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Everything posted by pio

  1. pio

    Hey I'm here

    Ummmm, please do make a retro gaming thread! It might just be me and you in there though......
  2. New Update! NOTE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADED PREVIOUS MOD PACK: Please delete everything in the resources folder (follow the readme), and re-download the latest pack linked above or below (v0.05). Removed some stuff, added new stuff, and updated existing stuff, so you definitely don't want to have the wrong mods in the folder. Updated: Backyard Kart 0.8.4 Gavril Vertex NA2 3.1 Rework JATO and Ram Plow for Everything 2.2 Covet AWD v0.4.1 Motorsports Playground .26.3 Added: Gavril Grand Marshal Small Pack 2.031 Off-Road Wentward DT40L 1.0 Utah snowy 1.1 Forklift compatible loads 1.1 Please see full list above for the entire full updated mod list and map list a little better organized than just an update note. Server Status: ONLINE Speaking of server status! We no longer have just the ONE server running. Special shoutout and thanks to @bonami2, we're now hosting 4 servers simultaneously for BeamMP! This way, I don't have to keep shutting it down to change maps, we can just pick a server that already has the map we want! So see the first 2 posts in the thread for updates on what servers have what maps running currently! Updated Mod Pack Download Link (v0.05): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GMGEJOqNdwsr55P2C523C3lDxEzqNdgJ/view?usp=share_link DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM
  3. I get the feeling I have a small idea of what some of those were, regarding some recent news articles that had been published. If I'm right....then good! Maybe they should be handing those chat logs over to the authorities as well. If its just mere censorship, then horrible news.....but considering "child safety" was mentioned, I have hope it was for the better. The other 53-54 million banned for spam related purposes, yeah that doesn't surprise me one bit either.
  4. Pic related, I just went grocery shopping.......
  5. Now you've got me curious, but I'd have to shutdown all the things on my server to do a run lol. I have 24c / 48t on Xeon v3's.
  6. In all honesty, it actually would be pretty cool to see the price of used tanks come down to reasonable levels that the average citizen could afford. I wouldn't mind using one to level some trees on my own property (when I can get property), crushing a few cars, or just taking it for a few laps.
  7. WANT! I still dislike the pricing, but I can HOPE that this will help bring Nvidia back down to Earth level pricing again. Maybe we'll see a downwards trend back to more reasonable levels again. Here's to hoping I can snag one the week AFTER Christmas for MSRP. Absolutely no way I can afford one before, but after....all bets are off when my grandparents give me a card full of cash.....
  8. Not exactly what UltraMega was asking for in the thread, but dude....I had that receiver's bigger brother years and years ago, the SX-585R I think it was. 135w RMS x7 @ 8ohm and up to 350w RMS x7 at 2ohm. For an old system brought new again, that is an amazing looking setup for 2.1! Love what you did with XBMC too. I use Plex myself for my own personal media collection. I do miss XBMC though, I might give it another go again soon just to try something new again. I could just imagine banging your head to some old Def Leppard or ACDC or something else with that setup! I didn't know Project Pat was an OG? Shoot, I hadn't started listening to him till probably 02/03 ish?
  9. Ahh that explains it. Yeah, looks like I'm done uploading pictures for a while. 74 kB left now apparently. Why not finish the job..... There's another 32 kB gone.
  10. More update: E....what's up with the 535 kB max picture limit??? And this setup ALSO arrived today. Huge shoutout to one of our "frenemies" on another forum, because classic builds. I kinda can't do ALL of these super old builds myself, I definitely need outside assistance at times still. Remember, its been how many years since Windows 98SE or even XP was ran daily by some of us? I switched to Vista in 2007...... With that said, the guy did me an absolute solid and hooked me up with this Gigabyte GA-5AX Super Socket 7 motherboard that has PS2 and USB on it, ATX, for a very reasonable price. So its not going to be NEARLY as difficult trying to find compatible PSU's and cases to build the K6 rig. There's also some 256MB SD-RAM sticks there, so I can use those for Windows 98 / 2000. And a K6-2 450MHz CPU installed ready to go! This board is in absolutely mint condition, so its ready to be plugged in and used once I find suitable PSU, case, and a few other odds and ends I'm missing still. He also tested it prior to sending and showed me it working and overclocked to 600MHz. I still have my EPox board from Russia with a K6-2 500 in it, but it needs a recap and its all AT. I might give it a go with recapping when I do the A8R32 above, and save that board for Windows 95 since its fully AT and buy a K5 CPU for it maybe. It'd be more suiting than a K6 500.
