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Posts posted by neurotix

  1. @Supercrumpetcan you update my Doraemon keyboard?


    I checked the box the other day and it is apparently a E-Yooso Z-88 not Z-77. Also known as an E-Element Z-88. It's made or probably made in the same factory as the Redragon keyboards.



  2. I know we're not making more merch for a while, but I wanted to let you all know that I read a few tutorials and learned how to do glitch art effects (are these still cool? Lol). These could possibly be done to the logo and other graphics or text. They could also be done to any banners for advertising foldathons on social media. Etc. Examples:







    • Respect 4
  3. Can I do this using USB bios flashback? I upgraded to 4201 or whatever that doesn't seem to be on their site anymore, now I see they have 4402 security fix bios, but when I upgraded the bios I didn't know about the performance loss past bios 3801.


    If I put 3801 on a flash stick and name it C8H.CAP will I be able to downgrade with bios flashback?


    I'm hoping I could get better bench scores and possibly get my fclk to run higher on the lower bios. Though I wonder if I should upgrade to this new security fix bios...




  4. +1 for the Crosshair V Formula, still have one running strong with a lapped FX-8350 in my retired mom's machine that gets used mostly for Kyodai Mahjongg, Risk and Solitaire in Mini Vmac emulator, DX Ball 1&2 and Bejeweled 3. It runs stock but has some nice G.skill Trident X ddr3 at 2400mhz cas 10.


    It does occasionally get used for web browsing and paying bills. It's still snappy when I go on it thanks to the 850 Evo it has.


    I tortured that chip and board with Linpack and occt at 5GHz 1.55v but its still running great and suits her needs (mostly playing her games).

    • Respect 1
  5. 10 hours ago, J7SC_Orion said:



    ...I forgot how much 'fun' this thread had become 😁  --- but given your original query, now is a good time to follow up.  There have been some major shipments of RTX 4090s hitting the stores as of late and while they still move relatively quickly (unlike the 4080s), prices are also reasonable, relatively speaking, at least. I don't know if you already upgraded, but if not, now is not a  bad time at all.


    The second part of your question was re. 'power'. I have yet to encounter a problem with power, even at > 675 W (pls see below). The custom 12 VHPWR is performing flawlessly, as did the original 4-into-1 dongle (just make sure it is fully inserted).


    I rarely run it at > 600 W, though...the first pic below shows my 'typical' and restricted settings - just a bit over 400 W (fyi 25 C ambient). The second part of the pic below shows 'full oc power everything'. The point though is that even with much more restricted OC and power, I still max my 4K 120 monitor most of the time. The fps and 1 % low readings below are for MSFS 2020 4K ultra-max everything, and even at just over 400 W (well within your power budget from what I remember), it exceeds most anything I can throw at it...162 fps and 1% low at 143 for FS2020.


    The 4090 has 76.3 billion transistors while my 3090 has 28.3 billion (the 3090 is now in a work + play machine) and it is really no comparison at 4K, even without but especially with DLSS3/FI/NVReflex. Other games and apps are similar.




    I've had a MSI Gaming X Trio since Christmas Eve. And now I'm clarified on the 12VHPWR, it looks like a 12 pin PCI-E connector but actually has 4 tiny pins on top. Mine came with a 12VHPWR to 3-pin PCI-E 8 pin adapter and it's what I'm using, with one of the 8 pins Daisy Chained like you're not supposed to, and I also flashed the Galaxy 666 bios to it (MSI stock power limit is 480w with Afterburner slider going to 108%, now it goes to 129% 🔥) it's totally fine, keeph8n told me people were doing it on FE cards with just 2 8 pins on the dongle.


    I've benched it for HWBOT, also it maxes out Forza Horizon 4&5 at 3440x1440 144fps at stock and osd shows utilization only being 70%. As far as HWBOT now I'm well in the top 100 of both the Enthusiast league and the US.


