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Posts posted by neurotix

  1. 19 minutes ago, UltraMega said:

    The embroidered hats are the only ones that come in different colors on Printify and they can only accept images that are high else resolution and within a certain aspect ratio. The short logo style images are the only ones I have that meet the requirements. It won't even let me try with the full logos, but I added the full logo to the white hat. The updates I've made are viewable in this thread because all the images are links so they update with the changes I make. I have added the full logo to in other places as well. 


    I also did round stickers and square coasters. 


    Gotcha. Is there any way we can fix this if I take that flat logo I sent you, remove the .net and resize it horizontally? I really want a black flat bill hat with ExtremeHW on it.


    Also what do you think of the last t shirt design, and can you post a link to the collection of stuff you have so far?

  2. Last design I got. It's supposed to be metal themed for any other heavy metal fans here. On a black shirt. Also @ENTERPRISE I took artistic liberty and used some Metal Gear Solid fonts to use for the logo since I know you are a huge fan of that game series.




    Well that concludes my t-shirt designs I had in mind, so for the rest of the day I am going to be doing some watercolor paintings I have in mind and possibly some pencil portraiture.

    • Thanks 1
  3. These look great! Can you try doing an embroidered hat on black with the flattened (mostly 3 color no gradient) logo in the zip I sent you yesterday?


    I personally wouldn't buy a hat with just EX on it because no one would have any clue what it means. But if it said ExtremeHW.net like in the image I sent I would. EDIT And it's gotta be a black hat for me



  4. 57 minutes ago, UltraMega said:

    There is no extra cost for adding more items. These sites don't print anything until it's ordered, so we can add as many designs as we want. If you have a design you want to have added so you can buy it, we can add it 👍


    Exactly what I was thinking. We should just put them all up and let people buy what they like best. But it's E's call, not mine.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Here's another one of my ideas, lol. Don't we all wish. It would look best on a green shirt so I used a green PCB color for the background. I will remove that and send you the transparent png, UltraMega.



  6. 1 hour ago, ENTERPRISE said:

    Hey all, 


    So this thread moved on somewhat since my last look. Firstly, apologies for being delayed. The last couple of weeks have been very busy with work and some other personal projects, which also includes prep work for moving the forums to the forefront of ExtremeHW, but more on that elsewhere. 🙂


    A huge thanks for all the input from everyone, whether it be artwork, comments and advice. This is really booming into something very exciting. 


    Right now due to my time constraints, Mr @UltraMega has been kind enough to lend a hand on this, just so it does not get delayed. Big thanks to Ultra! 


    Moving forward this will be the order of things: 


    1. Collect ideas/artwork from the members 

    2. Upload graphics and apply them to applicable merch on a single etailer site 

    3. E to login to etailer and sift through the designs 

    4. E to collect approved designs and set up a poll with a view to members selecting final products 

    5. Order a set of merch from one etailer. If good, we stick with it. If poor we move one to the next etailer.

    6. Make the products live for all.


    Please note that we cant run before we walk. This process is to select a base set of products to start with. After we are happy with the base products, we can then add additional products. So fear not. 


    All the best,



    All of this is great, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to post here, @ENTERPRISE


    I agree with everything, except maybe the member vote on approved designs. I have two more t-shirt designs I am going to be working on. It's not that I disagree with voting for what to use, it's that I think a lot of variety is a good thing assuming it doesn't cost extra to have more designs available on an e-tailing site.


    So in the next few days I will finish up my ideas I have left and post them, then send them to UltraMega. Him and I have been in pm's and I've been giving him the transparent images he needs. After that, unless anyone else has any art to post, we can get them all uploaded and have you login and look through everything as you stated.


    I understand you want the utmost quality in our material, but if say every t-shirt design I did were available for purchase I'd probably buy one of each and pay from my savings. As well as a hat. I think @UltraMega should look into if this site does coasters or round stickers as I have not seen those yet, but made a white and a black circular design with the "EX" to be used on a sticker and coaster. In time, I suppose.

