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Posts posted by neurotix

  1. As promised, for any coders, here is a Knights shirt with LISP in the background. I highly recommend reading about the research they did using LISP for AI that was government funded and took place all throughout the 80s, and required very awesome and very specialized hardware to run what they were doing.






    Again, this one has to go on a black shirt. Also, the image for MIT is public domain and from wikipedia, there shouldn't be any issue with MIT or anything (hopefully). As this is a hacker injoke anyway.


    I'm doing these because I had the idea for them, and I was bored, and I really enjoy doing graphic art in GIMP- if anyone has any t-shirt ideas they would like to see made, please pm me with ideas and I'll try and put something together.



  2. I will probably take my side panel off, reboot to bios, flip the dual bios switch and then try folding at my old OC and see how much it heats up. If it's what I expect (58~62C) then I'll know it's the bios. If not, and it's hitting 68c, then maybe its the work unit. I'm just trying to make sure I don't have a defective fan or one of the fans is running slower than it was before. I suppose it could also be the TIM on the GPU or the thermal pads, as Avacado mentioned. It's been a long time since I repasted a card and they've only become more difficult to disassemble, I'm sure I could watch a Youtube guide but I don't want to do that and then make the situation worse, if possible.

  3. It's yours, man, since you claimed it. Last time I looked at it it needed to be dusted/cleaned. Despite having been dusted when it was put in the box years ago.


    I'll take the shop vac on blow mode to it + alcohol pads before I send it out to you, probably Wednesday. Unless we can find a poster mailer sooner.


    It's a pretty nice board actually and has a palmrest, metal volume slider, and media keys. But once I got my OCN Ducky with clicky switches I ended up loving those, and then built my GMMK with Kailh Box Jades, and my Doraemon themed keyboard with Kailh Box whites (which I actually like best.) Clicky all the way for me now.

  4. 1 hour ago, keeph8n said:

    I’d suspect bios


    Just higher overall boost maybe? The boost on the 666 bios is noticeably higher than my stock MSI bios boost.


    Edit: I mean 67~68C isn't that bad but I liked it better when it was 58~62C

  5. 1 minute ago, Avacado said:

    It's possible. Another thing you need to understand is that 24/7 folding puts a lot of wear on TIM and pads. It is possible that they are drying out. There is a reason why there are a few days each month in the ETF to perform maintenance on your cards. 


    Thanks. What is ETF?

  6. Question: can different 18601 units put a different load on the GPU depending on Run, Clone and Gen?


    Basically, most of the time until recently my card would stay around 62c, go down to 58c, then come back up to 62c, with 80% fan. Now with the same work units and same clocks I am seeing the card stay around 66c. If I unlock the power limit all the way and run a higher OC, it runs around 69c.


    Essentially; card is running hotter than it has been since I started folding, all three fans seem to be spinning, they are at 80%, I'm wondering if its the units causing it or if there's something wrong with my card, because if there is then I won't fold.

  7. So for the above design, if you're on mobile max your brightness as the terminal boot text is at a layer opacity of like 8%


    Also this one will have to go on a black shirt as the Linux terminal stuff is in a black box.


    If E or anyone else likes it let me know and I'll send the 0 compression png to @UltraMega

  8. Alright then. People have passed on the prizes I offered enough, basically I only have someone to send the mousepad to.


    Basically, if you want either the 1) Yate Loon Fan, 2) Delta fan, or 3) Corsair K70 Lux mechanical keyboard (Cherry MX Red switches), please pm me with the prize you want and your address.This is limited to people who participated in the foldathon only. I will wait til next Wednesday then ship stuff out, and that will be the deadline for claiming a prize.

  9. Screenshot_20230126-113419.png.9697b32c0bea34d135f263645bb21639.png


    Already posted in Discord but why not here. With the Galaxy 666 power limit bios, and my card at 2940MHz all day in Linux Mint, I did 36m a few days ago. Yesterday was only 33. Also, Avacado I have the memory at stock so you're probably right and it doesn't affect PPD.

    • Thanks 1
    • Respect 1
  10. So I came up with this. I think Enterprise is fairly familiar with Linux, and I'm a huge advocate for it myself.


    I will also be doing an MIT Knights of the Lambda Calculus themed shirt in a similar style with LISP in the background, probably tomorrow.



