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Posts posted by neurotix

  1. 40 minutes ago, keeph8n said:

    My single 4090 is averaging 20-25 million PPD atm. No tweaks of the card, just out the box. 

    will be fun to see what happens when cards 2, 3, and 4 get installed


    Mine is slightly overclocked, I can do 3090MHz core for benching and games in Windows but I have folding set up in Linux as it acts as the house server. It only does around 2850MHz core in Linux and the overclocking app in Linux does not provide voltage control. If I OC it higher than 2900, then every few seconds my app shows the core dropping down to 2000MHz for a while then coming back up, and my PPD goes down the drain.


    So it's running at 2850/12210MHz, plus I'm using Linux and you get more PPD running folding in Linux, so it was always said. (And jeez man 4 of them? you'll make 100m PPD easily)






  2. So my 4090 gets estimates in f@h web control of 30~31 million PPD, but whoever claimed the 26m thing is probably more accurate. Take a look at my daily production here: https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_summary.php?s=&u=1311203


    You'll see it's closer to 25-26m a day.


    Also, sometimes I get work units that f@h web control estimates only give 17m PPD, and for some reason these only utilize 90% of my card and make it run at 50c (with 80% fan) whereas the others estimate 31m PPD use 96% of my card and heat it up to about 62c.


    Regarding my crushing the foldathon, not if other people have 3090s, 3080tis etc. and run more than one card. But to say I am pleased with my MSI 4090 Gaming X Trio is an understatement. Especially the memory on it, I'm running it at 12201MHz and stock is 10500MHz I believe. Unfortunately running one CPU core that the GPU needs to stay loaded, and having the card folding, my CPU temp readout on my POST code display is always around 60C, otherwise I would fold on my 5900x as well. If I tried I am 100% confident the system/CPU would overheat probably instantly and just shut off. But I don't think a 5900x would give very many points compared to my 4090 anyway.


    • Respect 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, Fluxmaven said:

    I think this is your best version of this theme yet. Which pushing you along was ultimately my goal in remixing your work. That's not something I normally do, but I really respect that you are taking it upon yourself to generate not just one but multiple different merch options. I actually have a BFA in digital art and design, but I've just been in a rut after a lot of personal issues so I stepped away from art. I have been wanting to start doing more creative work though. I'll eventually get to making more of my own work but if you ever need someone to critique your work or bounce ideas off of, I'm always wiling to help. 


    Thanks Flux. A BFA in digital art eh? I just have like 20 years self taught experience using Photoshop and GIMP. But I am also an artist in traditional mediums, I do watercolor, watercolor pen and colored pencil. I like to draw flowers from our garden in watercolor pen and watercolor, and its been quite a while since I did but I also draw manga/comic style characters in pen and colored pencil.


    Sometimes I don't do art for months, generally leaning over a table puts me in bad low back pain, but sometimes I force myself to anyway. So I totally understand if you're taking a break due to other reasons.


    I appreciate any critiques and I also still have a few more ideas on shirt designs. If possible, you should upload a higher resolution version of the one you did (it was pretty grainy and low res when I zoomed in on the grid in GIMP- artifacts around it)


    Here's an example of a watercolor I did- Tiger Lilies



    • Respect 1
  4. Hey guys, a quick question:


    In my folding web control, you can choose which research to support from a dropdown box. At the bottom of that list is one labeled "high priority". I was wondering if I change it to that if I might make more PPD? Thanks.

  5. Here's my last two contributions for the week. I thought we should do a logo with some simple, modern, clean flat icons of computer related stuff underneath the EHW logo. Again, they can be transparent so people can have them on whatever color shirt they choose. For this example, I have used white as a background.


    There are two versions: one with the icons being dark red from the logo, another with the icons having the same color gradient as the logo. And I am done for the week as it's a long weekend here which I intend to spend with my wife. Hope you guys and @ENTERPRISE like these and everything else.




