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Posts posted by neurotix

  1. Those look great but one is missing: the logo with gradient icons on a white shirt. (Let me know if it wasn't in the high res art i sent but I'm pretty sure I included it)

    If you could add that one and edit the post that would be great.


    Thanks and good working with you privately.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Other hobby is art. One of many. I am also interested in meditation, yoga, basketball, qigong (like tai chi), hiking, East Asian philosophy, martial arts (I did Wing Chun Kung Fu), tea, Linux, retro gaming and collecting, learning Japanese, anime and probably other stuff I'm forgetting. Most of the physical hobbies I can't do anymore, so I'll just post my art:












    • Respect 2
  3. 40 minutes ago, Avacado said:

    Of course! And I would be very curious to see if a RAM OC yields any significant PPD improvement for the 4090, as it certainly has not with older gens. 


    Sure, I will test this out after the foldathon and let it run at stock mem for like 2 days and report my results here.


    Then I will have to OC my core high despite the clock dropping to 2000mhz thing and leave that for a few days to see if it affects ppd negatively or positively.


    My card is capable of more on the core, including in benches in Windows, but I am voltage limited. Anything over 3100MHz gives artifacts in Fire Strike etc. I think if I could add more than 1.1v the chip is capable of more.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Avacado said:

    No one expects you to contribute prizes for every foldathon. This is not the first event where prizes have been issued either by individual members or through EHW directly. But you assume correct, if you offer a prize, you are responsible for getting it to the winner. They are however responsible for getting their contact information to you in a timely manner if they expect to collect. 


    Of course. And I am more than willing to pay for shipping and knew that when I offered prizes. Also, I never said nor was I trying to infer that anyone expects me to offer prizes every foldathon.


    I am actually happy to get rid of them as everything I offered is just sitting unused and I failed in selling them on ebay, I just wish we didn't have to pay shipping, that's all. Hopefully the things I offered get put to good use instead of sitting in my personal storage taking up space (I have tons of game consoles and tech stuff and boxes for pc parts and other stuff back there)

    • Respect 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Avacado said:

    Yes. The site is every three hours. Also, sometimes it will miss an update, but the completed WUs will usually turn up on the very next update. FYI, you should not OC your RAM for folding. Core OCs only. There is no benefit to RAM OC at least not on any cards I own. This may have changed on the 4000 series, but I highly doubt it. 


    Yeah it just updated and is showing what I would expect after 12 hours. I answered my own question lol. Though I do wonder if they are having server issues or something as I said the page frequently fails to load when I refresh it and only in the last 3 days or so.


    I can OC my ram to 12210MHz and stock is something like 10500. I will test with and without but given the price and rarity of the card, less strain on it is fine with me.


    Unfortunately if I overclock the core more than 2900MHz, then in my OC tool in Linux I will see the core dropping to around 2000MHz then going back up to 2925MHz for a while then dropping down. Currently I have it at 2855MHz and it doesn't drop down at all. I am wondering if it is a voltage issue, neither GreenWithEnvy nor Nvidia X Settings seem to have voltage control in Linux. Obviously I do in Windows and I can OC it to 3090MHz there. I suppose I should look into if I can control voltage in a terminal using nvidia-smi or any other utilities.


    I've heard there is minimal gain to be had in overclocking the 4090 to begin with, so maybe I should leave it as is, it is still actually doing 30 mil a day as per this:



    Once the foldathon is over, I will fold for a day with mem at stock and see if I get the same PPD over a day or two. Thanks.



  6. My first time doing a foldathon and it's been fun to see my output and everyone else's charted. I never did them on OCN, despite folding like 4000 WUs over 10 years.


    My only problem is that since I offered up prizes, I have to ship them and I assume pay for shipping. We can afford it no problem (duh I have a 4090), but I am concurrently selling things on ebay and already going and shipping those things out. Well actually I ride with my wife and she handles it while I sit in the car and chain smoke at the Post Office.


    It wouldn't be fair at all to ask someone who won a prize to pay shipping for it, but this will probably be a one-time thing.

  7. Does anyone know what's up with folding.extremeoverclocking.com? Half the time the page doesn't load and I get a 404 error. Also, it doesn't seem to be showing accurate stats currently for me, it says I've only done 11 WUs today since Midnight and it takes my card about 45 min to complete an 18601 so I know I've done more than that in 12 hours. How often does that site update? At this point in the day I generally have 15m points but it's only showing 10m.


