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Everything posted by pio

  1. I'll be the odd man out here and say it depends on which GPU. If you're talking about a low or low-midrange RX 7000 series GPU, then yes your 3400G will likely hold up just fine. If you're talking about an actual midrange "7600" series or higher GPU, then no the 3400G probably will not work too well for you as it'll hold back the GPU. I'd say that CPU would likely be just fine with something along the lines of an RX 6500 or 6600XT, which those are available now. Maybe an RX 6700XT even might play without too much bottleneck. Anything faster, no you'll want a better CPU than the 3400g.
  2. pio

    5800x overheating?

    Honestly, I'm certainly not the person to help at this point. I just plugged all my stuff in together, and tweaked it so it worked lol. I was going off how my Ryzen 3600 worked when tweaking this one, and I'm pretty sure that was wrong. Mine's kind of working now, so I'll leave it be. Roughly 4.5GHz all core now under load, still seeing 4.9 single at times. 1900 IF / RAM clocks for safety, apparently 2GHz is tough to get still. I think I'm at -725mv for offset. I'm only just matching what the thing did all auto, but trying to keep it from overheating and throttling. But hey....... @ENTERPRISE, I did say I would find a home for this EKWB I won, and the PSU. Well.....I made them homes.
  3. pio

    5800x overheating?

    Updated BIOS yesterday. Updated chipset drivers too. My USB hub also failed coincidentally, so that could've been causing the freezing originally too. Was playing tonight just fine finally. Ended up using all auto PBO, and -725mv. Seemed I was undervolting a tad too much before. Playing at 5120x1440 / 120Hz (or trying to). Finally was getting around 60+ FPS tonight at maxed settings.
  4. pio

    5800x overheating?

    I actually AM having some issues, but I cannot say for sure as of yet if its a voltage / setting problem or something else. It feels absolutely fantastic and fine to just sit down and use, but playing a game on it and it falls on its face. I was having some serious stutter problems last night playing RDR2, then all of a sudden my USB hub failed. Then the stutters became freezing. My ISP was dropping too. Just ugh. Started off trying to play and I was getting about 45 FPS when it was working.....and I kind of feel like that's a little low for this setup. My problems are one of 3 things or a combination of all 3. The settings I put to it last night above (including voltage), the junk 2 HDD's I put in there to use temporarily because I had nothing else left, or my incredibly slow ISP having problems because the machine has been syncing for 3 days now since I built it lol. Honestly I'm not really sure what the problem was just yet.
  5. I dunno. It was on whatever BIOS it shipped with originally. Was having problems with it, and tried updating BIOS last night, so its now on the latest. Still having issues, so its either something I set wrong, the junk HDD's I put in there to use temporarily, or my ISP causing the issues. Or a mixture of all 3. This rig might go on the shelf and I might go back to my 3600 / 5700XT rig as a daily until I get this thing dialed in better. I know these HDD's are bad, but I don't recall them actually ever causing actual problems before. There's currently too many variables and unknowns in this particular new system for me to say its rock solid yet.
  6. So after scoring a 6900XT for what I thought was a steal on ebay, open box......I kinda went on a splurge with my taxes. Meet the latest rig of the fleet, "AMDwheee". Specs: Ryzen 5800x at 4.8GHz all core / 5050MHz single PBO, 1.20v Infinity Fabric @ 2GHz, SoC volt 1.15v 32GB Mushkin Lumina DDR4-4000 @ 2GHz, 18-22-22-22-42-1T, 1.25v Asus B550 Rog Strix B550 ITX MSI RX 6900XT Trio X Seasonic Focus GX 1000w Phanteks Eclipse P200A case EKWB Basic 240mm AIO Silicon Power 512GB NVME (temp) WD Black 2.5" 500GB laptop HDD RAID0 (temp)
  7. pio

    5800x overheating?

