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The Foldaholics

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Here's a list of all the options that can be set in the config.  There are client options as well as individual slot options. 

F@H doesn't support manual edits of the config, but as long as you keep the formatting correct the config can be hand edited.  Sometimes it is more or less a requirement, since GPU slot assignment tends to get all messed up once you have more than 2 GPUs in a system, especially if you are mixing NVIDIA and AMD.   Some of the below options are either not valid or only supported on certain version of the F@H client.

*Edit* The below options can be set using FAHControl or by manually editing (not recommended) the config.



Client Control:
  client-threads <integer=6>
    The number of client processing threads.

  cycle-rate <double=4>
    The maximum cycle frequency in Hz of client threads.

  cycles <integer=-1>
    Run at most this many cycles. A value less than zero means run indefinitely.

  data-directory <string=.>
    The directory, relative to the current directory, where WU data and cores
    are stored.

  disable-sleep-when-active <boolean=true>
    Attempt to keep the system from sleeping when folding, unless on battery.

  exec-directory <string=/opt/fah>
    The directory, relative to the current executable, where executables and
    dynamic libraries are located.

  exit-when-done <boolean=false>
    Exit when all slots are paused.

  fold-anon <boolean=false>
    Start folding even if not configured.

  idle-seconds <integer=300>
    Number of seconds of system idle time before enabling idle folding. Set to
    zero to ignore system idle time.

  open-web-control <boolean=false>
    Make an operating system specific call to open the Web Control in a browser
    once client is fully loaded

  config-rotate <boolean=true>
    Rotate the configuration file to a backup when saving would overwrite the
    previous configuration.

  config-rotate-dir <string=configs>
    Put rotated configs in this directory.

  config-rotate-max <integer=16>
    The maximum number of rotated configuration files to keep. A value of zero
    will keep all configuration file backups.

Error Handling:
  max-slot-errors <integer=10>
    The maximum number of errors before a slot is paused.

  max-unit-errors <integer=5>
    The maximum number of errors before a work unit is dumped.

Folding Core:
  checkpoint <integer=15>
    Tell cores to checkpoint at least every # minutes.

  core-dir <string=cores>
    The directory to store core files in.

  core-prep <string>
    Run this command on cores after they are downloaded. This option is useful
    for running Linux cores on BSD machines.

  core-priority <string=idle>
    Set the core priority. Valid values are: idle or low

  cpu-affinity <boolean=false>
    If true, try to lock core processes to a fixed CPU

  cpu-usage <integer=100>
    The maximum percentage of the CPU a core should use. Not implemented by all

  gpu-usage <integer=100>
    GPU usage as a percent from 10-100

  no-assembly <boolean=false>
    Tell cores to disable optimized assembly code.

Folding Slot Configuration:
  cause <string=ANY>
    The cause you prefer to support.

  client-subtype <string=LINUX>
    The client subtype

  client-type <string=normal>
    The client type. Can be 'normal', 'advanced' or 'beta'.

  cpu-species <string=X86_AMD>
    CPU species.

  cpu-type <string=AMD64>
    CPU type.

  cpus <integer=-1>
    How many CPUs a slot should use. <= 0 will use all the CPUs detected in the

  cuda-index <string>
    The CUDA device index of the GPU, counting starts from 0.

  disable-viz <boolean=false>
    Disable reading visualization data.

  extra-core-args <string>
    Pass extra arguments to the core.

  gpu <boolean=true>
    Enable or disable auto-confiugration of GPU slots, requires appropriate

  gpu-index <string>
    The index of the GPU as detected by the client. This index corresponds
    directly to the GPUs listed in the client's '--info' output.

  max-packet-size <string=normal>
    Max size in bytes of a work unit packet. Can be small=5MiB, normal=25MiB,
    big=500MiB or a number.

  memory <string>
    Override memory, in bytes, reported to Folding@home.

  opencl-index <string>
    The OpenCL device index of the GPU, counting starts from 0.

  os-species <string=UNKNOWN>
    Operating system species.

  os-type <string=LINUX>
    Operating system type.

  project-key <integer=0>
    Key for access to restricted testing projects.

  smp <boolean=true>
    Enable or disable auto-configuration of SMP slots, requires appropriate

  gui-enabled <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the GUI. A GUI is not currently supported on all
    operating systems.

HTTP Server:
  allow <string=>
    Client addresses which are allowed to connect to this server. This option
    overrides IPs which are denied in the deny option. The pattern 0/0 matches
    all addresses.

  connection-timeout <integer=60>
    The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a connection can be idle before
    being dropped.

  deny <string=0/0>
    Client address which are not allowed to connect to this server.

  http-addresses <string=0:7396>
    A space separated list of server address and port pairs to listen on in the
    form <ip | hostname>[:<port>]

  https-addresses <string=>
    A space separated list of secure server address and port pairs to listen on
    in the form <ip | hostname>[:<port>]

  max-connect-time <integer=900>
    The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a client can be connected to the

  max-connections <integer=800>
    Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections.

  max-request-length <integer=52428800>
    Sets the maximum length of a client request packet.

  min-connect-time <integer=300>
    The minimum amount of time, in seconds, a client must be connected to the
    server before it can be dropped in favor or a new connection.

HTTP Server SSL:
  certificate-file <string>
    The servers certificate file in PEM format.

  crl-file <string>
    Supply a Certificate Revocation List. Overrides any internal CRL

  private-key-file <string>
    The servers private key file in PEM format.

  log <string=log.txt>
    Set log file.

  log-color <boolean=true>
    Print log messages with ANSI color coding.

  log-crlf <boolean=false>
    Print carriage return and line feed at end of log lines.

  log-date <boolean=false>
    Print date information with log entries.

  log-date-periodically <integer=21600>
    Print date to log before new log entries if so many seconds have passed
    since the last date was printed.

  log-domain <boolean=false>
    Print domain information with log entries.

  log-domain-levels <string ...>
    Set log levels by domain. Format is:
      <domain>[:i|d|t]:<level> ...
    Entries are separated by white-space and or commas.
      i - info
    For example: server:i:3 module:6
    Set 'server' domain info messages to level 3 and 'module' info messages to
    level 6. All other domains will follow the system wide log verbosity level.
    If <level> is negative it is relative to the system wide verbosity.

  log-header <boolean=true>
    Enable log message headers.

  log-level <boolean=true>
    Print level information with log entries.

  log-no-info-header <boolean=true>
    Don't print 'INFO(#):' in header.

  log-redirect <boolean=false>
    Redirect all output to log file. Implies !log-to-screen.

  log-rotate <boolean=true>
    Rotate log files on each run.

  log-rotate-dir <string=logs>
    Put rotated logs in this directory.

  log-rotate-max <integer=16>
    Maximum number of rotated logs to keep.

  log-short-level <boolean=false>
    Print shortened level information with log entries.