    • Thanks 1
  6. Taking into account someone's advice, I got Bastiaan_NL to DM me some photos of heavily modded VGA. I also agreed with Fluxmaven about the grid, so I used the grid from what Flux posted. Here's the final version of my EHW Retro shirt (we can put up both mine and Flux's on redbubble or whatever site we end up using). Flux, as much as I like your version, it's all pink lol...





    • Respect 3
  7. Ok so I've made some adjustments to the folding shirt. All the text stuff is bigger, the protein is moved down and the EX logo is moved up. This one was very difficult for me and I wish I had found the correct font. But I hope it's good enough. Attached is a transparent png of this that could be put on redbubble and then people could choose their own color for the shirt.






    • Respect 1
  8. Alright I came up with a folding shirt. For comparison, here is the old OCN folding@home shirt:





    And here is what I came up with in around 45 minutes. I also searched for the font used but could not find it, so I went with another, similar one. If anyone can find me a different font I can remake this. The original file I have is on a transparent background, so if we use redbubble people could put this whole design on any color shirt they want (though I would avoid dark gray and dark red, as I used those for the colors instead of OCN's colors, obviously...)




    Any suggestions welcome. Maybe we need to move the EX up, move the protein down, and make the 239902 bigger? I dunno.

    • Respect 1
  9. No I don't mind Flux, and it turned out great. We'll go with that one for the Vaporwave shirt. I have a few more ideas, but what you came up with is more or less precisely what I was after. I wanted like a block diagram/EE chart of a GPU or something (like in my first version), and you nailed it.


    Great minds think alike.


    Regarding all the other ideas mentioned, I'm fine with them, but I was going to suggest to E to use my designs on the site redbubble which is the same thing basically- they do stickers, mugs, t-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies. The user can pick their color and their type of shirt. You just post the designs, they handle the rest and you receive some small amount of profit per-sale. I like redbubble a lot because I've ordered many gaming/anime t-shirts from them in the past and they last decently long, they also have nice color choices and their default t-shirt (I think they call it "cotton blend") is very soft and not rigid like a full cotton T.


    That's my two cents.

  10. Here's the retro shirt. I think it turned out quite well compared to the other one I posted. I posterized a vmodded GPU then added a layer over it with a cyan and magenta gradient and set the opacity very low. I also fixed/flattened the logo and now it also has the "pushing it to the limit". The grid was totally remade to be high res. I added a starfield in the background. I think I'm done with it. Time to move on to trying to replicate the OCN folding@home shirt, but for EHW.



    • Respect 1
  11. Nah Avacado I won't mention EHW or anything like that, I did it from my private email, and no I am not interested in helping you get PR contacts or getting E involved. EDIT: Although if you have those contacts Avacado and want to reach out for me, I'd pay your shipping once you get the stuff to get it sent to me 😉


    I also have an OCN Ducky but mine came from a smoker so the print on the keys is all yellowed, additionally the switches are worn out and need to be replaced. Mine is a 1001 model though I believe so first run.


    If anyone decides to embark on emailing companies to try and get stuff, please post your results here though.

  12. Hey all. So this thread is about bugging companies for schwag, aka stuff like free posters, case badges, lanyards, possibly shirts and other material related to the company. I did this in the past and I want to try doing it again and see if anyone else is interested in trying to get l00t from these companies. Just try and find a contact email on their sites, or if you have an account with them (Corsair in this case) make a ticket asking for promotional material.


    What I got in the past:


    MSI- no response

    AMD- no response

    Thermaltake- sent me a fridge magnet and a lanyard

    Corsair- A few stickers and a lanyard

    G.skill- an envelope full of like 20 of their red case badge stickers. I still had some but lost them when we moved here in 2021.