    I even went into /var/lib/fahclient/log.txt and looked through it because I thought maybe something was wrong and I was failing WUs, especially with my high GPU RAM OC but everything appears normal and I see no failed units.


    Edit: Nevermind maybe? I just looked at my hourly production and it appears folding.extremeoverclocking.com updates every 3 hours??

  8. 11 hours ago, Supercrumpet said:


    Thanks! The Drop Halo Clears (and Trues, for that matter) are indeed tactile like MX clears, and I should do a video since the key switches themselves sound pretty good. However, I definitely get a resonating pinging noise in my keyboard when I type, and that completely ruins the sound lol. I definitely want to address it, but don't know off the top of my head how I should go about doing so.


    That's interesting, I suppose that's good in the sense that taking off a keycap won't rip out the switch with it (had that happen a few times) but it doesn't seem like it should be that difficult. Something to keep in mind then.


    A few posts back I posted to PC Sarge (in a very long post) about taking apart my GMMK and using thin crafters foam to pack the hollow areas of the case with, as well as putting this foam on the front of the pcb between the space bar stabs and using double sided tape to keep it in place. Go read it, and then you might want to consider doing it to get rid of any metal clang sound from your board. It worked great for my GMMK, and it made it heavier so it wouldn't slip around as much and when you lift it it doesn't feel hollow or cheap.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, Mr. Fox said:

    Love the black shirt. Would go for a cap in black. The white looks nice, but it wouldn't after a day or two. White never stays nice and clean for me. I like the graphic on the cap a lot. Good stuff.



    • Respect 1
  10. Any other artists on EHW?


    Traditional or digital, doesn't matter. What mediums do you work in?


    I'll start:


    Tiger Lilies IMG_20220902_104453.thumb.jpg.e2ff2a2846e4c3b8eacd70b6203cb8a0.jpg

    Abstract lines





    Chu Chu Rocket and Bomberman PXL_20230103_231804060.thumb.jpg.48e9cb5df635f75936b4f45f8b33f857.jpg


    Tupac I literally just finished. For my sister.




    Ray Allen, Milwaukee Bucks player




    Assassin Cross from Ragnarok Online 1160629961_PXL_20230121_1941494322.thumb.jpg.f03de81c7f4ff636ea6025b024a737d3.jpg





    • Respect 1
  11. 14 hours ago, PCSarge said:

    i've not at all really been on pain meds, every once in a while ill take an aleve, but nothing more than that.


    pain comes with a quid pro quo. if you can focus yourself on something else and ignore it, it dont hurt as much i've had this pain for long enough now its just part of life. i built endurance to it over time, and have had very understanding employers along the way.


    also not to bring anyone into the habit but. CBD oil and smoking decent pot numbs pain for decent amounts of time. a good smoke numbs it for about 4 hours.




    All very true, thank you. I've learned over the years as well that keeping myself busy, especially on bad pain days, just focusing on something else like gaming or my other hobbies makes the pain more bearable.


    I do use CBD but it doesn't help with pain, it helps me sleep. And yeah pot does help but I don't use it anymore and can't use it ever again as I have a condition and months of smoking pot daily basically made me act like I was schizophrenic for half of 2020, with me being in a state mental hospital on and off for 6 months with abusive guards that was like a prison. This was when we still lived in WI. Basically I can't use it or I get very anxious and paranoid, and end up going crazy. So I can't use it ever again. It is true that it helps pain, and especially neuropathic pain like fibromyalgia.

  12. Yeah we'll have to see about this, as I'm aware I'm really the only old games collector on the site. It really is kind of outside the scope of the site, though my retro games club on OCN back in the day had like 40 members and a lot of discussion and many people with a lot of old console games. I think mostly everyone here prefers retro pc gaming, which is not my thing except for the few games I've mentioned previously (we couldn't afford gaming PCs growing up).


    I'd need to look into logistics of it too and probably get a 4 foot tall tripod stand for the phone, one of those little ones that I mentioned might not work because there's just no table or anything I can use to put it on near my CRT setup. I would also need a charging cable, and then of course is the issue of the stream possibly freezing because video chat on Discord is buggy and sucks. If more people see this and reply as interested, I'll make the investment in what I need. Thanks for your reply though.