    I actually found a multitude of potentially issues. First of all, the mounting. I double and triple checked with the manual both in paper and online. I had it on there correctly. I pulled it apart, and the paste was spread over where the dies and things should be very well I thought (according to pictures I could find). There was one corner that somehow didn't get spread onto at all, seems either a mis-pressured mount or an IHS that's not flat. I didn't bother taking a picture because honestly, it really wasn't that bad. I did go ahead and remount with 2 lines going parallel with the retention mechanism on the CPU (up and down on the "sides" if you were looking at the CPU with the writing facing up). My prior TIM job was a straight line, basically crossing out the Ryzen name on it (dead center). This did drop my temperatures down some a little bit, it took longer to hit 90*C under load. It still did though. Next thing I tried, settings. I noticed BIOS was setting 1.44v stock. Figured I'd give that a tune down. I settled at -125mv, which gives it around 1.20v under load. I enabled manual PBO enabled, with the +200. Turned up TDP and current limits to 130%. Set the RAM to proper 2000MHz and timings. Set IF clock to 2000. SoC voltage to 1.15v. RAM voltage to I think it was 1.25v. And enabled SoC "overclocking" mode. Next startup with these settings, I was no longer seeing 4.5GHz boost and 90*C within a minute temperatures. Nope, I was seeing 4.80GHz all core load, 5050MHz single core. Temperatures, we'll get to in the next paragraph. AIDA64 readings is the final thing I noticed. So, with my Ryzen 3600 build, it was my first time ever going Ryzen. I naturally grabbed the hottest temp reading for CPU and that's what I was going off of (CPU Diode). So that's also what I assumed I needed to use on the 5800x. Turns out, there's 3 CPU temperatures. There's "CPU temp" which is apparently what the BIOS uses and what the fan curves are set off of. With the new settings, I'm hitting 65*C here. "CPU Diode" is hitting 77*C now instead of immediately 90*C. "CPU Package" is hitting 76*C now instead of immediately 90*C. So here's what I got the last 4 hours: 4.80GHz all core boost (up to 5050 single) 1.20v 122w pull 65*C CPU temp 77*C CPU Diode temp 76*C CPU Package temp 2000 IF Clock / 2000 RAM at 18-22-22-22-42-1T Before: 4.50GHz all core boost (up to 4.70 single) 1.44v 164w pull ?*C CPU Temp 90*C throttle CPU Diode temp 90*C throttle CPU Package temp 1000 IF Clock / 2000 RAM at 18-22-22-22-42-1T It seems to be running MUCH better now with some manual tweaking and a slightly better TIM job.
  8. pio

    5800x overheating?

    I'm about to rip the block off and take a look here in about 5 minutes. I'll snap a picture while I'm in there, see if anybody can see anything abnormal.
  9. That's absolutely awesome! I've never really researched paracord before, but that makes sense that you could use it for other things. I usually carry my "survival" essentials on my belt. Got my dumb phone there, my leatherman, another multi tool, and my knife. A paracord contraption to hold everything sounds like a fantastic idea!
  10. pio

    5800x overheating?