  log-simple-domains <boolean=true>
    Remove any leading directories and trailing file extensions from domains so
    that source code file names can be easily used as log domains.

  log-thread-id <boolean=false>
    Print id with log entries.

  log-thread-prefix <boolean=true>
    Print thread prefixes, if set, with log entries.

  log-time <boolean=true>
    Print time information with log entries.

  log-to-screen <boolean=true>
    Log to screen.

  log-truncate <boolean=false>
    Truncate log file.

  verbosity <integer=3>
    Set logging level for INFO messages.

  proxy <string=>
    Set proxy for outgoing HTTP connections

  proxy-enable <boolean=false>
    Enable proxy configuration

  proxy-pass <string=>
    Set password for proxy connections

  proxy-user <string=>
    Set user name for proxy connections

Process Control:
  child <boolean=false>
    Disable 'daemon', 'fork', 'pid' and 'respawn' options. Also defaults
    'log-to-screen' to false. Used internally.

  daemon <boolean=false>
    Short for --pid --service --respawn --log='' --fork

  fork <boolean=false>
    Run in background.

  pid <boolean=false>
    Create PID file.

  pid-file <string=Folding@home Client.pid>
    Name of PID file.

  priority <string>
    Set the process priority. Valid values are: idle, low, normal, high or

  respawn <boolean=false>
    Run the application as a child process and respawn if it is killed or exits.

  run-as <string>
    Run as specified user

  service <boolean=false>
    Ignore user logout or hangup and interrupt signals

Remote Command Server:
  command-address <string=>
    The address to which the command server should be bound.

  command-allow-no-pass <string=>
    IP address ranges that are allowed access to the command server with out a
    password if the 'password' option is set. These addresses will also have to
    be allowed IP based access.

  command-deny-no-pass <string=0/0>
    IP address ranges that are not allowed access to the command server with out
    a password if the 'password' option is set. Overridden by

  command-enable <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the command server.

  command-port <integer=36330>
    The port to which the command server should be bound.

  eval <string>
    Evaluate the argument as a script.

  password <string>
    Set a command server password. Warning, setting a password disables the
    default IP address blocking.

  script <string>
    Run commands from a script file.

Slot Control:
  idle <boolean=false>
    Only run slot when idle.

  max-shutdown-wait <integer=60>
    The maximum amount of time to wait in seconds for a unit to exit on

  pause-on-battery <boolean=true>
    Pause the client or slot when the OS indicates the machine is running on
    battery power.

  pause-on-start <boolean=false>
    If true the slot will be started in a paused state.

  paused <boolean=false>
    True if slot is paused.

  power <string=medium>
    Set the client's power level. Valid values are 'light', 'medium' or 'full'.
    This setting affects the defaults of several other options such as 'cpus',
    'pause-on-battery', etc.

User Information:
  machine-id <integer=0>
    The machine ID.

  passkey <string=>
    Your passkey.

  team <integer=0>
    Your team number.

  user <string=Anonymous>
    Your user name.

Web Server:
  web-allow <string=>
    Client addresses which are allowed to connect to this Web server. This
    option overrides IPs which are denied in the web-deny option. This option
    differs from the 'allow'/'deny' options in that clients that are not allowed
    are served an access denied page rather than simply dropping the connection.
    The value '0/0' matches all IPs.

  web-deny <string=0/0>
    Client address which are not allowed to connect to this Web server.

  web-enable <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the web server.

Web Server Sessions:
  session-cookie <string=sid>
    The name of the session cookie.

  session-lifetime <integer=86400>
    The maximum session lifetime in seconds. Zero for unlimited session

  session-timeout <integer=3600>
    The max maximum amount of time in seconds since the last time a session was
    used before it timesout. Zero for no session timeout.

Work Unit Control:
  dump-after-deadline <boolean=true>
    Dump units if their deadline has passed.

  max-queue <integer=16>
    Maximum units per slot in the work queue.

  max-units <integer=0>
    Process at most this number of units, then pause.

  next-unit-percentage <integer=99>
    Pre-download the next work unit when the current one is this far along.
    Values less than 90 are not allowed.

  stall-detection-enabled <boolean=false>
    Attempt to detect stalled work units and restart them.

  stall-percent <integer=5>
    Minimum estimated percent work unit completion since last frame before a WU
    can be considered stalled, if zero the percentage is ignored.

  stall-timeout <integer=1800>
    Minimum time, in seconds, since last frame before a WU can be considered


Here's a config from my 4x Radeon VII machine:


  <!-- Folding Core -->
  <checkpoint v='10'/>

  <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
  <gpu v='false'/>
  <smp v='false'/>

  <!-- HTTP Server -->
  <allow v=','/>

  <!-- Logging -->
  <verbosity v='5'/>

  <!-- Network -->
  <proxy v=':8080'/>

  <!-- Remote Command Server -->
  <command-allow-no-pass v=','/>

  <!-- Slot Control -->
  <pause-on-battery v='false'/>
  <power v='full'/>

  <!-- User Information -->
  <passkey v='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/>
  <team v='239902'/>
  <user v='Q_Cruncher'/>

  <!-- Work Unit Control -->
  <next-unit-percentage v='98'/>

  <!-- Folding Slots -->
  <slot id='1' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='0' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='2' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='3' type='GPU'>
    <passkey v='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>



Edited by tictoc
  • Thanks 3
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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661

Looks like the demo will be me vs u since the other Team Captains are taking their good old time.




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
Full Rig Info
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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661
30 minutes ago, tictoc said:


When will we start?  Do you need GPU and OS info in order to test the handicapping?


Yes, Monday maybe. All unofficial.

Edited by BWG




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
Full Rig Info
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12 hours ago, tictoc said:

Here's a list of all the options that can be set in the config.  There are client options as well as individual slot options. 

F@H doesn't support manual edits of the config, but as long as you keep the formatting correct the config can be hand edited.  Sometimes it is more or less a requirement, since GPU slot assignment tends to get all messed up once you have more than 2 GPUs in a system, especially if you are mixing NVIDIA and AMD.   Some of the below options are either not valid or only supported on certain version of the F@H client.

*Edit* The below options can be set using FAHControl or by manually editing (not recommended) the config.