  13. Hey all a question:


    Any interest in me and possibly my wife and I streaming retro games in the gaming voice channel on Discord like every Friday night or something? We'd be playing old 2D fighting games and beating the crap out of each other in old SF2 etc. But we could also stream co-op console games like Contra, various PC Engine games, and stuff like that.


    I just wonder/hope that Discord supports 60fps streaming from my rear camera or my CRT will have lines showing on it.


    Just want to gauge interest before buying a phone tripod and longer charging cable to be able to set it up.

  14. 19 minutes ago, Supercrumpet said:

    Been absent over the holidays, but I'm back in the swing of things now.


    All the new boards look great guys! I'm now also interested in a Mini Cat to gift haha. The Yunzii numpad pairs quite nicely @neurotix, I'll consider that as well.


    Everyone's new boards have been added to the list.


    Additionally, I got myself a new board a couple months ago that I seem to have neglected to post about here. It's my new daily driver, a GK96X with the Halo Clears. Got some pudding caps for it, was a bit tricky to find a set that fit the layout but I got one that works with the correct profiles and everything. Big downside about favoring the 96%/1800 layout so much. Looks pretty tame but it's a nice balance for me between heavy weight, not being obnoxiously loud, and looking nice but not over the top, so it fits with the rest of my setup fairly well. Also temporarily had the original set from my Tab90 on there until the pudding set showed up.








    Those look great! Enlighten me as to what Halo Clear switches are like (I'm guessing not clicky but linear or tactile like browns).. you should do a video demonstration.


    Thanks for adding my wife's new board and numpad. One word of warning regarding the Yunzii numpad: it came with Gateron Yellows and they were extremely difficult to get out- I couldn't do it, I had to ask my wife to get the switches out. They do provide a combo keycap puller (wire type) and switch puller in the box but my grip strength and lower arm strength wasn't enough to get all the switches out. I assume the ones I put in it (mostly Kailh whites because I only had like 4 Pinks left over) would be difficult to get out as well. If you're strong and not physically disabled like I am it might not be an issue. I think the problem is simply that the square holes for the switches are like just big enough to get a switch in and smaller than most normal swappable boards.

  15. 3 hours ago, keeph8n said:

    Currently folding on my 2 x 4090 setup. All air. 

    Got tweak her a bit more. Only hovering around the 47M PPD mark. 


    Not quite sure on the Linux yet. Linux is still newish to me, so I’m trying to learn in the background of my day to day atm 


    Try Linux Mint 20 with Cinnamon. Or any other Ubuntu or Debian varient. It's extremely easy to set up the fahclient and it runs as a system service. By default it will fold on your CPU, and you configure slots, passkey and username in /etc/fahclient/config.xml (requires root priveleges to edit). With mint the command in a terminal is: sudo xed /etc/fahclient/config.xml


    If you need any help feel free to ask. I've been using Linux since 2003. I might not be able to help much if you use Arch, Fedora or anything else that isn't Ubuntu .deb based. But I will try.


    EDIT: Here's an example of my config file for 1 GPU. I just had to go in and change it from CPU to GPU really. In your case, you will have to add slots, it is pretty straightforward (just copy and paste and change numbers):


      <!-- Client Control -->
      <fold-anon v='true'/>
      <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
      <cause v='ALZHEIMERS'/>
      <!-- Slot Control -->
      <power v='full'/>
      <!-- User Information -->
      <passkey v='7767d529b42f9961ccfbab6fcb7e0494'/>
      <team v='239902'/>
      <user v='bigred'/>
      <!-- Web Server -->
      <web-allow v=''/>
      <!-- Folding Slots -->
      <slot id='0' type='GPU'>
        <pci-bus v='9'/>
        <pci-slot v='0'/>


    To access the client control, you will need to change the web allow address to your PC's IP after and then the control and status can be accessed in a web browser at (it will always be port 7396, since I'm forgetful with numbers I just bookmarked it.)


    I also recently opened port 7396 in my firewall and allowed it for the internal subnet, and changed the config file web allow to as well, hoping I could connect to the server on my phone and check work unit status but all it did was load a blank page. 😕

  16. 15 minutes ago, UltraMega said:

    A simple enough yet high enough res image should work. I think the small lettering of the "push it to the limit" part might be an issue for embroidery. 


    I should cut off the .net then? Yes or no.


    I will remove pushing it to the limit.

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