  11. Update: So I got a few packages in the mail today. Honestly I don't even remember what all I've posted and not. Pretty sure I showed off my last Chieftec Dragon build, the Socket 939 one with HD5770's. Well....now I have a board that can HOPEFULLY do HD5000 crossfire on Socket 939. I do need to locate a better CPU for it, my CCBWE Opteron 165 @ 2.70GHz isn't cutting it, and the x2 3800+ Manchester definitely won't cut it. There's been a few really good stepping Opterons on ebay lately, so I'll be picking one of those up eventually (hopefully lol). But here's the haul from today!: Special shoutout to LabRat810, had he not specifically bought this same board a few weeks ago out from underneath of me JUST to mine for salt from me....... I don't think I'd have this exact combo... Still mad at you for that BTW dude. But TY! We arranged a trade, I happened to have some old junk (to me) networking gear, and a couple old Intel builds just sitting collecting dust. He wanted the CPU and cooler out of this setup for his own that he mined salt from. I have spare CPU's, I care but don't care about losing this one....so fine, deal. What we see: Asus A8R32 MVP Deluxe CFX motherboard 4x1GB Corsair XMS DDR400 CAS2 AMD FX-60 Zalman CNPS 9500 (I already have one anyway) And a Sapphire Radeon X1900, which I was actually MISSING from my collection!!!! The motherboard DESPERATELY needs a proper re-cap done. Not sure if I want to try to find somebody that can do it, or if I'm going to attempt it myself just yet. But it WILL be done soon-ish. Not a setup I NEEDED, but one I really wanted to 110% properly finalize that "daily driver" retro rig.
  12. I'm no mouse guru, but this is the one I use for wireless and I absolutely love it..... https://www.trustedreviews.com/reviews/logitech-g602-gaming-mouse A friend of mine was trying to convince me off wireless and back into a wired mouse with this one: Logitech G MX518 (Legendary) Review WWW.TECHPOWERUP.COM Logitech's iconic gaming mouse is back, and it's better than ever! The G MX518 (also known as the MX518 Legendary) features the flagship... From what I understand though, the MX518 Legendary was a limited run model though. Not going to lie, its the "snappiest" feeling mouse I've ever had when paired with freesync and high refresh rate. I still absolutely love my G602 though, its not that far behind and well....wireless. If that G502 you're looking at is anything at all like my G602 (maybe better since newer and "gamer"?), then I'd say its a good mouse. It looks like it holds very similar in your hand to the G602 I have, and the specs look to be considerably better than both of mine if the numbers mean anything. My MX518 Legendary has the HERO 16k sensor and that G502 has the HERO 25k. I'm assuming bigger number is better. My G602 (clearly older) has a ADNS-3090 sensor on it, for whatever that's worth. The MX518 I have is seriously the quickest / smoothest mouse I've ever felt. Shoot, now you've got me wanting a G502 X Plus, looks like it'd be the best of both of my mice put together!
  13. Stupid thrift store taking all my monies..... -_-
  14. I really need to stay away from that dang thrift store.....I'm listening to this. Not going to lie, some of these symphonies really jam! The disc I have out right now is Mozart.
  15. Hey, if any of them nurses are good looking, and happen to be "travelling" my way..... Nah, seriously bro, thanks for popping in to say hi. You know we're all wishing you the quickest and safest possible hospital visit and recovery.
  16. Let's take a look back in history shall we? 20 years ago: GeForce4 Ti 4600 - $399 15 years ago: 8800 GTX (G80) / GTS 512 (G92) - $599 / $349 (tough to say which was better) 10 years ago: GTX 680 - $499 5 years ago: GTX 1080Ti - $699 Today: GTX 4090 - $1599 Source - TPU Database You absolutely CANNOT convince me that prices couldn't come down if the tech companies weren't getting away with it.
  17. Still too much $$ in my opinion. Top tier shouldn't even be $1200. These insanely high prices are very recent. I remember buying HD7970 for $549 on release, and that wasn't that terribly long ago. -_-
  18. Might see a few less blue checkmarks. Cool. I don't support greedy practices, but I don't support all the stupid blue checkmarks thinking they're the only voices because of that checkmark either. This one's kind of hard to comment on, because I dislike both. -_-
  19. I will send all of my good vibes your way Jan! Get better!
  20. Same here. It absolutely is amazing for performance, and a waterblock on it would certainly be interesting to see results from.