    It is currently running folding at home 24/7 and around 2970mhz. Anything higher (3000 or more) makes Linux lock up. However, with the MSI bios folding over 2900mhz in my oc tool I would see the clocks drop to 2000mhz core, then come back up and it would do this every 5 seconds or so. Now with the Galaxy 666w bios that doesn't happen. Also, I've only ever see folding take around 420w max, the units I'm getting now run at like 47c @ 80% fan (can't hear it over the dehumidifier in my finished basement) I'm now a folding billionaire, in about a month of folding I went from 134m points to 1.115b.



    The GeForce RTX 4090 @ 3135/1519MHzscores getScoreFormatted in the Unigine...


    • Respect 2
  6. Well, it was recently changed from 450x90 to 250x60. I understand the mobile issue as I use mobile a lot, but turn rig viewing off. Even just putting it back to 450x90 or possibly 450x100 or 110 would allow more space and shouldn't be too intrusive.. but the decision is not mine. I'd love to make a sig image for myself but 250x60 is like, nothing. No point.


    Sorry to trouble you on this.

  7. So I just made a signature image for damric, and was limited to 450x90px I think. His is still showing up but, when I went to look today, it now says sig images are limited to 250x90 or something like that.


    Can we have 450x150 or 450x125? I'm thinking of offering to do custom avatars and sig images for people possibly, since I really enjoy graphic design. 250x90 or whatever it is now is tiny and especially 90px height is very constraining. I understand probably that these images could take up too much space on the server, or maybe be too distracting when there's also text in the sig etc. Making the signature too much especially if people have rig viewing on (I turned it off personally)


    Can something be done about this and we can come to a compromise on a larger size?

  8. Hey,


    I've noticed some users have text they can enter below their avatar, or under where extreme is, I would have put this in the help section but there isn't one in the first category with the new member threads, site suggestions, etc.


    I think I did find something like status with a text field at one point, but I've looked through all the account settings and profile settings and can't find it again.


    Also if it's limited to premium members, just let me know.



  9. Well, I thought custom anime art would be cool, and if you wanted to know, her name is Exa. lol


    I've been drawing anime for 24 years, so if you ever change your mind, let me know and I will come up with something. It's a shame I don't know how to do digital coloring/drawing.

    • Respect 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, ENTERPRISE said:


    I think we would need to go with a more digitally accurate illustration for this. I certainly appreciate the effort but I do not think this would work for the EHW merch as it stands right now. Please remember that we are not looking for any further designs right now and I cannot promise any further work will make it to the merch. Just looking out for you not spending tonnes of time on something that may not make it into any production, but if this is something you enjoy doing, then please feel free 🙂


    Thank you for the input. I won't continue the art then and just throw it in the bin. (don't worry; I'm not offended or upset).


    This is sort of what I expected, and knowing it's not what you're looking for saves me a ton of time drawing the rest of the idea in advance, so thank you. And thanks for the quick response after I tagged you.

  11. As promised. Not complete and she only takes up half the page. Before continuing and drawing the rest of the image, I want to know if you guys think my anime art is good enough to put on a shirt. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do digital coloring.




    If you guys think its good enough I will draw a test bench next to her on a table with a dice pot on both the cpu and gpu, complete with vapor, and a monitor with hwbot on it in the background. As well as a dewar of LN2.


    Please give me your opinions, especially UltraMega since he suggested an anime shirt. If you want something better/professional looking then we may need to find some generic anime girl from DeviantArt and use that on a shirt instead.




  12. Art I did for my wife for Valentine's Day. It is now framed and will be hanging in her office and visible on camera in all her meetings since she works at home every day. And that food looks amazing, especially the brisket.




    Day lilies and roses from our garden. Now she can see them year round. Hellinois is barren during the winter. 😂

    • Thanks 1
    • Respect 2
  13. Wish granted, but now you have the metabolism of an 18 year old to match making you have to piss every hour and crap 3 times daily. Like I did at that age. Oh, you also have H. Pylori.


    I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl with a kid I would call her, I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a six-four Impala. (Sorry someone had to!)