    I saw there was another thread posted, but I think my issue is a tad different. Sig rig (AMDwheee). Just put it together last night. Soon as I fire up Cinebench, within a second, it immediately jumps up to 90*C and stays there the entirety of the bench (looking at "CPU Diode temperature" in AIDA64). Is it possible I did the mount on my block wrong? The pump and everything is silent, so I don't think its a pump or flow problem. Quite literally just using all auto settings for the time being until I can do some reading on 5000 series PBO settings. I just can't believe how hot this thing is with a 240mm radiator. This can't be right. Any ideas what it could be? I mounted it using the bolts that came with the EK kit. I did NOT read the directions though, so I could've put it together incorrectly. Not entirely sure how you can put together a water block wrong.....but here I am!
  11. Epic! Back in the day? Were you watching my last build or are you talking literally back in the day? LOL My last car audio build, I used Ultra Kaze 120mm's to keep my amp rack cool, ran off a relay off the turn on lead off the head unit.
  12. I might..... Heck to be honest, I'm not even 110% sure these ones are dead. I could just be a derp and setting them up wrong or something too.
  13. Kind of difficult to see, but I had one on my first water build too. I did mine the hard way (or was it easy way?), and modded an H50 with a XSPC 240mm rad, I forget what fans, and the MCRres (its in my 5.25 bays). Rig was a 4.8GHz 2500k and a GTX 580 at that time. Bought another res to do my first actual loop too, I think that was my 2700k and 7970, but I don't have pictures of that setup.
  14. Bruh, I'm still over here trying to get my single core systems to even function, so I can do a CPUz run. Seriously though, I might go ahead and do a few runs on this one too here soon since you asked so nicely. I actually am upgrading from Ryzen 3600 to a 5800x this week, this might be a good way to show the performance gain I'm getting. Could run it on all of my existing functional systems too. Hmmmm......
  15. Yeah I have an Athlon xp 2000+ and a pair of 2500+ chips. I do have a much older t-bird 1100mhz chip I could try. I have tried having only the one drive connected, the problem being it doesn't recognize the drive.....and hangs on boot. The other board just won't post. I'm pretty sure I have 2 busted boards. My ecs board works, but it only works with older athlons, it won't take the faster xp chips. I'll just have to keep my eyes peeled for another good socket a board most likely. I could build the 1100mhz setup, but I haven't taken the case down to the body shop yet for repair lol. Was trying to get the newer one done first while I saved up for body shop money lol. I'll get these all going..... One way or another. This is a goal that I am determined to finish even if it still takes a long time.
  16. Little update for those still following along..... I STILL cannot get either of these Socket A motherboards to work. One refuses to boot (hangs), and the other just won't even POST. So those are still hanging me up because I don't want to start dropping money on AT accessories for the K6 if I can't get the K7's working right. So the "museum" pieces are kind of on hold until I figure out what to do about neither of those boards working. I have quite literally ALL of my planned multi core builds done and functional. Software maybe not, but they turn on and work. So far, to date, I have absolutely ZERO single core rigs functional though and that's what's starting to really tick me off. However, I did pull the trigger on the most expensive part of my "museum" collection.......the "newest" rig. I have a 5800x, 6900XT, B550 board, DDR4-4000 RAM, and some other goodies on the way. I'll still need to sort out storage drives for it, but everything else is on its way here. That will be my "last" build for this collection (hopefully ). Parts list can be seen in my sig rigs, under the rig titled "AMDwheee".
  17. Hey, this got bumped again. Guess I can update ya'll. Taking my Jeep 15" wheels off, and taking those and the ladder down to a local sandblasting / powder coating place. Am planning on having this done by end of the week hopefully. The wheels and ladder will get blasted and powder coated satin black (ladder being a non skid powder coat in satin black). Should have them back and on the Jeep in 4-6 weeks according to the finishing place.
  18. I get about 7.5 Mbps down and 512 Kbps up if I'm lucky. I won't run a speedtest as it kills my connection with the upload tests. Spectrum I refuse to go back to after 3 years of lying to me. So staying stuck with junk dsl, hey at least they're honest about my charges. Switching to a LTE connection hopefully next week to mitigate the problems and I'll bridge the two connections.
  19. I think once I finish my new rig, AMDwheee, I'll be more than happy for a long while. Only reason I'm upgrading is because my monitor, it just demands high performance. Had I not bought a 5120x1440 / 120Hz panel, I'd have been more than fine with my measely Ryzen 3600 / RX 580 I had originally (because my 3770k died).
  20. I'll be honest mate, I'm still brainstorming layouts. I can't write if I can't conclude what the final draft will look like. As of now, I'm kind of borrowing the gpu article for layout inspiration. I'm just having a hard time getting the info into words instead of graphs. And what's the question about ye old emojis? Copy / paste works wonderful with gifs.
  21. You know.....easy fix for that problem. Just use a hot glue gun, and glue your cardboard tube in place. Could put a dab of glue to hold the LED's in place too. There we go, falling over problem solved. You don't see those very often, that's for sure!
  22. My internet connection is still horrid, but luckily that doesn't affect F@H. 290x should be back online as of this post, 3am PST. The operation seems to have been a success. Full load (F@H) temps went from 78*C with a rattley fan and a lot of noise, down to a nice cool 61*C and silence!
  23. That is some fantastic craftsmanship there! Where's the "shuttup and take my money" emoji at?
  24. You had mentioned trying to access the drive over your network, and that you had changed security settings to achieve the right permissions. However, I didn't see you mention if you altered the sharing permissions as well? They are 2 separate sets of permissions. Considering how deep into the security permissions you went, I'd assume you did....but never hurts to double check the basics. Otherwise, you've got me stumped. Looks like Windows 11, and I haven't personally played with that. Should be similar to 10, in the sense that you just make sure the security permissions are set correctly. You can also use the "administrators" and "users" groups if you'd rather apply permissions by account type (specific users is also fine). And from there, ensure the share permissions are also set how you want, and it "should" just work. It doesn't always, but I do think you're on the right track anyway. The only time I've ever absolutely needed to change ownership was with very specific issues like MS OneDrive having ownership and not allowing me to do things with my own folders, or doing a wipe / reformat on the machine but not my second drive.....and the drive still has permissions from an old install or something.
  25. I know there's devices made by "Mofi" that are supposedly fantastic for the uses you're looking for. Actually just bought one myself to try out. But yeah, they're spendy. When I was doing my LTE research, that seemed to be the ones that kept popping up for recommended use, so that's what I bought lol. The problem being that I ran into, these "mobile hotspot" router devices are typically used for enterprise type applications. Businesses will typically use these types of devices for their backup internet source quite often, or their only internet source for things like buses and boats that have wifi. Because of their typical use scenarios, they're generally more expensive than consumer equipment. There's a Netgear device that I was also reading about that was more in the consumer market price range. That might be something to look into. I'm not sure how well coverage will be with your carrier, or if your carrier will even work with the Netgear. That seems to be hit and miss between devices and carriers. If you're looking for 5g access, unfortunately you're going to be looking at a Mofi device in the $500 range (from what I had read about anyway, your own research may vary). If LTE is sufficient, I'd research the Netgear further.
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