  Reveal hidden contents

Client Control:
  client-threads <integer=6>
    The number of client processing threads.

  cycle-rate <double=4>
    The maximum cycle frequency in Hz of client threads.

  cycles <integer=-1>
    Run at most this many cycles. A value less than zero means run indefinitely.

  data-directory <string=.>
    The directory, relative to the current directory, where WU data and cores
    are stored.

  disable-sleep-when-active <boolean=true>
    Attempt to keep the system from sleeping when folding, unless on battery.

  exec-directory <string=/opt/fah>
    The directory, relative to the current executable, where executables and
    dynamic libraries are located.

  exit-when-done <boolean=false>
    Exit when all slots are paused.

  fold-anon <boolean=false>
    Start folding even if not configured.

  idle-seconds <integer=300>
    Number of seconds of system idle time before enabling idle folding. Set to
    zero to ignore system idle time.

  open-web-control <boolean=false>
    Make an operating system specific call to open the Web Control in a browser
    once client is fully loaded

  config-rotate <boolean=true>
    Rotate the configuration file to a backup when saving would overwrite the
    previous configuration.

  config-rotate-dir <string=configs>
    Put rotated configs in this directory.

  config-rotate-max <integer=16>
    The maximum number of rotated configuration files to keep. A value of zero
    will keep all configuration file backups.

Error Handling:
  max-slot-errors <integer=10>
    The maximum number of errors before a slot is paused.

  max-unit-errors <integer=5>
    The maximum number of errors before a work unit is dumped.

Folding Core:
  checkpoint <integer=15>
    Tell cores to checkpoint at least every # minutes.

  core-dir <string=cores>
    The directory to store core files in.

  core-prep <string>
    Run this command on cores after they are downloaded. This option is useful
    for running Linux cores on BSD machines.

  core-priority <string=idle>
    Set the core priority. Valid values are: idle or low

  cpu-affinity <boolean=false>
    If true, try to lock core processes to a fixed CPU

  cpu-usage <integer=100>
    The maximum percentage of the CPU a core should use. Not implemented by all

  gpu-usage <integer=100>
    GPU usage as a percent from 10-100

  no-assembly <boolean=false>
    Tell cores to disable optimized assembly code.

Folding Slot Configuration:
  cause <string=ANY>
    The cause you prefer to support.

  client-subtype <string=LINUX>
    The client subtype

  client-type <string=normal>
    The client type. Can be 'normal', 'advanced' or 'beta'.

  cpu-species <string=X86_AMD>
    CPU species.

  cpu-type <string=AMD64>
    CPU type.

  cpus <integer=-1>
    How many CPUs a slot should use. <= 0 will use all the CPUs detected in the

  cuda-index <string>
    The CUDA device index of the GPU, counting starts from 0.

  disable-viz <boolean=false>
    Disable reading visualization data.

  extra-core-args <string>
    Pass extra arguments to the core.

  gpu <boolean=true>
    Enable or disable auto-confiugration of GPU slots, requires appropriate

  gpu-index <string>
    The index of the GPU as detected by the client. This index corresponds
    directly to the GPUs listed in the client's '--info' output.

  max-packet-size <string=normal>
    Max size in bytes of a work unit packet. Can be small=5MiB, normal=25MiB,
    big=500MiB or a number.

  memory <string>
    Override memory, in bytes, reported to Folding@home.

  opencl-index <string>
    The OpenCL device index of the GPU, counting starts from 0.

  os-species <string=UNKNOWN>
    Operating system species.

  os-type <string=LINUX>
    Operating system type.

  project-key <integer=0>
    Key for access to restricted testing projects.

  smp <boolean=true>
    Enable or disable auto-configuration of SMP slots, requires appropriate

  gui-enabled <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the GUI. A GUI is not currently supported on all
    operating systems.

HTTP Server:
  allow <string=>
    Client addresses which are allowed to connect to this server. This option
    overrides IPs which are denied in the deny option. The pattern 0/0 matches
    all addresses.

  connection-timeout <integer=60>
    The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a connection can be idle before
    being dropped.

  deny <string=0/0>
    Client address which are not allowed to connect to this server.

  http-addresses <string=0:7396>
    A space separated list of server address and port pairs to listen on in the
    form <ip | hostname>[:<port>]

  https-addresses <string=>
    A space separated list of secure server address and port pairs to listen on
    in the form <ip | hostname>[:<port>]

  max-connect-time <integer=900>
    The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a client can be connected to the

  max-connections <integer=800>
    Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections.

  max-request-length <integer=52428800>
    Sets the maximum length of a client request packet.

  min-connect-time <integer=300>
    The minimum amount of time, in seconds, a client must be connected to the
    server before it can be dropped in favor or a new connection.

HTTP Server SSL:
  certificate-file <string>
    The servers certificate file in PEM format.

  crl-file <string>
    Supply a Certificate Revocation List. Overrides any internal CRL

  private-key-file <string>
    The servers private key file in PEM format.

  log <string=log.txt>
    Set log file.

  log-color <boolean=true>
    Print log messages with ANSI color coding.

  log-crlf <boolean=false>
    Print carriage return and line feed at end of log lines.

  log-date <boolean=false>
    Print date information with log entries.

  log-date-periodically <integer=21600>
    Print date to log before new log entries if so many seconds have passed
    since the last date was printed.

  log-domain <boolean=false>
    Print domain information with log entries.

  log-domain-levels <string ...>
    Set log levels by domain. Format is:
      <domain>[:i|d|t]:<level> ...
    Entries are separated by white-space and or commas.
      i - info
    For example: server:i:3 module:6
    Set 'server' domain info messages to level 3 and 'module' info messages to
    level 6. All other domains will follow the system wide log verbosity level.
    If <level> is negative it is relative to the system wide verbosity.

  log-header <boolean=true>
    Enable log message headers.

  log-level <boolean=true>
    Print level information with log entries.

  log-no-info-header <boolean=true>
    Don't print 'INFO(#):' in header.

  log-redirect <boolean=false>
    Redirect all output to log file. Implies !log-to-screen.

  log-rotate <boolean=true>
    Rotate log files on each run.

  log-rotate-dir <string=logs>
    Put rotated logs in this directory.

  log-rotate-max <integer=16>
    Maximum number of rotated logs to keep.

  log-short-level <boolean=false>
    Print shortened level information with log entries.

  log-simple-domains <boolean=true>
    Remove any leading directories and trailing file extensions from domains so
    that source code file names can be easily used as log domains.

  log-thread-id <boolean=false>
    Print id with log entries.

  log-thread-prefix <boolean=true>
    Print thread prefixes, if set, with log entries.

  log-time <boolean=true>
    Print time information with log entries.

  log-to-screen <boolean=true>
    Log to screen.

  log-truncate <boolean=false>
    Truncate log file.

  verbosity <integer=3>
    Set logging level for INFO messages.

  proxy <string=>
    Set proxy for outgoing HTTP connections

  proxy-enable <boolean=false>
    Enable proxy configuration

  proxy-pass <string=>
    Set password for proxy connections

  proxy-user <string=>
    Set user name for proxy connections

Process Control:
  child <boolean=false>
    Disable 'daemon', 'fork', 'pid' and 'respawn' options. Also defaults
    'log-to-screen' to false. Used internally.

  daemon <boolean=false>
    Short for --pid --service --respawn --log='' --fork

  fork <boolean=false>
    Run in background.