    • Respect 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, UltraMega said:

    For the templates I've been using so far, I'm using printify. Why don't you take a look at their hat options and tell me which hat you think would be best to use. 

     Will do later, on my way to an appointment.


    Edit: the unisex flat bill hat and the low profile baseball cap seem best. Want me to remake the hat design I sent in transparent later so it can go on a white hat? I can also flatten the logo as I said so it could be embroidered on a black hat.

  8. 19 hours ago, UltraMega said:

    For whatever reason, not a lot of different color hat options for print. To do a black hat, it would have to be embroidered. 


    Any feedback or suggestions on the templates, please let me know!


    First of all, everything you posted looks great. I especially like the mug.


    Shall I remake the logo I intended go on a black hat to be transparent and it can go on a white hat instead? The other option is to make all the text in the logo red and the HW in ExtremeHW in a solid gray, which is simpler and could be embroidered.


    Also, I designed another T-Shirt. I took artistic liberty with this one and didn't use the official logo, but put the logo in a neat font I found. It is also supposed to be a 90s throwback style shirt with a CMYK focus. I plan on doing another one using the same words but in a grunge style font on black, using the official logo we have, with the text in various shades of red on a black background- a metal style red/black T-shirt. Let me know your thoughts.



  9. 1 hour ago, Avacado said:

    There are ways to circumvent bad WU's though this is really frowned upon because all of these units and research categories need love. If you get a bad WU, you could in theory make an unstable OC which would result in a failed checksum at your checkpoint interval and lead to a failed WU. This would cause the client to request a new WU from the assignment server. Again, very frowned upon and you should not do this because it hurts F@H as a whole. 


    I used to just go find the work folder when I folded in Windows and delete everything in it, which would give you a new work unit when you started the client again.


    I have no idea where the work folder is on Linux, but I don't intend to do the same thing, nor what you mentioned.


    It's not just about the points but it's about the cause- I lost my Grandpa in 2021 to COVID-19 and I lost my Grandma in 2019 to cancer. She had various types of cancer that metastasized and so forth and ended up dying from a brain tumor, I believe.

    • Respect 2
  10. 9 hours ago, PCSarge said:

    Pain you say? i can share plenty. from fingers going up on the corner of wood splitter blades and cutting to the bone all the way up to having a trailer pulled out from under me while i was loading it on a forklift.


    the forklift accident destroyed my lower back, as the front wheels remained on the trailer and the back end swung down straight to the parking lot off the dock. i have never ending pain in my lower back and left knee/ankle since that day, over 10 years ago now. i still presume the knee/ankle are from stomping the brake pedal with all the force i had before the forklift fell off the dock. i disabled myself further in late 2021 around halloween. was out riding my electric scooter without a helmet (yes i know avacado will call me a moron). the wind pulled my hat off, and in that split second knee jerk reaction i reached for it while rolling at 25MPH. i of course wiped out instantly. i turned myself in the air to protect my head and landed right shoulder first. 8 stitches over my right eye, a month and a half in a sling with a radial fractured upper right arm, it was dislocated aswell when i arrived at the hospital and they put it back in place, road burned my right leg something fierce too (it scraped right through a pair of jeans).


    needless to say when i sit up in the morning i want to scream in agony as my back crunches into place, laying down at night or sitting in a chair with arch support relieves my back somewhat but not completely. i can only imagine how this pain will get worse as i age.


    BUT! i am STILL dumb enough to pick up a 35-40lb watercooled rig and cart it out of my office to the kitchen for maintenance. and i work in IT for a living doing hardware installs for law offices. we all know hardware installs lead to carrying around relatively heavy equipment (servers, workstations, printers etc). ill pay for it as i get older im sure.


    my condolences to anyone who lives in daily pain as i do, i'm sure many of you are much worse off than i am.



    If you happened to read my original post and what I have to go through and deal with, well, I think you have it even worse. I'm on disability and don't even work because of DDD and fibromyalgia as well as compressed discs in my neck and low back, and a hip torn labrum and cam and pincer impingement.