  14. Ok, fyi to people that Ultramega suggested an anime themed t-shirt, which I wholly agree on. However, we can't take random anime girl images from Google Images or something.


    Thankfully, I have drawn anime characters since I was 14 so I can draw a character for an idea I have in mind. I am by no means a professional though. It will be done and colored with either marker (unlikely, we bought two sets of markers for this recently for me to test them, the "water color" markers didn't work as advertised) or colored pencil, inked, then scanned in and put into a shirt design. I will work on this soon.


    If anyone has any alternative suggestions, like free to use anime characters (female) colored digitally and professionally that would be available for free from say, DeviantArt, we might consider that too.

  15. 15 hours ago, Kaz said:

    About 10 years ago I had serious "carpel tunnel" syndrome.  I used to play Starcraft 2 competitively and was using a high DPI mouse that caused a repetitive strain injury.  (P.S.  Don't use HIGH DPI settings, micro movements are harder on the body than large sweeping motions).  I stopped using computers for a month, when I started again, within 5 minutes of using a mouse I'd have tears running down my face.  I couldn't specifically say what the problem was or where I felt the pain, it was just everywhere.  Nerve pain is funny like that.


    I went to a doctor, they started me on a muscle relaxer.  I could maybe stand to use a computer for 10 minutes after that.  Then they sent me to physical therapy.  Physical therapy and frequent stretching did help.  After 10 visits, I could use the computer for 3 hours a day, taking breaks every 20-30 minutes.  The physical therapist told me most people would have recovered by now, and my insurance would only cover 20 visits a year, so I decided to look for a better solution.  I went back to the doctor, and they sent me to get an EMG.  They shocked my elbows and tested the response time in my fingers.  Man did that hurt!  Who would have thought directly shocking a nerve could be so painful?!  They asked if it was both hands, and I said "If I tell you no, does that mean we don't have to do the other hand?"


    The EMG showed that I did not have nerve damage, and at that point I refused to let them do carpel tunnel surgery on me.  They couldn't tell me what the problem was, so I didn't trust their fix.  I figured, I couldn't be the only gamer with this problem so I went back to researching.  On Teamliquid.net, I found hope.  Another gamer who had gone through this, and one who had actually found a solution:


    Trigger Point Therapy by Clair Davis

    This book talks about myofascial tissue, a thin layer of tissue that surrounds the muscles and helps them keep their shape.  The myofascial tissue can bind up and form 'knots', that prevent the muscle from having full range of movement.  This strain usually doesn't cause pain in the muscle that is bound up, but in the muscles connected that are overstretched and overworked to compensate.  The book offered an explanation to the problems I was having, as well as an index showing me which muscles to work and where the bind ups (trigger points) would be.  Working those trigger points wasn't fun, it was quite painful and it took me a while to read about it, find them on myself, and work them out.  I was slow working, prone to stopping after the slightest improvement, and didn't work all the muscles when I first started.  It took me a lot longer than it should have, but 3 months later I wasn't inhibited by pain anymore.


    I really can't recommend this book enough.  There's enough information it could easily be sold as a textbook for $120 and still be worth it.  Over the years, I've bought 4 copies because I give them to people I know who are struggling with pain.  Removing someone's pain is the best gift you can ever give.  It's not an easy solution because it requires reading, finding the spots on yourself, and taking the time to work them.  Pills are easier, but for anyone who truly wants help with pain, putting in the effort is worth it.


    I did pick up a Thera-Cane, which the book recommended.  It was instrumental in releasing trigger points held in my shoulders, without the Thera-Cane, I didn't have the leverage needed.  It's a bit expensive for what it is, but for what it does, it's worth it's weight in gold.


    I've been impressed with the book as it's a true cure for pain.  There are a handful of situations that really do require surgery, and I'm impressed that the book correctly identifies when surgery is the best choice.  It also has a few pages about fibromyalgia, and suggests that it is often caused by trigger points and can be resolved.