  pid <boolean=false>
    Create PID file.

  pid-file <string=Folding@home Client.pid>
    Name of PID file.

  priority <string>
    Set the process priority. Valid values are: idle, low, normal, high or

  respawn <boolean=false>
    Run the application as a child process and respawn if it is killed or exits.

  run-as <string>
    Run as specified user

  service <boolean=false>
    Ignore user logout or hangup and interrupt signals

Remote Command Server:
  command-address <string=>
    The address to which the command server should be bound.

  command-allow-no-pass <string=>
    IP address ranges that are allowed access to the command server with out a
    password if the 'password' option is set. These addresses will also have to
    be allowed IP based access.

  command-deny-no-pass <string=0/0>
    IP address ranges that are not allowed access to the command server with out
    a password if the 'password' option is set. Overridden by

  command-enable <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the command server.

  command-port <integer=36330>
    The port to which the command server should be bound.

  eval <string>
    Evaluate the argument as a script.

  password <string>
    Set a command server password. Warning, setting a password disables the
    default IP address blocking.

  script <string>
    Run commands from a script file.

Slot Control:
  idle <boolean=false>
    Only run slot when idle.

  max-shutdown-wait <integer=60>
    The maximum amount of time to wait in seconds for a unit to exit on

  pause-on-battery <boolean=true>
    Pause the client or slot when the OS indicates the machine is running on
    battery power.

  pause-on-start <boolean=false>
    If true the slot will be started in a paused state.

  paused <boolean=false>
    True if slot is paused.

  power <string=medium>
    Set the client's power level. Valid values are 'light', 'medium' or 'full'.
    This setting affects the defaults of several other options such as 'cpus',
    'pause-on-battery', etc.

User Information:
  machine-id <integer=0>
    The machine ID.

  passkey <string=>
    Your passkey.

  team <integer=0>
    Your team number.

  user <string=Anonymous>
    Your user name.

Web Server:
  web-allow <string=>
    Client addresses which are allowed to connect to this Web server. This
    option overrides IPs which are denied in the web-deny option. This option
    differs from the 'allow'/'deny' options in that clients that are not allowed
    are served an access denied page rather than simply dropping the connection.
    The value '0/0' matches all IPs.

  web-deny <string=0/0>
    Client address which are not allowed to connect to this Web server.

  web-enable <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the web server.

Web Server Sessions:
  session-cookie <string=sid>
    The name of the session cookie.

  session-lifetime <integer=86400>
    The maximum session lifetime in seconds. Zero for unlimited session

  session-timeout <integer=3600>
    The max maximum amount of time in seconds since the last time a session was
    used before it timesout. Zero for no session timeout.

Work Unit Control:
  dump-after-deadline <boolean=true>
    Dump units if their deadline has passed.

  max-queue <integer=16>
    Maximum units per slot in the work queue.

  max-units <integer=0>
    Process at most this number of units, then pause.

  next-unit-percentage <integer=99>
    Pre-download the next work unit when the current one is this far along.
    Values less than 90 are not allowed.

  stall-detection-enabled <boolean=false>
    Attempt to detect stalled work units and restart them.

  stall-percent <integer=5>
    Minimum estimated percent work unit completion since last frame before a WU
    can be considered stalled, if zero the percentage is ignored.

  stall-timeout <integer=1800>
    Minimum time, in seconds, since last frame before a WU can be considered


Here's a config from my 4x Radeon VII machine:

  Reveal hidden contents

  <!-- Folding Core -->
  <checkpoint v='10'/>

  <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
  <gpu v='false'/>
  <smp v='false'/>

  <!-- HTTP Server -->
  <allow v=','/>

  <!-- Logging -->
  <verbosity v='5'/>

  <!-- Network -->
  <proxy v=':8080'/>

  <!-- Remote Command Server -->
  <command-allow-no-pass v=','/>

  <!-- Slot Control -->
  <pause-on-battery v='false'/>
  <power v='full'/>

  <!-- User Information -->
  <passkey v='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/>
  <team v='239902'/>
  <user v='Q_Cruncher'/>

  <!-- Work Unit Control -->
  <next-unit-percentage v='98'/>

  <!-- Folding Slots -->
  <slot id='1' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='0' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='2' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='3' type='GPU'>
    <passkey v='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>



Those are all Linux specific right?

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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661
Just now, Avacado said:

Got the additional passkey made, will get the air teslas online at some point today and ill forward you the info BWG


Cool, I'm on kids duty most of today. Wife has a funeral to attend and is a rough day for the family. Her Brother was shot and killed in January, and today's his Birthday.




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
Full Rig Info
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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661

Are you guys both on Linux?




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
Full Rig Info
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Just now, tictoc said:

Looks like I'll take the AMD category. @BWG I'll let you know later today or tomorrow what GPU I'll be folding on for testing. 


Should we run our gear at stock for testing, or are we pretty confident with the offsets for the handicapping?

Good thing, I don't own any AMD GPU's only AMD CPU's. I have never tweaked the Teslas, so I don't have any offsets to try yet. It will be stock. Caveat, I read you want them up for a month, thats fine, but I do get frequent power outages. 

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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661

You can run it as fast as you can. The adjustment is based on the PPD avg. published on LARS for the O/S you're using.




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
Full Rig Info
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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661

@tictocdid you figure out which GPU yet? Might give z a head start on loading the teams and adjusters for 2 teams, but sound like we will have 3 for the test.




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
Full Rig Info
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54 minutes ago, BWG said:

@tictocdid you figure out which GPU yet? Might give z a head start on loading the teams and adjusters for 2 teams, but sound like we will have 3 for the test.


You can go with a Radeon VII for the testing.  Not sure if that's what I'll stick with, but for now that will work.

  • Thanks 1
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On 4/16/2021 at 9:04 PM, tictoc said:

Here's a list of all the options that can be set in the config.  There are client options as well as individual slot options. 

F@H doesn't support manual edits of the config, but as long as you keep the formatting correct the config can be hand edited.  Sometimes it is more or less a requirement, since GPU slot assignment tends to get all messed up once you have more than 2 GPUs in a system, especially if you are mixing NVIDIA and AMD.   Some of the below options are either not valid or only supported on certain version of the F@H client.

*Edit* The below options can be set using FAHControl or by manually editing (not recommended) the config.