  21. I'm still super happy for you mate, the performance seems obviously top tier. I do have to disagree on the price argument you made though. Flagship GPU's aren't supposed to continuously get more expensive every release, they're supposed to get CHEAPER on the previous generation while the latest and greatest is priced the same as last year's. That's how it always used to be. Nvidia and Intel have both been guilty of ramping up those premium brackets for a decade now, and its gotten to the point its sickening to a lot of people. AMD of course is just as complacent, but they're "usually" lesser priced than the competitors. That being said, you paid the "early adopter's tax". You're aware of that. That's fine. I did the same with my 6900XT. It happens. I'll probably do the same when the 7900XT releases assuming no 12VHPWR connector on those (unknown yet). The power connector thing, well I reamed that enough in the news article thread. It is what it is. So long as YOUR card isn't having those issues, then I'm happy for you. And yeah, with your display, I can absolutely see why you'd have made the jump. I'd pay the premium for 5120x1440 @ 120Hz as well since a 3090Ti won't cut it for me either. If you're happy at 4k resolution with that card, it just makes me even more stoked for my own upgrade eventually from the 6900XT. Again, glad you've got your hands on one and that you're enjoying the heck out of it!
  22. I'm not saying that the 8pin and 6pin cables of past aren't subject to failure. But let's be honest here for a moment, a HUGE portion of those failures were user error. This new 12pin connector is so incredibly fragile you literally cannot bend it for 35mm. This means you cannot horizontally mount ANY GPU's that require this connector, they absolutely must be vertically mounted. So, what's going to happen when people that do NOT have vertical mount cases get their hands on these cards? I've abused the snot out of most of my cables, not even going to lie about that. And I've only caused a fire twice and it was by complete accident, and usually not even the cable at fault but a problem with load distribution or something else. Seriously, somebody send me a 4090, and I can almost guarantee you I'll find a way to burn it to the ground in a week or less, without even really doing anything outside of the norm. That is NOT okay. You're right that its fine if you know the limitations. And to be honest, it'd probably be just fine for lower wattage cards. Maybe power supply manufacturers will step in with "fixed" cables soon or something? Hard to say. But so far, this is turning out to be a big problem. The GPU is solid, but their push to go with this new stupid plug instead of using the tried and true 8pins is astonishing.
  23. Sigh, I hate being right. -_- I knew that new 12 pin connector was a bad idea from the get go. Oh no, it'll be fine.....yeah, uh huh...... What's worse is that as was mentioned earlier, the change was done for the sake of change alone and not out of necessity. There's no reason they couldn't have used 8pin connectors and spread that gigantic load out a little further. So what if you have to use 32 pins in total to connect your GPU? All of those extra wires are a necessity in grounding, in wire gauge, and in connector quantity. On 4x 8pin if one ground or +12v wire has a bad connection somewhere, its not that big of a deal. It is, but its not. On these new 12pin connectors, if one wire or connection point has ANY sort of a problem at all.....poof. Carrying twice the amount of power through half the wiring is never a good idea in DC power.
  24. Well, I'm at I think 7.3m pixels and you're at 8.2m pixels. So 4k resolution would be the closest standard 16:9 to my own. I'm not standard 1440p, its doubled being Ultrawide. Whatever you get at 4k resolution, I should expect ever so slightly better performance (slightly) at my own native resolution.
  25. Nice that you're enjoying your new toy! Its certainly not my cup of tea for $1600, I play mostly racing games. For $1600, I'll just go buy a whole car..... That said, not going to lie, I want one. Unfortunately due to my projects decisions, I'll have to wait for AMD's counter offer and see what that entails. I still don't think I'll be spending $1600 though, even the $900 I paid for my 6900XT was a huge stretch considering my last "high end" card was $300. If pricing was more like it used to be, where anybody that wanted one could afford to buy one.....I'd probably be more inclined to have a wider variety of cards. Would love to have one of every Nvidia high end cards too. Sigh. -_- So question: How do you think this generation of GPU's would handle 5120x1440 @ 120Hz? (On current generation titles of course.) There's been several titles that still frustrate me with my 6900XT. Cyberpunk, Crysis Remastered, RDR2, even my favorite Beamng.drive can't run FULLY maxed. I feel like for that kind of money, we should be capable of maxing out games.
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