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Sir Beregond

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Everything posted by Sir Beregond

  1. Definitely more than I would have thought it was worth these days. But not crazy.
  2. If my GTX 980 Strix wasn't getting relegated to backup card status (always keep one!) I wonder if it would sell well in this market.
  3. With news of more MSRP increases by MSI (with others likely to follow because why not?) I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if this follows similar pricing trends to the 3090. $1500 from the AIB's and scalping for $2k+ on eBay. The only card that might be $999 is the rarest one of all if they do one...the FE.
  4. No doubt. I remember when my grandfather was ill (brain cancer) and going to the VA with him. Man that place was the saddest place I have ever been to. I ended up doing magic card tricks with folks waiting in the waiting room and such. I think I was 14 or 15.
  5. Yeah, talking just user workstations/laptops, I remember one company I worked at was finally getting SSD equipped machines in maybe 2015. I'm not sure why, they were always complaining about drivers and the Win 7 image they had at the time. I had since left but they finally got those in, and every place I've worked at since then have been SSD's in my laptops. That said, the place I work at now has segments of the business still on mainframes! ?. Our group though is using MacBook Pros with SSD's. It's fast, but mine is a 2018 model so it has a really crappy butterfly keyboard which sucks and my screen is going out already.
  6. Wait so are they increasing again? Both MSI and ASUS sort of led the pack when they increased prices in January following the tariffs kicking in. Yikes, truly a bad year for graphics card. I'd expect to see the rest of the AIB's following suit then. I feel bad paying $650 for a 3070, but seeing where prices are even now, guess I got off lucky.
  7. Ah ok, that makes sense and I agree. There was at least an uplift in performance this gen vs just adding a new rendering feature and jacking the prices (20-series). It was especially disgusting to see the 70-class card last gen being on a 106 die yet being the most expensive 70-class card ever.
  8. I mean the overall MSRP at every segment is higher than it used to be...higher than I think inflation would account for, though admittedly I am speculating that. I can at least give Nvidia credit for bringing a 102 chip back to the $700 card. But what's with all these $500ish MSRP's for mid-range now?
  9. Too rich for my blood. ? Good to know, thank you.
  10. Great, maybe I just get the 2TB Inland drives at my local MC then. ?
  11. So the more I look into these, the more my head is spinning. The one thing I seem to see is that currently until games really start making use of upcoming things like Direct Storage, there's not really a noticeable difference in loading times and such between say a PCI-E 3.0 and 4.0 drive and maybe even SATA SSD's to an extent. All are of course magnitudes better than a hard drive. Anyway, since I am on X570 and am wanting to have this build long term am thinking it makes sense to get at least my main drive as a 4.0 drive so that potentially I have a fast drive for when it might matter in the future. Otherwise thinking a 3.0 drive is fine for my second m.2 slot as my secondary game drive. I want to get both as 2TB drives. Anyway, the next thing I am seeing is types of drives like TLC, MLC, QLC, 3D NAND. Frankly I don't know what I should be looking at. Got the impression MLC was the way to go, but see most things seem to be TLC now. Then heard something about having DRAM cache? Honestly, what should I be looking for? I game, I do streaming (Netflix, Amazon, etc.), and I browse. It's not a file server with massive file copies or writes all the time. Just a general use computer where gaming will be the most taxing thing it does.
  12. I have like 20 Gentle Typhoons from back in the day, so I get it. ?
  13. Wouldn't mind seeing the front too. How's that res currently mounted?
  14. I had left windows open last night too, but it still got kind of hot and stuffy. No breeze going on I guess.
  15. Cool, that's what I ran before this white. I had used the 3/8 5/8 stuff.
  16. Dang, is that really a $460 GTX 1660? Not even the Ti or Super? Dang this market sucks. What tubing is that?
  17. Honestly as much as mining is pissing me off right now, I am not a fan of artificial limitations being put onto cards. The real issue was Nvidia and AIBs directly selling pallets of cards to big mining operations. The issue is not the gamer who wants to mine in their off hours.
  18. Well if you ever have interest in an X58 Rampage III Formula, i7-960, and 6GB triple channel DDR3 kit, let me know. Looking to get rid of these.
  19. Yep, I can agree with the paper launch thing. My coworker gets his tomorrow. He wants to start testing stuff on these new M1 devices, plus his old Macbook battery was dead. My 2018 MBP is going but the butterfly keyboard is utter crap and the screen has started to occasionally flicker out.
  20. I'm not sure where you got the end of the year part from in that article. Macbook Air and Macbook Pro 13" both have the 8 core M1 chip now. Edit: I do believe there is speculation around a future M1X/M2 chip.
  21. I don't know, 1080 Ti is a different class of card. While I agree with your sentiment, to me the better comparison is this vs what it replaces (the 5700 XT), and its a price-hike for mid-range. It's not even just price creep, it's a price hike.
  22. In that case, the MSRP is terrible. But I guess these days MSRP doesn't matter. Honestly hard to form a good positive opinion on anything reviewed in this market without real MSRP's existing. Edit: But since they are providing MSRP's for the bizaro world where these are in abundance and MSRP's are real, color me not a fan. Max this card should be is $400. And I mean max.
  23. Ouch, I felt that just hearing this description. I sliced off a corner of my thumb, nail, nail bed in a mandolin slicer Christmas Day 2019 so this is what I am imagining now.
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