  Reveal hidden contents

Client Control:
  client-threads <integer=6>
    The number of client processing threads.

  cycle-rate <double=4>
    The maximum cycle frequency in Hz of client threads.

  cycles <integer=-1>
    Run at most this many cycles. A value less than zero means run indefinitely.

  data-directory <string=.>
    The directory, relative to the current directory, where WU data and cores
    are stored.

  disable-sleep-when-active <boolean=true>
    Attempt to keep the system from sleeping when folding, unless on battery.

  exec-directory <string=/opt/fah>
    The directory, relative to the current executable, where executables and
    dynamic libraries are located.

  exit-when-done <boolean=false>
    Exit when all slots are paused.

  fold-anon <boolean=false>
    Start folding even if not configured.

  idle-seconds <integer=300>
    Number of seconds of system idle time before enabling idle folding. Set to
    zero to ignore system idle time.

  open-web-control <boolean=false>
    Make an operating system specific call to open the Web Control in a browser
    once client is fully loaded

  config-rotate <boolean=true>
    Rotate the configuration file to a backup when saving would overwrite the
    previous configuration.

  config-rotate-dir <string=configs>
    Put rotated configs in this directory.

  config-rotate-max <integer=16>
    The maximum number of rotated configuration files to keep. A value of zero
    will keep all configuration file backups.

Error Handling:
  max-slot-errors <integer=10>
    The maximum number of errors before a slot is paused.

  max-unit-errors <integer=5>
    The maximum number of errors before a work unit is dumped.

Folding Core:
  checkpoint <integer=15>
    Tell cores to checkpoint at least every # minutes.

  core-dir <string=cores>
    The directory to store core files in.

  core-prep <string>
    Run this command on cores after they are downloaded. This option is useful
    for running Linux cores on BSD machines.

  core-priority <string=idle>
    Set the core priority. Valid values are: idle or low

  cpu-affinity <boolean=false>
    If true, try to lock core processes to a fixed CPU

  cpu-usage <integer=100>
    The maximum percentage of the CPU a core should use. Not implemented by all

  gpu-usage <integer=100>
    GPU usage as a percent from 10-100

  no-assembly <boolean=false>
    Tell cores to disable optimized assembly code.

Folding Slot Configuration:
  cause <string=ANY>
    The cause you prefer to support.

  client-subtype <string=LINUX>
    The client subtype

  client-type <string=normal>
    The client type. Can be 'normal', 'advanced' or 'beta'.

  cpu-species <string=X86_AMD>
    CPU species.

  cpu-type <string=AMD64>
    CPU type.

  cpus <integer=-1>
    How many CPUs a slot should use. <= 0 will use all the CPUs detected in the

  cuda-index <string>
    The CUDA device index of the GPU, counting starts from 0.

  disable-viz <boolean=false>
    Disable reading visualization data.

  extra-core-args <string>
    Pass extra arguments to the core.

  gpu <boolean=true>
    Enable or disable auto-confiugration of GPU slots, requires appropriate

  gpu-index <string>
    The index of the GPU as detected by the client. This index corresponds
    directly to the GPUs listed in the client's '--info' output.

  max-packet-size <string=normal>
    Max size in bytes of a work unit packet. Can be small=5MiB, normal=25MiB,
    big=500MiB or a number.

  memory <string>
    Override memory, in bytes, reported to Folding@home.

  opencl-index <string>
    The OpenCL device index of the GPU, counting starts from 0.

  os-species <string=UNKNOWN>
    Operating system species.

  os-type <string=LINUX>
    Operating system type.

  project-key <integer=0>
    Key for access to restricted testing projects.

  smp <boolean=true>
    Enable or disable auto-configuration of SMP slots, requires appropriate

  gui-enabled <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the GUI. A GUI is not currently supported on all
    operating systems.

HTTP Server:
  allow <string=>
    Client addresses which are allowed to connect to this server. This option
    overrides IPs which are denied in the deny option. The pattern 0/0 matches
    all addresses.

  connection-timeout <integer=60>
    The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a connection can be idle before
    being dropped.

  deny <string=0/0>
    Client address which are not allowed to connect to this server.

  http-addresses <string=0:7396>
    A space separated list of server address and port pairs to listen on in the
    form <ip | hostname>[:<port>]

  https-addresses <string=>
    A space separated list of secure server address and port pairs to listen on
    in the form <ip | hostname>[:<port>]

  max-connect-time <integer=900>
    The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a client can be connected to the

  max-connections <integer=800>
    Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections.

  max-request-length <integer=52428800>
    Sets the maximum length of a client request packet.

  min-connect-time <integer=300>
    The minimum amount of time, in seconds, a client must be connected to the
    server before it can be dropped in favor or a new connection.

HTTP Server SSL:
  certificate-file <string>
    The servers certificate file in PEM format.

  crl-file <string>
    Supply a Certificate Revocation List. Overrides any internal CRL

  private-key-file <string>
    The servers private key file in PEM format.

  log <string=log.txt>
    Set log file.

  log-color <boolean=true>
    Print log messages with ANSI color coding.

  log-crlf <boolean=false>
    Print carriage return and line feed at end of log lines.

  log-date <boolean=false>
    Print date information with log entries.

  log-date-periodically <integer=21600>
    Print date to log before new log entries if so many seconds have passed
    since the last date was printed.

  log-domain <boolean=false>
    Print domain information with log entries.

  log-domain-levels <string ...>
    Set log levels by domain. Format is:
      <domain>[:i|d|t]:<level> ...
    Entries are separated by white-space and or commas.
      i - info
    For example: server:i:3 module:6
    Set 'server' domain info messages to level 3 and 'module' info messages to
    level 6. All other domains will follow the system wide log verbosity level.
    If <level> is negative it is relative to the system wide verbosity.

  log-header <boolean=true>
    Enable log message headers.

  log-level <boolean=true>
    Print level information with log entries.

  log-no-info-header <boolean=true>
    Don't print 'INFO(#):' in header.

  log-redirect <boolean=false>
    Redirect all output to log file. Implies !log-to-screen.

  log-rotate <boolean=true>
    Rotate log files on each run.

  log-rotate-dir <string=logs>
    Put rotated logs in this directory.

  log-rotate-max <integer=16>
    Maximum number of rotated logs to keep.

  log-short-level <boolean=false>
    Print shortened level information with log entries.

  log-simple-domains <boolean=true>
    Remove any leading directories and trailing file extensions from domains so
    that source code file names can be easily used as log domains.

  log-thread-id <boolean=false>
    Print id with log entries.

  log-thread-prefix <boolean=true>
    Print thread prefixes, if set, with log entries.

  log-time <boolean=true>
    Print time information with log entries.

  log-to-screen <boolean=true>
    Log to screen.

  log-truncate <boolean=false>
    Truncate log file.

  verbosity <integer=3>
    Set logging level for INFO messages.

  proxy <string=>
    Set proxy for outgoing HTTP connections

  proxy-enable <boolean=false>
    Enable proxy configuration

  proxy-pass <string=>
    Set password for proxy connections

  proxy-user <string=>
    Set user name for proxy connections

Process Control:
  child <boolean=false>
    Disable 'daemon', 'fork', 'pid' and 'respawn' options. Also defaults
    'log-to-screen' to false. Used internally.