    I also struggle with back pain.  Around age 19 I was leaning over the engine of a car and my back popped in a bad way.  It hurt so bad I had to lay on asphalt for 15 minutes before I could move.  Ever since then I've had back pain (lower right, just above the hip), it comes and goes a bit, but it can get quite bad, enough so that I don't want to sit at a computer anymore.  Spending time stretching and working trigger points brings my back into a usable state.  I'd still like a doctor to tell me exactly what's wrong with my back, but they don't care that much.  They offer pills and physical therapy, insurance in the U.S. has weird rules about what they will pay for, if they haven't paid for every possible alternative action, they won't pay for an x-ray.


    If you end up getting the book, let me know how it goes. 



    Thank you for your long, detailed response. I am sorry about your condition but am happy you seem to have found relief and a method that works for you.


    I am well aware of the myofascial tissue thing. I have tried a myofascial neck massage and it just made my neck hurt really badly for about a week. I have also tried a trigger point massage of the neck- same thing. I even had deep tissue massage done to my whole body at one point, the masseuse herself said "people with fibromyalgia are so sensitive and problematic" and when she was done massaging essentially my whole body very hard, I could barely get up from the massage table. I hurt all over badly for a week. I have tried acupuncture and the first time I did it, it made me feel really high for about 2 hours afterward, almost identical to a weed high, but then everytime I went back I never had the same feeling again and it didn't help. (I had a really open mind and was very receptive to acupuncture as I used to practice Daoist/Taoist meditation, Qigong (sorta like Tai Chi) and read Chinese philosophy.)


    I appreciate your offer of the book and trigger point massage as well as myofascial massage, but fibromyalgia REALLY doesn't like have trigger points pushed on. It just causes me worse pain. My wife massages me frequently, and does work the trigger points but it's sort of questionable whether it helps or harms me. A lot of the time she does, I have worse pain the next day.


    So unfortunately, I won't be looking into the book as fibromyalgia is quite the beast to live with and my body does not respond well to these methodologies. I appreciate it though and am happy to hear it helped you.

  16. On 27/01/2023 at 17:32, J7SC_Orion said:


     Hi @neurotix ...as mentioned before, I am no position to dish out medical and dosage advice; I can only let others know 'what worked for me' over the longer run so that they can check with their treating physicians. On the Pregabalin, I was started on that one by my doc but at light dosage re. the old cut nerves injury in my right food. A few years after, she suggested Gabapentin as an alternative when I complained about some side effects, but at the end of the day, Pregabalin works better in my case...both do take several weeks to fully cycle on / off so that can complicate matters. If Gabapentin works for you, best to just stick with it.


    T3s can be a life saver when the pain gets out of hand, but since I am sensitive to acetaminophen re. tinnitus, I try to use it sparingly. After my recent back operation (GA, but muscle-related, not bone related), they also gave me s.th. called 'Auro-Tramadol'...it works a bit slower than T3s and does not have the same side-effects, but it includes 325 mg acetaminophen and it can keep you up at night (there must be some heavy caffeine in it, though doesn't say) ...never mind the tinnitus, long term use of acetaminophen also has impacts on the liver. Still, the Auro-Tramadol (37/5/325) does work as an alternative for T3s though they should never be taken together according to my surgeon, just as alternatives to each other. 


    While on the tinnitus theme, I mentioned that I finally figured out the culprit in my case (acetaminophen) though there's a delay of about three days before it goes away...being in the computer-related field, I like some quicker 'if / then' conclusions, but human physiology is obviously a lot more complex. One odd thing which really does work during the times when tinnitus has come back due to the meds is 'black screen' YT video (all ads up front, black screen after 10 or so second)...typically they are about varying degrees of rain (moderate to massive) and come with / without thunder and run for 8, 10 or even 24 hrs...I know it is weird to sleep to a rain / thunder sound, but it works for some reason. Matching my tinnitus frequency to the rain frequency in the various YT black screen vids is what I do... 