    Much respect to the fact you actually hold down a job and one that involves carrying things, etc. I don't know how you force yourself through the pain. I find it difficult to force myself through the pain just walking around my house and going up and down stairs, let alone going out to appointments or shopping with the wife.


    Any tips on how you cope with it mentally and just force yourself through would be valuable to everyone here, I think.


    Also, is there anything doctors can do for you? Do you get pain meds or anything? Because this sounds like its much worse than anything posted so far, though I suppose it's relative and everyone feels pain differently. Personally, anything leaning over a desk like art, soldering, building keyboards, working on computers I can only do on good pain days and doing so will cause me to be in bad pain the next day. It sucks.

  11. 18 hours ago, Avacado said:

    Switch preference from "Any disease" to "Alzheimer's" 



    Folding@home Statistics




    Thank you so much! Just did it. Gonne check /etc/fahclient/config.xml to make sure it's there. If this keeps me from getting those waste of time garbage units I'll be very happy.


    EDIT: After doing this I immediately got a unit that gave me the highest PPD I've seen yet.



    • Thanks 1
  12. These all look fantastic! Can you also do the folding shirt in a medium gray please? That took a lot of time to make and was quite challenging for me and really pushed the limits of my skills. It took a lot of time to do.


    The white one with the logo on front and my design with the full site logo and icons on the back was a good idea. I would also suggest a black hat with the file I sent you and some circular stickers with the EX logo, as well as a mug with the EX logo as Avacado wants one.


    Thanks for your work.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, UltraMega said:

    Yes the site I'm using now offers different colors, and I can add info to the description so I can definitely add who it was designed by. That's a great idea! 


    Yea merch for EHW is an exciting idea and some of the designs posted already are really cool. I'm sure E is as excited by the idea as we are but he's a busy guy which is why I offered to step in to try to speed up the process. 


    Gotcha. I have a hip doctor appointment tomorrow and have to ride in a car which usually puts me in bad hip pain. Today is a no because wifey is off and wants to spend time with me watching The Crown. I have a dentist appointment on Thursday. So I might only really be able to work on graphic design on Wednesday and Friday, to my chagrin. But my hips have been killing me all the time lately, its probably the 2 packs a day I smoke and sitting agitates it too. Got a hip cam and pincer impingement and left anterior torn labrum. Will probably be sent to do physical therapy first then get MRIs then see what this doctor can do, and I may be forced to quit smoking by insurance. Then I will have to see another doctor and repeat all of that nonsense for my neck.



    This is sparta! Font | dafont.com


    That's a font I'm going to use and put "ExtremeHW.net" in and then do a CMYK gradient across, and underneath put text at different angles in cyan, magenta, yellow and black. The text will advertise what the sites about so I'll put watercooling, pc building, reviews, voltmodding, folding, hwbot, gaming, audio, etc. all in cyan, magenta and yellow at different angles and then in the very middle put "community" in black. To go on a white shirt. And that's just one idea. I wish I could work on it now but wife is upset since we haven't watched The Crown yet.


    • Thanks 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, UltraMega said:

    So just some info about this process, I am setting up a merch account for now as a trial. I can add whatever custom requests anyone has to it. 


    Once this is setup, if its all done by E or if he has me or someone else oversee the merch long term, E is going to want to see some in person samples to verify quality. We may try multiple sources to compare. Once a merch site is choosen based on samples passing QA, merch sales should move forward. 


    Just wanted to lay this out so you guys have a sense of the process. It will probably be a couple weeks before the merch is available. 


    I will also be working on 3 more Tshirt ideas I have in my head this week. I'll send the raws to ENTERPRISE for his archives and the transparent pngs to you, UltraMega. The reason they are transparent is because redbubble offers a ton of different colors, so if the designs are transparent people can choose what color shirt they want. Hopefully that is the same on the site you have the account on now.


    I understand the process of this taking time and I can understand trying different vendors etc. Sorry I got a little frustrated.


    Keep an eye on this because I have some pretty cool ideas in mind.


    Edit: if the option is available on the sites you are using, and you can add a comment about a shirt or a product, I would ask that you put "designed by neurotix" if possible for any of my designs. I'm not going to make any money and am fine with that, I just want credit as an artist where credit is due. Thank you.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, UltraMega said:

    Converting any that should be clear to transparent png files beforehand would be helpful. 