  daemon <boolean=false>
    Short for --pid --service --respawn --log='' --fork

  fork <boolean=false>
    Run in background.

  pid <boolean=false>
    Create PID file.

  pid-file <string=Folding@home Client.pid>
    Name of PID file.

  priority <string>
    Set the process priority. Valid values are: idle, low, normal, high or

  respawn <boolean=false>
    Run the application as a child process and respawn if it is killed or exits.

  run-as <string>
    Run as specified user

  service <boolean=false>
    Ignore user logout or hangup and interrupt signals

Remote Command Server:
  command-address <string=>
    The address to which the command server should be bound.

  command-allow-no-pass <string=>
    IP address ranges that are allowed access to the command server with out a
    password if the 'password' option is set. These addresses will also have to
    be allowed IP based access.

  command-deny-no-pass <string=0/0>
    IP address ranges that are not allowed access to the command server with out
    a password if the 'password' option is set. Overridden by

  command-enable <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the command server.

  command-port <integer=36330>
    The port to which the command server should be bound.

  eval <string>
    Evaluate the argument as a script.

  password <string>
    Set a command server password. Warning, setting a password disables the
    default IP address blocking.

  script <string>
    Run commands from a script file.

Slot Control:
  idle <boolean=false>
    Only run slot when idle.

  max-shutdown-wait <integer=60>
    The maximum amount of time to wait in seconds for a unit to exit on

  pause-on-battery <boolean=true>
    Pause the client or slot when the OS indicates the machine is running on
    battery power.

  pause-on-start <boolean=false>
    If true the slot will be started in a paused state.

  paused <boolean=false>
    True if slot is paused.

  power <string=medium>
    Set the client's power level. Valid values are 'light', 'medium' or 'full'.
    This setting affects the defaults of several other options such as 'cpus',
    'pause-on-battery', etc.

User Information:
  machine-id <integer=0>
    The machine ID.

  passkey <string=>
    Your passkey.

  team <integer=0>
    Your team number.

  user <string=Anonymous>
    Your user name.

Web Server:
  web-allow <string=>
    Client addresses which are allowed to connect to this Web server. This
    option overrides IPs which are denied in the web-deny option. This option
    differs from the 'allow'/'deny' options in that clients that are not allowed
    are served an access denied page rather than simply dropping the connection.
    The value '0/0' matches all IPs.

  web-deny <string=0/0>
    Client address which are not allowed to connect to this Web server.

  web-enable <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the web server.

Web Server Sessions:
  session-cookie <string=sid>
    The name of the session cookie.

  session-lifetime <integer=86400>
    The maximum session lifetime in seconds. Zero for unlimited session

  session-timeout <integer=3600>
    The max maximum amount of time in seconds since the last time a session was
    used before it timesout. Zero for no session timeout.

Work Unit Control:
  dump-after-deadline <boolean=true>
    Dump units if their deadline has passed.

  max-queue <integer=16>
    Maximum units per slot in the work queue.

  max-units <integer=0>
    Process at most this number of units, then pause.

  next-unit-percentage <integer=99>
    Pre-download the next work unit when the current one is this far along.
    Values less than 90 are not allowed.

  stall-detection-enabled <boolean=false>
    Attempt to detect stalled work units and restart them.

  stall-percent <integer=5>
    Minimum estimated percent work unit completion since last frame before a WU
    can be considered stalled, if zero the percentage is ignored.

  stall-timeout <integer=1800>
    Minimum time, in seconds, since last frame before a WU can be considered


Here's a config from my 4x Radeon VII machine:

  Reveal hidden contents

  <!-- Folding Core -->
  <checkpoint v='10'/>

  <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
  <gpu v='false'/>
  <smp v='false'/>

  <!-- HTTP Server -->
  <allow v=','/>

  <!-- Logging -->
  <verbosity v='5'/>

  <!-- Network -->
  <proxy v=':8080'/>

  <!-- Remote Command Server -->
  <command-allow-no-pass v=','/>

  <!-- Slot Control -->
  <pause-on-battery v='false'/>
  <power v='full'/>

  <!-- User Information -->
  <passkey v='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/>
  <team v='239902'/>
  <user v='Q_Cruncher'/>

  <!-- Work Unit Control -->
  <next-unit-percentage v='98'/>

  <!-- Folding Slots -->
  <slot id='1' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='0' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='2' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='3' type='GPU'>
    <passkey v='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>




Great info, thanks for this.




CPU: [AMD] Ryzen 9 3900X
CPU COOLER: [Cooler Master] MasterLiquid ML360R
MOTHERBOARD: [Asus] ROG Crosshair VIII Hero Wifi
RAM: [G.Skill] Trident Z 4x8 GB DDR4 3600
SSD/NVME: [Western Digital] Black 512 GB NVMe SSD
SSD/NVME 2: [Team] 4x 1 TB 2.5" SSD
HDD: [Western Digital] Black Series 3 TB HDD
GPU: [EVGA] RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Gaming
Full Rig Info




CPU: [AMD] Ryzen 7 3700X
CPU COOLER: [Cooler Master] MasterLiquid ML240L
RAM: [G.Skill] Trident Z 4x8 GB DDR4 3200
SSD/NVME: [Crucial] P2 500 GB NVMe SSD
HDD: [Western Digital] Black Series 2 TB HDD
HDD 2: [Western Digital] Caviar Green 3 TB HDD
GPU: [EVGA] RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hybrid Gaming
Full Rig Info
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On 4/17/2021 at 1:04 AM, tictoc said:

Here's a list of all the options that can be set in the config.  There are client options as well as individual slot options. 

F@H doesn't support manual edits of the config, but as long as you keep the formatting correct the config can be hand edited.  Sometimes it is more or less a requirement, since GPU slot assignment tends to get all messed up once you have more than 2 GPUs in a system, especially if you are mixing NVIDIA and AMD.   Some of the below options are either not valid or only supported on certain version of the F@H client.

*Edit* The below options can be set using FAHControl or by manually editing (not recommended) the config.


  Reveal hidden contents

Client Control:
  client-threads <integer=6>
    The number of client processing threads.

  cycle-rate <double=4>
    The maximum cycle frequency in Hz of client threads.

  cycles <integer=-1>
    Run at most this many cycles. A value less than zero means run indefinitely.

  data-directory <string=.>
    The directory, relative to the current directory, where WU data and cores
    are stored.

  disable-sleep-when-active <boolean=true>
    Attempt to keep the system from sleeping when folding, unless on battery.

  exec-directory <string=/opt/fah>
    The directory, relative to the current executable, where executables and
    dynamic libraries are located.

  exit-when-done <boolean=false>
    Exit when all slots are paused.

  fold-anon <boolean=false>
    Start folding even if not configured.

  idle-seconds <integer=300>
    Number of seconds of system idle time before enabling idle folding. Set to
    zero to ignore system idle time.

  open-web-control <boolean=false>
    Make an operating system specific call to open the Web Control in a browser
    once client is fully loaded

  config-rotate <boolean=true>
    Rotate the configuration file to a backup when saving would overwrite the
    previous configuration.

  config-rotate-dir <string=configs>
    Put rotated configs in this directory.

  config-rotate-max <integer=16>
    The maximum number of rotated configuration files to keep. A value of zero
    will keep all configuration file backups.