    On the Thrive gum, I had tried Nicorette gum first, but in my case, Thrive just worked much better for some reason. It's available in 2 mg and 4 mg - both as lozenges and gum and mint and other flavours. The Thrive 2 mg mint gum juts seems to hit the right spots with me but you might be different...it's not a wonder cure but I obviously recommend it for smokers to try because of my own experiences. Somewhat oddly enough, the Thrive lozenges work less well for me.



    On the 'forest exercise', if I skip more than two days, I can tell...it not only includes some tricky hiking through gorges given the terrain here, but also some weird form of log lifting and semi-pushups...the latter is simply finding a sturdy fallen tree (I'm 6'4'', 240 pounds) to do 45 degree push-ups on as I cannot do full ground-push-ups do the aforementioned foot injury (front of the right foot). Any kind of exercise that you can manage is helpful to guard against osteo- and other arthritis. I realize though from my own experience that it can be a chicken-and-egg question re. too much pain.  


    Finally, there are other sleeping meds - unfortunately, most are habit forming. I do have 7.5 mg zopiclone if I need them, and I will say a deep sleep free of noticing (or not waking up due to) the pain rejuvenates the mind. Then again, other medical issues can be made worse with Zopiclone and such (ie. sleeping twisted and you don't realize it) so apart from habit-forming I like to guard against, I like to avoid the pain which follows int he morning...so basically for pain emergencies only when you feel run down after lacking deep sleep for several nights.


    Once again, wishing you all the best !



    Hi again J7SC_Orion, once again my apologies for the slow reply. I can't really respond to all of this, but I can respond to some of it.


    I am still curious about the nicotine gum but as we said, we have to import it on Ebay and theres only 36 in a pack and it is $10 a pack plus international shipping. So I'd really like a answer as to whether or not it burns your throat? If it does that might simulate the sensation of smoking and help me quit and make it worth the cost. My current nicotine gum is just generic crap, and it is 4mg. So we would try the Thrive in mint in 4mg.


    Your suggestion about using thunderstorms to fall asleep, believe it or not, is something I regularly do and have been doing for months. This is the video I use. I call it "my ASMR" although I guess it's not really ASMR as it doesn't cause chills or tingles or anything, I just have always loved hearing rain, thunder and so on. I am actually 1/8th Mohawk Native American, and was born during a really severe record setting thunderstorm, so my Indian name in our language is Rowe:'ren (pronounced low-way-low) which translates to His Voice is Thunder. So it makes sense I like thunderstorms. Because of the intensity of my pain, I sometimes go to sleep right after dinner and get in bed and put this video on, always the same one. Let me know if you like it if you try it out.



    Hope this one helps you if you try sleeping to it.


    I generally don't have any problems sleeping, I take zyprexa 20mg as well as "Calm Caps" supplement and benadryl. I go to bed around 8pm nearly every single day, and wake up at midnight or 1am wanting sugar unfortunately. Usually eat granola bars or something a peanut butter sandwich, get back in bed and am back asleep within 10 minutes tops. This stopped for a while and I was sleeping all the way through the night which I obviously prefer, but recently has started again. Sometimes I need to take a leak so that wakes me up, then I want sugar.


    I take T3 daily, two 25mg pills, and going without them causes ridiculous withdrawl and pain symptoms. I also take naproxen when I take my other meds, but recently stopped taking acetaminophen which I took 6 daily of because of your suggestion that it damages the liver. I knew about this already, but because of what you said and knowing that even taking a "safe" amount daily damages the liver by the time you are old, I stopped it. It didn't help anyway.


    Anyway, thanks again for your long and thoughtful post and support, brother. It has helped me to know that I am not going through this alone. See a hip surgeon tomorrow and have no idea if he will want to do a hip replacement or not given my age, but the steroid injections I got in my hips 2 weeks ago (40mg kenalog in a 3 inch needle in both hips) have NOT helped and just put me in greatly increased pain for that period.


    Look forward to hearing back, and wonder if any of the new people joining have anything to contribute or a story to tell in this thread.

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