  11. Even though Enterprise said he's not accepting any more designs, I have one more t shirt in mind that I'm gonna do.


    I also just sent some high quality art assets to @UltraMega for him to get some inspiration- I put ExtremeHW.net in a bunch of different fonts, I sent some more gradiented circuit board traces, and also have some computer related icon fonts and a font that is nothing but computer mice so I put all those in too, maybe Ultra can use this stuff to come up with some more cool mug designs or something. Dunno.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, iamjanco said:



    ...because I just watched this:









    You're posting some very classy music, Jan. I'll have to listen to all this soon. I mostly listen to metal, trance (which your generation can't stand generally lol) and older 80s and 90s rap. I also listen to and enjoy classical but am not very well versed in it. I like Vivaldi Four Seasons and Dvorak New World symphony. I just finished listening to Pink Floyd "Wish You Were Here", whole album, on my retro stereo with my ma. The only genre I can't get into and generally can't stand is country, the exception being I love Johnny Cash (but I heard he qualifies more as rock than country). Thank you for posting these so an entitled millennial can expand his musical taste, lol.

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 21/01/2023 at 14:25, J7SC_Orion said:

    ...I wish everyone who laid out some of their medical challenges well.  I have a few of my own, but they pale in comparison - what is more, I live in a region with free healthcare, though that can bring with it other non-monetary issues such as long wait-times, among other things. I also like to add that I have a friend who lives in a near-by city now and has been living with MS for two decades and is now permanently in a wheelchair and can only use his left hand. I helped him with some computer stuff a few weeks back, and it is only when you have 'a visual demonstration' when you realize just how debilitating some illnesses and injuries actually are... I did have a recent operation on my back with GA and all that, but that involved an old muscle injury, not deeper than that, and after a couple of days I was back to doing my thing.


    @neurotix  ...you mentioned Gabapentin - I am certainly no doctor dishing out medical advice, but I was briefly on Gabapentin before my doctor switched me to Pregabalin, albeit fairly light dosages. Pregabalin is a newer derivative, though obviously you want to check the side-effects. I am on the minimum dosage because of an old accident where some nerves on the bottom of my right foot were cut. It can get painful, but the Pregabalin helps, as does T3s and extra strength Ibuprofen though I try to limit the intake of T3s. Besides, some of these cause tinnitus, like having serious 'coil whine' in your head - it usually takes two to three days of not taking T3s or Ibuprofen to clear that up. Back to Pregabalin - keep the dosage as light as possible because it can otherwise 'slow you down'. That whole family of that type of meds was originally developed to control seizures for epilepsy, so a 'slow down' is built in... 


    Next...smoking. No need for extra 'quit' advice from me, but as a reformed smoker of extra light cigs, what helped me was 'Thrive' 2mg gum. A few chews of it and I forgot that I was going to go for a smoke...


    Re. exercise, when you have excruciating pain, exercising can appear like a big bad aggressive dog waiting for you to open the door - and yet, if you can manage to get into s.th. regular, even if it is 'light' like going for extended walks, it has tremendous overall health benefits. When I haven't done my exercises (in a nearby forest, so bonus for mental joy and closeness to God's creation) for a bit, the first two days double the pain in my foot, but then it dramatically declines, and becomes much more manageable than before the time-out that occurred for whatever reason.


    On building / working on computers - if that is what you like to do, do as much of it as you can with the help of your wife. I'll add that I tend to build very heavy systems (all w-cooled) for work and play with dual mobos, PSUs and so forth, some of which tip the scales at more than 120 pounds (5x 360 x 63 rads, three GPU blocks, heavy tempered glass...). I say this because I have learned that:

    a.) it is easier using a certain type of 'case' such as TT Core P5,6,7, or 8 (or similar by other vendors) that are mostly open and just have magnetic dust filters on three sides (the front glass is heavy, though you could get a custom Plexiglas replacement). Ease of access...

    b.) a spinning top table or motorized display such as > this  just as an example could also be helpful to you.

    c.) for the 120+ pound monsters I have, they're hard to even grip correctly never mind move even when healthy, so I use the little computer desks (Ikea, Walmart, Amazon) with wheels as the permanent computer stand, making sure they have the correct weight rating.


    Whishing you and the rest of the gang here all the best !