Error Handling:
  max-slot-errors <integer=10>
    The maximum number of errors before a slot is paused.

  max-unit-errors <integer=5>
    The maximum number of errors before a work unit is dumped.

Folding Core:
  checkpoint <integer=15>
    Tell cores to checkpoint at least every # minutes.

  core-dir <string=cores>
    The directory to store core files in.

  core-prep <string>
    Run this command on cores after they are downloaded. This option is useful
    for running Linux cores on BSD machines.

  core-priority <string=idle>
    Set the core priority. Valid values are: idle or low

  cpu-affinity <boolean=false>
    If true, try to lock core processes to a fixed CPU

  cpu-usage <integer=100>
    The maximum percentage of the CPU a core should use. Not implemented by all

  gpu-usage <integer=100>
    GPU usage as a percent from 10-100

  no-assembly <boolean=false>
    Tell cores to disable optimized assembly code.

Folding Slot Configuration:
  cause <string=ANY>
    The cause you prefer to support.

  client-subtype <string=LINUX>
    The client subtype

  client-type <string=normal>
    The client type. Can be 'normal', 'advanced' or 'beta'.

  cpu-species <string=X86_AMD>
    CPU species.

  cpu-type <string=AMD64>
    CPU type.

  cpus <integer=-1>
    How many CPUs a slot should use. <= 0 will use all the CPUs detected in the

  cuda-index <string>
    The CUDA device index of the GPU, counting starts from 0.

  disable-viz <boolean=false>
    Disable reading visualization data.

  extra-core-args <string>
    Pass extra arguments to the core.

  gpu <boolean=true>
    Enable or disable auto-confiugration of GPU slots, requires appropriate

  gpu-index <string>
    The index of the GPU as detected by the client. This index corresponds
    directly to the GPUs listed in the client's '--info' output.

  max-packet-size <string=normal>
    Max size in bytes of a work unit packet. Can be small=5MiB, normal=25MiB,
    big=500MiB or a number.

  memory <string>
    Override memory, in bytes, reported to Folding@home.

  opencl-index <string>
    The OpenCL device index of the GPU, counting starts from 0.

  os-species <string=UNKNOWN>
    Operating system species.

  os-type <string=LINUX>
    Operating system type.

  project-key <integer=0>
    Key for access to restricted testing projects.

  smp <boolean=true>
    Enable or disable auto-configuration of SMP slots, requires appropriate

  gui-enabled <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the GUI. A GUI is not currently supported on all
    operating systems.

HTTP Server:
  allow <string=>
    Client addresses which are allowed to connect to this server. This option
    overrides IPs which are denied in the deny option. The pattern 0/0 matches
    all addresses.

  connection-timeout <integer=60>
    The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a connection can be idle before
    being dropped.

  deny <string=0/0>
    Client address which are not allowed to connect to this server.

  http-addresses <string=0:7396>
    A space separated list of server address and port pairs to listen on in the
    form <ip | hostname>[:<port>]

  https-addresses <string=>
    A space separated list of secure server address and port pairs to listen on
    in the form <ip | hostname>[:<port>]

  max-connect-time <integer=900>
    The maximum amount of time, in seconds, a client can be connected to the

  max-connections <integer=800>
    Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections.

  max-request-length <integer=52428800>
    Sets the maximum length of a client request packet.

  min-connect-time <integer=300>
    The minimum amount of time, in seconds, a client must be connected to the
    server before it can be dropped in favor or a new connection.

HTTP Server SSL:
  certificate-file <string>
    The servers certificate file in PEM format.

  crl-file <string>
    Supply a Certificate Revocation List. Overrides any internal CRL

  private-key-file <string>
    The servers private key file in PEM format.

  log <string=log.txt>
    Set log file.

  log-color <boolean=true>
    Print log messages with ANSI color coding.

  log-crlf <boolean=false>
    Print carriage return and line feed at end of log lines.

  log-date <boolean=false>
    Print date information with log entries.

  log-date-periodically <integer=21600>
    Print date to log before new log entries if so many seconds have passed
    since the last date was printed.

  log-domain <boolean=false>
    Print domain information with log entries.

  log-domain-levels <string ...>
    Set log levels by domain. Format is:
      <domain>[:i|d|t]:<level> ...
    Entries are separated by white-space and or commas.
      i - info
    For example: server:i:3 module:6
    Set 'server' domain info messages to level 3 and 'module' info messages to
    level 6. All other domains will follow the system wide log verbosity level.
    If <level> is negative it is relative to the system wide verbosity.

  log-header <boolean=true>
    Enable log message headers.

  log-level <boolean=true>
    Print level information with log entries.

  log-no-info-header <boolean=true>
    Don't print 'INFO(#):' in header.

  log-redirect <boolean=false>
    Redirect all output to log file. Implies !log-to-screen.

  log-rotate <boolean=true>
    Rotate log files on each run.

  log-rotate-dir <string=logs>
    Put rotated logs in this directory.

  log-rotate-max <integer=16>
    Maximum number of rotated logs to keep.

  log-short-level <boolean=false>
    Print shortened level information with log entries.

  log-simple-domains <boolean=true>
    Remove any leading directories and trailing file extensions from domains so
    that source code file names can be easily used as log domains.

  log-thread-id <boolean=false>
    Print id with log entries.

  log-thread-prefix <boolean=true>
    Print thread prefixes, if set, with log entries.

  log-time <boolean=true>
    Print time information with log entries.

  log-to-screen <boolean=true>
    Log to screen.

  log-truncate <boolean=false>
    Truncate log file.

  verbosity <integer=3>
    Set logging level for INFO messages.

  proxy <string=>
    Set proxy for outgoing HTTP connections

  proxy-enable <boolean=false>
    Enable proxy configuration

  proxy-pass <string=>
    Set password for proxy connections

  proxy-user <string=>
    Set user name for proxy connections

Process Control:
  child <boolean=false>
    Disable 'daemon', 'fork', 'pid' and 'respawn' options. Also defaults
    'log-to-screen' to false. Used internally.

  daemon <boolean=false>
    Short for --pid --service --respawn --log='' --fork

  fork <boolean=false>
    Run in background.

  pid <boolean=false>
    Create PID file.

  pid-file <string=Folding@home Client.pid>
    Name of PID file.

  priority <string>
    Set the process priority. Valid values are: idle, low, normal, high or

  respawn <boolean=false>
    Run the application as a child process and respawn if it is killed or exits.

  run-as <string>
    Run as specified user

  service <boolean=false>
    Ignore user logout or hangup and interrupt signals

Remote Command Server:
  command-address <string=>
    The address to which the command server should be bound.

  command-allow-no-pass <string=>
    IP address ranges that are allowed access to the command server with out a
    password if the 'password' option is set. These addresses will also have to
    be allowed IP based access.

  command-deny-no-pass <string=0/0>
    IP address ranges that are not allowed access to the command server with out
    a password if the 'password' option is set. Overridden by

  command-enable <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the command server.

  command-port <integer=36330>
    The port to which the command server should be bound.

  eval <string>
    Evaluate the argument as a script.

  password <string>
    Set a command server password. Warning, setting a password disables the
    default IP address blocking.

  script <string>
    Run commands from a script file.

