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Everything posted by pio

  1. Agreed. I don't even really want one, I just want to play with it for a bit. At $192 dollars (according to the article), I figured it was worth a shot to play with it a few days and resell it later.
  2. Yeah my thread was doing it sometimes, other times not. This bug thread too. There was news threads doing it. Honestly it seems random at this point. The redirect to a rig also appears to be random, sometimes it's my rig, others it's somebody else's. So it's not even redirecting to the last commenters rig either. Seems to be whatever rig is in view as the page is loading up, and then it acts like I drunk click on the rig in view. Except I'm not, and it happens so quickly, I can't hit the stop button on the browser. Back just goes back to home page, like I never even clicked the thread. It does do it on mobile brave browser too. It almost, ALMOST maybe seems like a time of day bug of some sort MAYBE? It's done this once before the change-over of servers, and it was a few days. Eventually it cleared up last time. I'm almost wondering if there's a batch file or whatever running in the background at certain parts of the day? I can browse perfectly fine as of the time of this comment. Again, mobile browser atm, but if it does it more tonight on desktop, I'll start saving links for you. Brave browser I believe is Chrome based, so it really "shouldn't" be a browser problem. I have zero plug ins on my browsers.
  3. <<<< Awaits patiently for "Buy It Now" on ebay....... EDIT: I found the listing in the article above. I actually was trying to buy one with paypal, but doesn't seem to be an option, nor can I read the mandarin? language on the page. Ugh, I'll have to wait for the US market lol. Google translate couldn't figure out the page either, at least for me. https://item.jd.com/100029502347.html
  4. Another minor update from above: Second Socket 939 rig is now 100% functional, ish. I have Windows installed to a RAID0 array of SSD's on it. It's found all the drives. Looking at the missing list of drivers, it does look like all the expansion cards were found. I am missing RAM for it and TIM. So....I went on an ebay shopping spree and bought it a new case (offered a lowball offer on a black Chieftec Dragon and dude accepted, ty to that dude!). So the 939 will be transplanted into the black Chieftec Dragon case for a little better airflow, its being suffocated in the case its in. But that then left me another era appropriate case. So.....I bought a full Socket 754 kit too and a Radeon X800 Pro AGP card too. -_- Specs of the 939 rig as is thus far: EVGA 600BQ PSU Chieftec Dragon (black) case (ordered) Asus A8N-SLI Premium Motherboard Athlon x2 4200+ Toledo (my chip that does 3.1GHz) RAM (ordered) 4x1GB of Kingston Value DDR400, because 333 is best you can get with 4 sticks anyway Xigmatek S1283 CPU cooler 2x 64GB HP SSD's in a RAID0 on onboard RAID 1x 2TB WD Blue 3.5" HDD (was brand new when bought, never used yet) Sapphire HD5770 1GB TP Link Wireless N 300 card Hauppage 2250 TV tuner card Asus X-Fi Xtreme Music Sound card Samsung DVDRW with Lightscribe (the Samsung DVD-ROM + CDRW I had in there's dead, so only one optical) Iomega ZIP 250 CF Card Reader NZXT 6 fan controller Floppy Drive It's got a lot of things to make it a "comfortable" rig to daily drive for old rig purposes, and its got tons of extra stuff it didn't need, like the CF reader and whatnot.....I'm building it that way for a reason. The intent is to be able to daily drive it if wanted or needed, game on it too, and I can also use it to make ISO's and other installation media for the much older rigs that are coming. I'm a little saddened I couldn't run the HD5770 crossfire. I did try my GTS 250 1GB SLI in it, but those cards were too big to use the onboard SATA plugs....and I still wasn't successful booting off my Adaptec RAID card, so I pulled that. The Socket 754 kit I bought was just to fill this other case up, as I've GOT to put something in this case, because it was my first EVER case as an "enthusiast" when I joined OCN and had a 4.5GHz Celeron 352 in it. So yeah, I absolutely had to have something for that case. It's just a generic ULI chipset Gigabyte 754 motherboard, Athlon64 3400+ I think it was, stock heatpipe AMD cooler, 3x1GB generic DDR400, and I'll put my Radeon X1950XT in there with it (AGP). I already have a spare Corsair CX450m PSU, so that should work perfectly for the 754 rig since Socket 754 and ULI chipset, I doubt I'll be overclocking it anyway. Was too expensive to find a good NF3 board with flat caps. The X800 Pro will then go into the Socket A rig below that, the Athlon XP.
  5. Wow, congrats @bonami2! I think you'll be a fantastic fit for the position mate!
  6. Watch your circuit breakers mate. I'm excited to see some videos of those beasts in action.
  7. How rude of me last night / 6am this morning! Dude, I had fixed a truck, argued with a child for hours as he was trying to help me with a rig, and then spent a good 8 hours trying to get said rig working. Congratulations @Avacado! Definitely a good fit for the position. I'll edit my message earlier out, and PM it to you. I just wasn't paying attention enough.
