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Sir Beregond

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Everything posted by Sir Beregond

  1. This just reminded me that I have a couple laptops I can try. One has a Bulldozer era APU and the other an Intel Core M of some sort. Now I am curious.
  2. I do wonder about quality going forward, but got a source regarding discontinuations? First I am hearing of that.
  3. Oh how did you not beat my 4790k OC single threaded score? I am really shocked. But as for multi-core....niiiiiice. Edit: Work computer has weird auto-corrects. Hopefully sentences make sense now...
  4. Agreed. Till proven otherwise, products like X1, XT-1, Blitz kit are all proven. It's the XTR I am going to stay away from, hence the colored tubing.
  5. Is that an octopus in there? Love it! I stopped using quick disconnects as I just don't swap out parts much at all these days. Case in point, current rig is turning 7 year old now (minus the case swap, hence the too small for it rads). As for maintenance, I just make sure I have drain ports available. Edit: Ok, seeing that 3700X posted, I'm a little shocked that my 4790k OC'd single core score seems to match Zen 2 single core. I mean, the thing is from 2014.
  6. Good info, thanks. I was looking at maybe some 14mm given those Corsair options for white acrylic. I tend to prefer wider tubing aesthetically, not necessarily the biggest, but definitely not the smallest. I use 3/8" ID | 5/8" OD for my soft tubing for example.
  7. Nice! This is going to be my next build. I don't know anything about AMD Zen 3 overclocking, but looking forward to playing around with it. EDIT: Played around to see if I could get more out of my 4790k. Bumped the voltage up to 1.35v and kept freezing or bluescreening at 4.7GHz, but was fine at 4.6GHz. Not sure what the maximum voltage this chip will take off the top of my head, so going to leave it there, don't feel like going higher. Seeing how other's could get 4.7, 4.8 on less voltage, guessing I don't have the best sample. Oh well. Same as last run, synced all core.
  8. Oh nice. I have a Harbor Freight down the street.
  9. Noted... Hoping to maybe take this build out of hiatus come February and get a few orders in.
  10. Ah, I missed that tab. Thank you both!
  11. Good to know. Will check that tubing out and will keep in mind the added effort for acrylic. I did notice that Corsair white tube in my searching but was unsure how much tubing they actually give you since it just says "3 pack" on their site and PPCs and such. How much do you get @Section31?
  12. I had some Koolance quick-disconnects from maybe 2011-2012. For the most part they worked alright, but over time they would allow a little too much water out when disconnecting. I don't remember what model specifically, but were probably QD2's of some sort.
  13. So glad to see some new yet familiar faces around here.
  14. Good to see you over here. So does anyone have any experience with Acrylic vs PETG? As I am leaning back towards good ol' reliable clear X1, I am noticing there are many more options for white hardline tubing with acrylic than there is with PETG (at least from what I saw looking this weekend). @Avacado had helped me with a ton of info for PETG a year ago before the build had to go on hiatus, but now that I am gearing up to get it going again, kinda decided I want to try the hardline (to avoid plasticizer in the soft tubing), but stick with clear fluid for ease of maintenance and because reports seem to be the new XTR still has issues opaques have, but I still would like white colored tubing. Anyway decisions, decisions...
  15. Merlot...I always think of this when I hear Merlot.
  16. Hmm might have to pull out my old X58/i7-960 parts and throw them together on a table, though will have to find a drive for it, so maybe not.
  17. EDIT: Ok, just a quick and dirty 4.5GHz OC for this one. Looks like with the OC my Single Core is matching @pioneerisloud R5 3600. Obviously multi-core anything newer blows it away. I'll have to play around with some voltages, was not stable at 4.6GHz on 1.25v with the quick and dirty OC. I honestly haven't really bothered OCing past that before to be honest (heresy here I am sure). EDIT 2: Oh and is under water, so temps were fine and all cores synced. Other hardware is in the rig builder.
  18. Very informative post, thank you. Sounds like these may be perfect. And no, I do not want any argeebee in this at all. I know the RAM kit I got has RGB, but hoping that can be turned off in some setting as the white heat spreader is otherwise perfect for my theme and got the kit at a good price at my local Micro Center. Yeah since my 2014/2015 build I have been in a "no lights" philosophy with my builds opting to instead just have color themes. Right now my main theme is black/gold with white.
  19. Thanks, this is extremely helpful for when I will inevitably need this.
  20. Not a single card I entered the queue for came up so meh. I think the last EVGA card I personally used was a GTX 670 with the most recent one bought being a GTX 1660 for someone else's machine. Overall, always been happy with them. That said, thee GTX 970 EVGA card we had, bit the dust. Only card failure this household has had in the last 14 years.
  21. This looks fun! Will have to remember this thread when I get the new PC built. My 4790k not going to compete with these at all.
  22. I'll be honest, don't know anything about that fan. Going to be doing some fan research and will let you know. White would definitely work with my theme though. Yeah I actually still have a bunch of Gentle Typhoon fans, but they are like 10 years old at this point, and I find they sometimes make an annoying noise at certain RPM's that I like to run at. I am mainly going for a balance of silence with performance. I don't really like hearing computer fans when I am using it. Arctic P12's I've also heard reports of weird noises at certain RPM's, but the price is definitely a big plus if they'll work for my needs. I usually run my fans around 1000 to 1200 RPM. I also figured, hey they are cheap enough, doesn't hurt to just buy some and see if I like them.
  23. Yeah the more I looked at it, the more I leaned to just keeping with clear X1 or the Mod Water. I did find some white PETG (XSPC if I recall) if I decide to try hardline, so that took care of the coloring for me. If I stay soft tubing, will probably just keep the Primochill white I've been using and replace every couple years because this stuff definitely has plasticizer issues. Honestly leaning towards trying the hardline. EDIT: Also saw the XTR was like $50 a bottle now. Not worth it to me. Edit 2: Oh guess that was a "discontinued products" page regarding that PETG. Guess the search continues.
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