inch/dp/B07SXFFLMQ/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=tape+ruler&qid=1615541181&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyQjhYRTJJNjZMN0RWJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTQ1NDQwM0FMTlRVT0hCUzNPWiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzc0NTk0MVBTQ0sxMlVNSE9VOSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= 8. Make sure you have plenty of 90 degree rotaries to help line up runs that aren't 100% straight, you WILL need a few. Also, a few 45 degree and hard 90s. https://www.performance-pcs.com/water-cooling/fittings-connectors/bitspower-g-1-4-matte-black-dual-rotary-90-degree-ig-1-4-adapter-bp-mb90r2.html https://www.performance-pcs.com/water-cooling/fittings-connectors/bitspower-g-1-4-matte-black-rotary-90-degree-ig-1-4-adapter-bp-mb90r.html https://www.performance-pcs.com/water-cooling/fittings-connectors/bitspower-g-1-4-rotary-45-degree-ig-1-4-adapter-black-matte-finish-bp-mb45r.html 9. Leak Tester. Hardline is not as forgiving as soft tubing. If there is an issue with your run, you will know immediately when you pressurize. I use the leak tester by EK. and I use a bike pump to not have to masturbate the tiny pump 500 times. 2 pumps on the bike pump and it's pressurized. https://www.performance-pcs.com/water-cooling/accessories-misc/ek-leak-tester-ek-leak-tester.html https://www.amazon.com/TOOLITIN-Bicycle-Pressure-Compatible-Schrader/dp/B087TCWCPX/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=bike+pump&qid=1615542165&sr=8-6 Once you get everything decided, let me know, I'll make some youtube videos for you to start. Hardline can seem very intimidating to start, but is VERY easy with enough practice and if you stick to simple 90 degree bends for your first run. Multiple bends gets more complicated.
  15. The moment you check your rewards points status and are forced to reflect on your "Problem".
  16. Love me some Chevelle, caught them on tour 2 years ago with TDG and Breaking Benjamin, it was a sick ass show!
  17. Lock clocks on these babies.
  18. Don't know if i'll be able to fold on it on air. Might have to wait until she is under water. I mean, even without folding on it, the 2950x is at 60c.
  19. Ah ok, perfect, I haven't folded on a CPU since 2007, so that's why I had no idea that was an option. LOL
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