  8. Rig redirect is still happening for me personally. Cleared ALL history on my browser on desktop, closed it, re-signed in, same thing. It seems to be hit and miss. If I click a thread enough times, somewhere between 5-10 times it'll eventually get me where I'm trying to go. Other times, it goes where I want it to the first time. Definitely a random bug, because its not constant. I PM'd it to ya, but figured I'd update here now that I could get back to the thread again. The other bugs, quote and notifications seem to be fixed though. Just for giggles, I tried turning off signatures, rigs, everything I could think of in user settings. Nothing seemed to do the trick on my end, so it doesn't seem to be a setting issue from user CP.
  9. Edited out, oops, wrong place for this.
  10. UPDATE!: No picture update yet, although I do have some messy pictures I COULD in theory share with ya'll if you wanted to see....... The second Socket 939 is alive and........well, its alive. Kinda...... My A8N32 SLI Deluxe motherboard wasn't happy at all in the system, and I really needed that board to utilize the full 8GB of ECC DDR400 I had on hand for it. For some odd reason, I couldn't get my Xigmatek S1283 to mount properly on it, as such the CPU kept overheating and the whole system would shut off. On top of that.....it absolutely REFUSED to retain BIOS settings, even with a new CR2032 battery installed. I did try a new jumper for the CLRTC jumper, but that didn't seem to help any either. The RAID card I was intending on using, was also not found. So I do, unfortunately, think that board is not 100% functional. I could be wrong, it could've been a number of other things. It DOES turn on, and it does sit in BIOS just fine. It also recognized all drives except the 2 that I found dead. HOWEVER....... My A8NSLI Premium board actually IS working, although its got some kinks to work out on it still as well. Unfortunately, I cannot do HD5770 crossfire as I wanted in either board. I forgot.....NF4 SLI chipset, they do NOT like having an HD5000 series GPU installed in the primary x16 slot. Period. Not sure why, but I recall having this same issue trying to get my HD5870 to work in the last one with these boards. The CPU is still running hot, but its running and currently installing Windows 7 x64 to it. The RAID card is working. I assume the sound card is working (its still installing ATM). The GPU in the bottom slot (GTS 250 1GB for now) is working, although I do think I'm going to trade it out for the Sapphire HD5770. This isn't necessarily a negative, as the 5770 crossfire would've been way too much GPU power for a Skt 939 dual core anyway, even overclocked stupid high. I figure HD5770 should dump less heat than my HD4890 I have sitting around, so that might help keep the system a TAD cooler anyway. This will also free up a few more PCIe slots, a 1x and the top 16x....I could in theory toss in a wifi card in the 1x, and use the top slot for my Hauppage 2250 TV tuner card. The goal of THIS build was to make a 100% usable old rig, so I don't have to bust out the "museum" pieces. I did find a DVD Burner that has failed, so that's a sad face. I'll have to order another of those, but I'm kinda holding off on orders until I find out exactly what all parts are dead. So far, one SSD and one DVDRW drive. I do believe I'll need to get some more MX-4 or maybe MX-5 in, and try a reseat.....as stock voltage, the CPU is still overheating and failing, and that just shouldn't be happening. I've had this same CPU and board at 3.1GHz, 1.50v before stable. The RAM.......the RAM isn't happy either, its at DDR200 speeds right now, 2x2GB of ECC. So.....I'm going to have to find somebody to trade 4x1GB of DDR400 with for these 4x2GB sticks (and maybe my A8N32 / Opteron 165?)...hint hint, anybody reading. Or, I might have to eventually buy a 4x1 kit off ebay or something. Either way, wanted to give ya'll an update. I'm making progress. The second 939 rig WILL live 100% very soon! Once I have this one dialed in, it'll be down to one Ryzen 1000 series system (the one I have isn't mine), MAYBE a Skt 754 if I get a little squirrely, two Socket A's (next on the chopping block since I have everything), and my Socket 7. If I get squirrely enough to do the 754, I'll probably toss in a K5 build too. I'm working on a few deals for some other cases, just in case.....since my Chieftec I'm not sure what to do with it as the front panel is still broken. My K6 case isn't the prettiest, but really just needs paint. Hmmmm, lots to think about. If anybody wants to see the messy progress, or a small preview of what this rig might end up looking like, please let me know. I'll be happy to post a few teasers up. I just don't have my phone on me right now, I snapped a few.....but its charging right now and I'm absolutely exhausted. Did grandpa's truck today too. -_- ~pio
  11. I'm on mobile at the moment. The rig redirect is still happening but I haven't tried incognito or clearing cache yet. I will do so on my rig when I get home and browse around. Too much of a pain on mobile, and I had some new pictures to upload, which I'm more comfortable on desktop anyway. Quotes seem to be fixed and the black notifications at the bottom have stopped popping up. Not sure if they're permanently off or just the bug, since again was just checking in. If I see any of these again tonight on desktop I'll let you know. Others are saying it's fixed above, so I probably just need to clear cache.
