@ENTERPRISE & his fellow folding gents: I have a few specific tech questions / queries for advice on folding...I am looking at a few beginners guides online already as the only folding I have ever done is after the laundry, and not nearly often enough according to my family...also, this is not for this competition but for down the line...
As context, I am in a computer-related field and also did a lot of HWBot many years back. As a result, I have may be 30 'modern' GPUs (GTX 600 series and up) all the way to 2x RTX 2080 Tis (w-cooled) and a new RTX 3090.
Most of the mobos I use are Intel or AMD HEDT, but I also have 4x functional Z77 w/CPUs (mostly 3770s), a Z97/4790K and a Z170/6700K 'ES' left over. Leaving out the HEDT systems w/ the 2080Tis and the 3090, there are 2x X79/99 E-WS workstation and 2x 'rampage XTR', all with functional CPUs (4960X ES, 5960X etc)
For the old GPUs to plug in, I am looking at the most 'energy efficient' combos as there's a hard-limit of about 3500 W peek 'available'...many of these GPUs need to have their bios reflashed (from XOC) and a few are not entirely healthy (pls see below on a specific question on that). So here is what's in the potential GPU pool:
2x Radeon R7 260X, air
2x Radeon 8990s (dual GPU each, watercoolers need attention)
5x GTX 670s air (3x available)
3x 780 Ti air Classifieds / KPE
4x 980 Classifieds (air, 2x available)
Question 1 is what is the best, most efficient mobo / GPU combo to fit for the highest folding returns within the hard limit of 3500W ?
Question 2 is of the 7x EVGA (780 Ti CL, 980 CL) three still 'work fine' other than dropped lanes from PCIe 3.0 - 16X, one is down to 2x, one to 4x and one to 8x (incidentally mobo combo for those makes no difference with that, other than mobos with PEX help...I only ever had that problem with EVGA pcbs ? ). So would folding be affected by the 2x or 4x PCIe problem, noting again that the cards otherwise work fine ?
Thanks ?