    Intel- referred me to an outside contractor that apparently handles requests like this. They let me choose 2 posters out of 7 designs. I got them up on my wall by my PC now- one is advertising unlocked processors, from 2010, the Core i7-875K and Core i5-655K. The other poster is a very informative and cool "how Intel makes chips" poster that shows every stage a chip goes through in production. They additionally sent a pen that when you pressed a button on top, it would make the old Intel jingle (dun dun dun dun)

    Sapphire- asked on Facebook and they said yes, they would send me stuff but then I waited 2 years and asked every 6 months and they kept saying they would send stuff, I even gave my address, but they never did it.


    Has anyone else done this? What did you get?

    • Respect 2
  13. No prob. Thanks. This stuff has just been sitting for years and I need to get rid of it. I have too much stuff. I noticed in the pic of the Delta fan that it's all dusty from being in the bottom of my big box of old fans for years (the last time it was used was in 2012 and not for long because even undervolted it's just too damn loud). Anyway I'm going to clean it up right now, I'll post a pic when I'm done.


    EDIT: cleaned it up as best I could.



    • Respect 1
  14. 48 minutes ago, Fluxmaven said:

    I don't think the logo recolor works well with things like the gradient or whatever this is supposed to be. I'd just flatten the whole logo and make it the same color as the other text. 




    As for the other ideas, I think the modded GPU would look cool to fill that space. 



    Thanks for your input, duly taken.


    Having a bad pain day today despite all the pills so will probably work on it tomorrow. I might not be able to flatten the logo as I don't have the font it was made with, but I'll put a modded GPU toned in cyan and possibly make it transparent.


    I am also going to make a folding at home shirt based on the old OCN one I have:





    I'm going to recreate it but in red and white. I found a pretty similar font and I think I can probably redo something very similar. Of course, instead of the OCN flame in the bottom we will have the "EX" from the ExtremeHW logo, and the protein is easy to find too.

    • Respect 2
  15. 9 minutes ago, firedfly said:


    You do not need to do anything different.  Keep folding with your current username and passkey.  The section you quoted is for when there are prizes awarded where someone will fold under your name for a period of time.  For example, last year, I offered up a folding time prize so someone could receive all points from a 3080ti for 24 hours.  The winner was randomly chosen from all contributors in the competition.


    Thank you.


    I also have a Corsair C70 Vengeance full tower case with fans in it I am looking to get rid of, but it would have to be local pickup only (Illinois) because it would probably cost me $200 to ship.


    Additionally I can contribute a pretty much new and never used Yate Loon 240mm fan, its giant and would be great set up vertically next to a test bench. I also have a very high speed Delta fan that I modded to use 7v instead of 12v. It requires a fan 3 pin connection and a molex as well.


    Also damric you should add the stuff I have as well as Flux's stickers to the prize list.


    • Thanks 1
  16. Not entirely happy with the way the retro/vaporwave one turned out. I think it is going to take some more work. I was not sure what to put between the synthwave grid and the logo, also the logo when colorized to magenta ended up looking more purple than magenta. I wanted like one of those electrical engineering diagram things between the logo and the synthwave grid (which is missing it's bottom), but maybe I should put a generic icon of a pc or a picture of a voltmodded GPU with pots and caps on it. Any suggestions welcome.

  17. "All "Folding Time" prizes will require your username/passkey to be given to the donator, this will not give them any of your personal information, it just let's them be able to contribute full points to your username.  Passkeys need at least 10 full Work Units to start getting the full Quick Return Bonus.  Alternatively, you could setup another passkey for your Folding@Home username with a different email address and fold your first 10 units on that.  This would still put the points towards your username, but they would also be tracked by a different passkey.

    Please note all winners must claim within 30 days from announcement of the winners."


    I'm confused by this. Is there anything I need to do like set up a new passkey and change it and use it only for those 72 hours, or can I simply continue to fold as I have been and you'll track my points when I start and when I finish? I've never done a foldathon. Also, my current passkey and username were made on an email I cannot access anymore, thankfully my wife had an old email with a copy of my passkey I've used since I started folding in 2012.



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