    Hi @J7SC_Orion. Thank you for your very encouraging, very thoughtful post full of suggestions. I am so sorry it has taken me this long to reply to it.


    I saw my doctor yesterday and got my Tylenol #3 refilled, as well as an increase in the dose of gabapentin, since I was on hydrocodone following a procedure and they had dropped me down to one 5mg a day that I had to split. I was previously on tylenol #3 before the procedure.


    I also recently saw a hip doctor as I have bad hip pain, especially sitting. Initially, they wanted to do a hip femoacetabular surgery to the left hip first, then the right. However, I had the left hip MRI'ed (and thankfully my insurance approved it without 6 weeks of physical therapy) and they basically said I have moderate arthritis in the joint and that this would prevent me from getting the femoacetabular surgery. Interestingly, there is no torn labrum of the left hip anymore, which showed up on previous MRIs, and they said it could have healed on it's own. Anyway, what ended up happening is they injected me with 40mg of kenalog in both hips with a 3 inch needle. It was not fun to have done and I am very sore, even as I sit at my PC and type this out. This was on Tuesday that they injected me, but I am very sensitive to injections and having had steroid in the past, it makes me very sore for a week before I get relief. Finally, I was told I need a hip replacement and they don't want to do it because "I'm young" (38, I don't feel young) and would like to delay it for as long as possible and give me steroid injections every 3 months instead. However, we got a referal to the doc there that does hip replacements and I kind of just want to get it done and over with. The replacement lasts around 20 years and then needs to be removed and put back in and I'll be 58 then and actually old. Anyway, I've been keeping myself busy and hanging in there but have needed a lot of medication to deal with how bad my hips hurt from those injections. I will get relief in due time, and if I don't, then that would be a green light to proceed with the hip replacement.


    Now to address your post. We tried looking for the "Thrive" gum you mentioned, and my mom (who was a nurse for 20 years) said it seems to be the same as the regular generic nicotine gum I already have. Also, it is not available in the US, however we can import it from Canada on ebay. I am wondering if there is something different/special about it that generic nicotine gum does not have, like does it burn the back of your throat or something? If I get a hip replacement, I will probably be forced to quit. It's like $10 + shipping for 36 ct Thrive gum, so let me know if its different than the regular stuff.


    Regarding pregabalin- I have been on this in the past and it was not effective for me. as I said I am on gabapentin and it helps, and the dose was just increased from 1200mg to 1600mg daily. It is literally hell to go without this med as I will have increased neck, low back and hip pain as well as pain all down the back of my arms and legs, and random stabbing pains throughout my body. I was off it for a year from 2020 to mid 2021 and the pain daily got to be so severe (fibromyalgia) that I had no choice but to ask my PCP to put me back on gabapentin.


    Regarding exercise, any type of exercise, even just cleaning our master bedroom and bathroom (vacuuming, dusting, lysol wipes on the toilet and sink, Screen Mom and a microfiber cloth on the mirror, etc) puts me in really bad pain. I used to study martial arts, I still have an 80 lbs. heavy bag hung up, I have a weight bench, I have some folding mats to put down on the floor to do Yoga or Qigong (like Tai Chi) on, but I don't do any of it because it just puts me in horrific pain the next day. Walking is also difficult and what with injections and back surgeries and so forth I have not done that, though my wife and I went on a long walk the other day and I tolerated it well (this was before the hip injections). But yes, she gets no exercise either and taking daily walks has been discussed though it is supposed to be in the teens next week and frigid cold like that is really bad for fibro. I should stop making excuses and just get out there and do it, I need to lose weight.


    Anyway, that's my update and my response. Please let me know about the Thrive gum thing and if it's different than generic nic gum.

    • Respect 1
  14. 1 hour ago, damric said:

    Mugs, hats, and tshirts would make some very premium folding and hwbot comp prizes. I love the designs you all are coming up with.


    You mean the designs I came up with... And Flux did one cuz they're a lazy girl 🤣

  15. 20 hours ago, Supercrumpet said:


    Ah, I'll definitely consider that. I've heard about foam packing, but haven't seen an example of an exact type of foam that's usually used, so the Amazon link in your previous post is super useful. Thanks!



    Hopefully if that link works, it was my documentation on OCN of building the GMMK and should give you a few reference points or a visual idea on what to do.


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