  12. Yeah, once we got to page 2, somehow page 1 got all screwed up. I thought it was just me.
  13. Didn't bother taking pictures, but I found some more thrift store scores if anybody is interested. Boxed Sims 4 Boxed Sim City Boxed Meavis Beacon DOS / Win95 games (2 of them forget exactly the titles) Boxed CIV V Logitech Dual Action USB controller (old PS1 style I think it was, no full analogue buttons at all) Total haul was about $25 or so. Only missing 1 disc out of all of those, disc 1 out of the Sim City I think it was, might've been Sims 4. Either way, its abandonware at this point, so no harm in scoring it off the archives. I'm just happy to be finding the complete boxes with artwork. Never intended on collecting boxed games, but oops.....another collection I suppose.
  14. I'm happy to see the thread cleaned and re-opened. While yes, I said I'm not all that into CGI art......its still an interesting news topic. Some of those images its spitting out really are kind of interesting in how its interpreting the text inputted. @bonami2.......what have you done there????
  15. Quotes aren't working for me now. Second thread I've noticed it in. I've also noticed notification pop ups on the bottom that are old and I've already paid attention to in just about every thread I click in. Glad you're doing the diagnostics first, I'm sure we all love rig builder and would hate to see it disabled. Seems like the move wasn't 100% smooth this go around, but hey...the site is mostly functional still at least.
  16. Update: (Sorry for double posting) Molex extensions should be arriving later today, so hopefully with any luck I'll have an update soonish, later today or tomorrow (haven't slept yet, was gaming lol). I'm hoping to have the second Skt 939 build with 5770 crossfire up and running later today (7-18), and with any luck by 7-19 I should have a damage report on the "newer" Skt A build that I already sent power through those faulty molex splitters. We'll see how it goes, I have two vehicles that I need to be tuning up this week too, my own Jeep and my grandpa's truck. Probably going to skip mine for now, his needs it more. Anyway, just wanted to at least update ya'll with what's going on over here.
  17. Glad I wasn't the only one seeing it. I tried to update earlier this morning, it was doing it on mobile too this morning. Seems like disabling rigs fixed it. Hopefully a proper fix can be found soon. I'll have several new rigs in the next few weeks, hopefully months at the latest.
  18. I've sent you both a PM. I don't want to leave, nor do I have any intention of actually leaving. I love this site and everybody on it. Even the guy I'm having an issue with, I don't have hard feelings with. He's a good guy, and he posts some great stuff here. With that said, I'm dropping this part of the conversation in the thread. Avacado made a good point, should be via PM.
  19. Also, if you actually knew computer history ultramega, you wouldn't be quite so smug with your comebacks because yet again you're wrong on history. We had these same chatbots in IRC 20 ish years ago, which was free for anyone to use (still is actually). They drew more ascii art, but I do believe later on they started finding images from search engines. These are just the examples I personally remember, I'm sure it changed further after I had stopped using IRC. This is simply the latest advancement of the same tech we've had. As I said earlier, it's nothing new, nothing THAT great. The advancement is neat, which I SAID EARLIER. Yes, it's interesting. Yes, it's a pretty cool new bot for discord. But to claim it's new, that's far fetched. You're clearly new to the internet.
  20. Edited out, issue has been resolved. With the above said, I'm not hard to find if anyone wants updates. I expect the rest of the builds to finally be coming to a finish soon after 2 long years of hard work and thousands of dollars. After that, benching!
  21. Example: If I click on my thread here: https://forums.extremehw.net/topic/1008-pios-new-lol-projects/page/11/#comment-27996 It redirects me immediately to here: https://forums.extremehw.net/rigs/view/55/?display=brief&csrfKey=45b896a48ae8be73631887ee30c922e6 Every topic I click on just about these days, it does this lately. I've tried going to "private mode" on my browser (Brave browser), and that used to work the last time this bug popped up. However its not working this time. Not sure if its a setting, like in the comment view behavior maybe? I have mine set to "Take me to comments I haven't read". Just figured I'd submit the bug. I have not tried another browser as this is my main browser I use. It does NOT seem to do this behavior on mobile. Any other testing I can do, I'd be happy to oblige.
  22. Well see, the reason being its AI. It's a computer program that's making those images. I'm just not all that impressed, of course computers have that ability, they have since the 1950's or 60's ish, its just gotten more advanced is all. Yes, advancement is cool, but its still just a computer generated image. Had YOU PERSONALLY drawn those images or painted them, then I'd say that's really something and pretty neat. I just don't get all that impressed with things that we already know computers can do. Some of those look like they'd be pretty neat backgrounds and such, sure. It's just.....meh. I prefer human created art, that's all. Even photographs, if a human took the photograph, generally there's some perspective or personality to the photo. I don't know how to really describe it. I feel like they're missing personality or something. Don't misunderstand me, its amazing that AI programs have advanced this far. But they still don't stack up to actual art created by people.....at least in my opinion.
  23. Personally, I'm just not interested in AI at all. I'm just posting to say, I still have no life so I'm here.
  24. I wonder if its a similar issue that I had. Check your dimmer settings if it has any. Also, check to see if you're in a "pure / direct" sound mode. Both of those can cause the display to shut off.
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