    Figured. Done. Sending it now.


    Also, please consider a redbubble account and looking into it, providing they do international shipping. I really love their default t-shirts, they are very soft.

  16. 19 minutes ago, UltraMega said:

    We can definitely use more than one t-shirt design, or as many designs as yoy want. Enterprise is not familiar with these merch sites, he probably doesn't realize how simple it is to add more designs to the overall catalog yet. 


    I've already got a merch account setup with these templates. Can you PM me all the images you want to use for this? I'll add them to what I have setup so far. 


    Thanks for reminding me to be patient, Avacado. I did fully legally release all the designs to E in a pm. I understand he is 1. Busy and 2. Wants it done right and wants quality in the products. Thank you for the compliment about the quality of my work.


    Ultramega, I can definitely send you the original files, but they are all in GIMP .xcf format. Those are in the zip I sent Enterprise. Can you handle those and convert them to transparent pngs or do you need me to, and zip and attach them? EDIT: I will just pm you all the transparent pngs. @UltraMega

    • Respect 1
  17. Personally I'd really just like to see all my t shirt designs, the hat design (black with gray for "pushing it to the limit") which could also be a sticker, and the round sticker/coaster designs be thrown up on redbubble.com


    I spent all last week working on this stuff so I'd like to see all my designs used and its really quite easy to just make a redbubble account, upload transparent pngs of all the designs, and then add a merch link to the website top navbar pointing to it.


    If this were done I would order one of each t shirt, a hat, and a sticker to put on my desk.


    Its out of my hands though, I sent Enterprise all the raw files in a pm but with how busy he is he hasn't responded yet.


    Don't mean to sound like a dick but I busted my ass like 6 hrs a day in GIMP all last week, I see no reason why we can only use one t shirt design, we can use all of mine and UltraMegas too.


    I have three more shirt designs in mind that I will start on tomorrow, I think having so many options is a good thing but I do understand quality being important. I'm fairly certain that multiple members of the forums would get more than one thing. Something for everyone. And on redbubble, choice of t shirt style, sweatshirt, long sleeved thin shirt or even hoodies.

  18. Guess maybe my advice isn't what you wanted...


    Anyway, a few weeks ago as a late Xmas gift, I built my wife a Mini Cat 64 as well as a seperate numpad to go with it, as she's an accountant and requires a numpad. The numpad is Macaron themed on the top. Brand is Yunzii.


    Both came with Gateron Yellow switches, someone should enlighten my as to what they are (are they linear? Are they tactile like Browns?) And the Mini Cat came with the MIA cat keycap set. Which is $40 on its own, so a bare board was $79 on Amazon + $40 for that keycap set. Buying a prepopulated board with Yellows and that keycap set was $99 so we saved $20, of course it made extra work for me but w/e.


    Her board has Kailh Box Pink switches and generic black o-rings (reduces travel by 0.2mm). She loves it. And if she takes it into work and gets complaints about the noise, we can throw the Gateron Yellows back in as I thought they felt nice and they were very quiet.


    Here are a few photos. Man this thing glows.






    • Respect 1
  19. 13 hours ago, keeph8n said:

    Three Zotacs and one FE. FE for gaming rig with Watercool block whenever it arrives. 


    Hmmm big sad I don’t get to keep my points from when I folded on OCN. 


    Agreed brother~! Was one of the first things I asked when I started. You can still see your total points by looking your name up here (just change the end of the url to your username):


    Folding@home Statistics


    About to break 300mil total in a couple of hours. But I just broke 200m a few days ago.

    • Respect 2
  20. 2 hours ago, keeph8n said:

    I’m currently working on a big system upgrade and the case itself(CaseLabs) houses two systems. Have the space so going to make the most of it. 


    One of the 4090s is for my gaming rig and as of this moment, the other three are for the folding rig which will be on water and Linux when done

    Ah I see.


    What models of cards did you get? FE for the watercooled Linux rig?

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