Slot Control:
  idle <boolean=false>
    Only run slot when idle.

  max-shutdown-wait <integer=60>
    The maximum amount of time to wait in seconds for a unit to exit on

  pause-on-battery <boolean=true>
    Pause the client or slot when the OS indicates the machine is running on
    battery power.

  pause-on-start <boolean=false>
    If true the slot will be started in a paused state.

  paused <boolean=false>
    True if slot is paused.

  power <string=medium>
    Set the client's power level. Valid values are 'light', 'medium' or 'full'.
    This setting affects the defaults of several other options such as 'cpus',
    'pause-on-battery', etc.

User Information:
  machine-id <integer=0>
    The machine ID.

  passkey <string=>
    Your passkey.

  team <integer=0>
    Your team number.

  user <string=Anonymous>
    Your user name.

Web Server:
  web-allow <string=>
    Client addresses which are allowed to connect to this Web server. This
    option overrides IPs which are denied in the web-deny option. This option
    differs from the 'allow'/'deny' options in that clients that are not allowed
    are served an access denied page rather than simply dropping the connection.
    The value '0/0' matches all IPs.

  web-deny <string=0/0>
    Client address which are not allowed to connect to this Web server.

  web-enable <boolean=true>
    Set to false to disable the web server.

Web Server Sessions:
  session-cookie <string=sid>
    The name of the session cookie.

  session-lifetime <integer=86400>
    The maximum session lifetime in seconds. Zero for unlimited session

  session-timeout <integer=3600>
    The max maximum amount of time in seconds since the last time a session was
    used before it timesout. Zero for no session timeout.

Work Unit Control:
  dump-after-deadline <boolean=true>
    Dump units if their deadline has passed.

  max-queue <integer=16>
    Maximum units per slot in the work queue.

  max-units <integer=0>
    Process at most this number of units, then pause.

  next-unit-percentage <integer=99>
    Pre-download the next work unit when the current one is this far along.
    Values less than 90 are not allowed.

  stall-detection-enabled <boolean=false>
    Attempt to detect stalled work units and restart them.

  stall-percent <integer=5>
    Minimum estimated percent work unit completion since last frame before a WU
    can be considered stalled, if zero the percentage is ignored.

  stall-timeout <integer=1800>
    Minimum time, in seconds, since last frame before a WU can be considered


Here's a config from my 4x Radeon VII machine:

  Reveal hidden contents

  <!-- Folding Core -->
  <checkpoint v='10'/>

  <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
  <gpu v='false'/>
  <smp v='false'/>

  <!-- HTTP Server -->
  <allow v=','/>

  <!-- Logging -->
  <verbosity v='5'/>

  <!-- Network -->
  <proxy v=':8080'/>

  <!-- Remote Command Server -->
  <command-allow-no-pass v=','/>

  <!-- Slot Control -->
  <pause-on-battery v='false'/>
  <power v='full'/>

  <!-- User Information -->
  <passkey v='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/>
  <team v='239902'/>
  <user v='Q_Cruncher'/>

  <!-- Work Unit Control -->
  <next-unit-percentage v='98'/>

  <!-- Folding Slots -->
  <slot id='1' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='0' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='2' type='GPU'>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>
  <slot id='3' type='GPU'>
    <passkey v='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'/>
    <client-type v='beta'/>
    <paused v='true'/>




In addition to the various config options, there is also command line control for the client.  Generally that is what I use to control local clients and clients over ssh.  I have a bunch of commands aliased to things like pfold (pause) ffold (finish) and rfold (resume) for individual slots and for the whole client.  Here are the command line options for anyone who was unaware and/or interested. :)


FAHClient command line options:


Usage: ./FAHClient [[--config] <filename>] [OPTIONS]...

  --chdir <string>
      Change directory before starting server. All files opened after this
      point, such as the configuration file, must have paths relative to the new

      Create a basic configuration file, then exit.

  --dump <string>
      Dump either 'all' or a specific work unit, identified by its queue ID,
      then exit.

      Finish all current work units, send the results, then exit.

  --lifeline <integer=0>
      The application will watch for this process ID and exit if it goes away.
      Usually the calling process' PID.

      List the PCI bus devices, which can be helpful for finding GPU vendor and
      device IDs.

      Print work unit queue then exit.

      Send all finished work units, then exit.

  --send-command <string>
      Send a command to an already running client.

  --send-finish [string]
      Finish a slot or all slots on an already running client.

  --send-pause [string]
      Pause a slot or all slots on an already running client.

  --send-unpause [string]
      Unpause a slot or all slots on an already running client.

  --config <string=config.xml>
      Set configuration file.

      Print configuration and exit.

  --help [string]
      Print help screen or help on a particular option and exit.

      Print help in HTML format and exit.

      Print application and system information and exit.

      License information and exit.

      Set verbosity to zero.

      Increase verbosity level.

      Print application version and exit.



Edited by tictoc
  • Thanks 1
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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661

@tictocgo ahead and create a post in the folding section with this list of flags, and I will pin it.




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
Full Rig Info
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Folding@Home Staff
1.3k 661

Hey @tictoc, while you're teaching @Avacadohow to flash his m40, you might want to request @axipherhave his Wife join to teach her how to not make the 1050ti rig go to sleep. ?

  • Thanks 1




CPU: 5600x
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
GPU 2: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 3: EVGA RTX 3080ti XC3 Hybrid
GPU 4: EVGA RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
GPU 5: MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio
GPU 6: Asus RTX 2080ti ROG STRIX
GPU 7: EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 Ultra
Full Rig Info
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2 minutes ago, BWG said:

Hey @tictoc, while you're teaching @Avacadohow to flash his m40, you might want to request @axipherhave his Wife join to teach her how to not make the 1050ti rig go to sleep. ?

Oh, damn, I didn't know this was a bare knuckle fight, you just had to take the gloves off huh?  Filled up with all that pink peacocking on soon to be deleted stats are we?

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  • BWG changed the title to The Foldaholics

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